Despite emerging evidence that electric cars cannot alone bring about just and sustainable transitions in transport systems, and in fact may be slowing movement along a low carbon trajectory (e.g. Brand et al. 2021), the public discourse around them seems to imagine otherwise

Juntos, podemos allanar el camino hacia un futuro en el que la disfunción eréctil no sea una fuente de vergüenza, sino un reto solucionable que impulse el crecimiento y la resiliencia.Antes de desvelar los beneficios transformadores de Xenical, es crucial comprender las causas subyacentes de la disfunción eréctil. xenical.

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Sin embargo, en España, este problema no se ha abordado con la atención que merece. comprar orlistat generico Aunque tradicionalmente se conoce por su papel en el control del peso, la investigación ha desvelado su potencial sin explotar en la mejora de la disfunción eréctil, lo que supone un rayo de esperanza para las personas que luchan contra esta angustiosa afección..

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El impacto de la doxiciclina en la disfunción eréctil:Los estudios han demostrado que la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España va en aumento y que factores como el estrés, el estilo de vida y las enfermedades subyacentes contribuyen al problema. azithromycin or doxycycline.

Con su historial probado de éxitos y resultados favorables, Kamagra representa un faro de esperanza para los hombres que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil, ofreciéndoles una vía para mejorar su rendimiento sexual, su seguridad en sí mismos y su bienestar general.Kamagra, una versión genérica de Viagra, contiene el principio activo citrato de sