Until the year 2020, it seemed travel had become, almost undoubtedly, an inseparable part of our life. However, the COVID-19 pandemic raised serious doubts about this development and posed several questions about how we value mobility. Companies established novel work arrangements with a focus on social distance utilizing technology-based tools to work remotely. With the embrace of remote and flexible working styles, many started to reassess their options for a more purposeful, inclusive worklife, built for balance and well-being. Consequently, the pandemic is also seen as a driver of stimulated interest in experiencing a new digitally enabled nomadic lifestyle. Digital nomads are not just tourists but individuals who are dissatisfied with the demanding work cultures, they are distinct in their motivations, behavior and use of services._x000D_
This research is devoted to identify some of the main types of digital nomads, and examine the peculiarities of their personal identity with positive and negative aspects in the formation and development of sustainable tourism. The findings suggest that consumption paradoxes exist concerning the freedom, sustainability, dematerialization and acceleration manifest of the digital nomads’ lives. However, given that they are more aware of their own impact and receptive to stricter measures, the identified inherent paradoxes are seen as an opportunity. Overall, digital nomads, being experienced in slow tourism, engage in more authentic, immersive experiences and travel off-the-beaten track. Consequently, we consider digital nomadism as an opportunity for peripheral territories to embrace as a tool to attract this emerging target group together with more sustainable post-tourists.

Agota Pfening, Melinda Jaszberenyi, Ariel Mitev
Corvinus University of Budapest

ID Abstract: 121

The explosive spread of the use of social media, especially Instagram, has opened up new horizons in tourism research (Volo and Irimiás, 2021). Approximately 4 million new photos per hour are uploaded to the most popular visual-sharing platform, and this enormous data source can be exploited for scientific purposes. Travel and tourism related Instagram content is among the most popular on the platform. _x000D_
The purpose of this research is to contribute to the theoretical debate on place attachment and the interpretation of the concept of ‘good places’ in tourism. Places are imbued with personal meanings catalysed by the interface between evocative values and individual characteristics. This symbolic relationship influences how a person thinks about and perceives places and featured “good places”. Good place’ is defined by Michalkó (2023:15) as a “tourism destination people talk about, recommend to others, return to visit and can imagine living there.” These attributes strongly link “good place” to place attachment and people’s well-being, concepts widely used in tourism. _x000D_
This explorative study deepens the understanding of how tourists perceive, communicate and share content about good places. To do so, between January and December 2022, we collected 11,155 post with the #goodplace hashtag by employing web scraping method. Metadata was analysed with a co-occurrence network and a selection of photos was analysed with visual analysis. Our aim was to investigate the main characteristics of tourist destinations referred to in everyday communication as «good places». Preliminary results show that good places on Instagram are nature-based and are evocative in place representation. Managerial implications will also be discussed. _x000D_
Acknowledgement of funding_x000D_
The investigation was carried out in the framework of the research project «Geographical dimensions of the interpretation of a good place in the context of total tourism» supported by OTKA K134877._x000D_

Gábor Michalkó; András Jancsik; Anna Irimiás; Monica Coronel
CSFK Földrajztudományi Intézet; Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem; Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem,

ID Abstract: 193

Business events play an essential role in sharing knowledge and professional practices, and bringing different regions and cultures closer together. The sector is an essential part and driver of the knowledge economy, but the Covid19 pandemic and the political and economic crises that followed have fundamentally changed the business events industry. As a consequence, certain trends have been reinforced, such as the sustainable approach underlying this research. As a result of the travel restrictions and event bans imposed to contain the Covid19 pandemic, the number of in-person business events in Hungary dropped significantly in 2020 and 2021. With the restart of business events in the Hungarian market, there is a new demand from clients to organise sustainable business events. The goal of this research is to identify the axioms of the link between sustainability and business events from the perspective of event organisers by analysing the theoretical background and building on it through empirical research. The main research question of the study is: How can a sustainable approach be implemented by event organisers in the planning and management phases of business events in Hungary? In order to answer this research question, in-depth interviews with experts were conducted, which describe the sustainability issues in the process of business event management from the perspective of Hungarian event organisers. The experience of event organisers is key, as they are the ones who are aware of the extent to which the needs of their clients are sustainable and how sustainability-related requests can be addressed and implemented. The empirical findings of this research contribute to the knowledge of the business events market and the managerial implications are of practical use.

Kitti Boros
Institute of Sustainable Development, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary

ID Abstract: 234

In the post-pandemic world, one of the greatest challenges that tourism destinations still face is the over-tourism crisis. Considering the inherent seasonality of tourism, this implies an excess urban and interurban traffic, an intense territory occupation, and high tourist density in specific periods of the year, which is difficult to manage according to the sustainability principles of the SDGs. The question arises of how the new smart destinations will address the problem of tourism mobility. Most of the research on this issue is focused on the tourism industry and neglects the local community as well as the tourist people._x000D_
This paper presents a new model of smart tourism mobility to tackle this issue. It is grounded on collective decision-making by the governance paradigm, in which the state participates together with all the stakeholders, private and public ones, and the 2030 SDGs Agenda. The centrality of the pedestrian and the marginality of motorized mobility will be at the center following the inverted pyramid of mobility

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. To optimize efficiency in mobility management, this model is based on big data, which is the main source of information to offer a solution that combines comfort and fluidity. It is designed to avoid pedestrian and vehicular conglomerations at the destination, reducing unwanted carbon emissions._x000D_
Therefore, this research carries out, first, a review of the literature on tourist mobility in smart destinations. Secondly, the concept of tourism governance is discussed, where the roles of different actors are analyzed (resident population, companies, civil society, and tourists). As an outcome, this paper will present a smart tourism mobility paradigm that meets the demands of all the actors involved, following the UNWTO Smart Tourism Destination model._x000D_

Rosa Roig; Ilona Beliatskaya
University of Valencia; Estonian Business School

ID Abstract: 106

The 21st century has caused fundamental changes in the development of tourism. Low-cost flights have democratised air travel, and cheap fares have made air travel accessible to a wider number of people and social groups than before. Digitalisation has accelerated the inclusion of people in tourism in the field of booking, service evaluation, and experience sharing. The sharing economy has reduced the privilege of the hotel industry and created a new experience of “living like a local”. Up to the beginning of the ‘20s, tourism growth seemed unstoppable, with 1.5 billion international tourist arrivals recorded in 2019, exceeding the UNWTO’s earlier forecast. Many European tourist destinations suffered from the phenomenon of overtourism, with anti-tourist movements in many places. In fact, the period of total tourism has dawned, when tourist demand has spread both horizontally and vertically across the globe, governments and local authorities consider tourism as the future of economic development, devote their resources to tourism development and try to involve the widest possible groups of society in tourism mobility. However, the Covid19 pandemic changed everything in the blink of an eye, with restrictions and overtourism becoming undertourism, with international demand falling by 74% by 2020, and is not expected to reach record levels in 2022.
Today, tourism has reached another turning point. The “silence” of the Covid19 pandemic and of the political-turbulent post-pandemic has created an opportunity to rethink sustainability. At the same time, the reduction of tourism mobility has helped preserving natural and cultural heritages, which is a phenomenon also conditioned by the social and economic crisis. The Russo-Ukrainian war at the periphery of Europe and the related energy crisis and inflation are prompting researchers to formulate alternatives around the future of tourism. This new reality must be based on lessons from the past and on present trends, which will be useful to articulate a better future in a broad sense. Therefore, we are looking for answers to the question of how tourism can improve the quality of life, avoid negative environmental processes, and prevent crises. We invite researchers to contribute to this perspective with papers focusing on the balance between the socio-economic and environmental sustainability of tourism for a better future. This session will be organised by IGU Commission on Global Change and Human Mobility (Globility)

Gabor Michalko (1); Anna Irimias (2); Barbara Staniscia (3); Josefina Domínguez-Mujica (4)
(1) CSFK Geographical Institute, Hungary, (2) Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, (3) Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, (4) University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

ID Abstract:

Literature and cinematography are full of works about time travel. From Julie Verne to Michaels J

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. Fox, there are those who jump forward and those who rewind time. Time travel is a figment of the imagination, where both the journey taken and the place visited are based on the creativity of the traveller’s mind, sometimes mixing the past, the present and the future. Despite the obviousness of the subject, limited research builds on today’s young tourism professional’s aspirations for the distant future, the results of which could guide development._x000D_
At the boundaries of tourism innovation and future research, our objective is to explore tourism and hospitality university students perceptions of the more distant future of tourism. In this context, our research question is the following: Based on the current perception of young professionals, what characteristics will have a travel in 50 years? The research is framed by narratology, which has become a multidisciplinary data collection method in the last decades, thus providing scope for the scientific interpretation of stories in consumer behavior and tourism. Within the framework of the research, short, future-looking narratives (n=300) have been analyzed, which provide a general insight into the socio-demographic, technological and service-industry settings in which the subjects imagine themselves in 50 years, and how these factors might affect their travel patterns and the scope of tourism destinations._x000D_
To analyze the database, the grounded theory (GT) methodology has been applied. The coding process was performed using NVivo software. As a result of the GT-based approach extended with sentiment analysis, a theoretical framework has been developed that identifies technological, social and environmental phenomena that significantly affect the future tourist experience and patterns of travel behavior. Based on the narratives can be predicted, i.e., what the definition of a «good place» in future tourism might be.

Márk Miskolczi (1); Jácint Farkas (1,2,3); Gábor Michalkó (3,4)
(1) Corvinus University of Budapest; (2) Budapest Business School; (3) CSFK Geographical Institute; (4) University of Pannonia

ID Abstract: 43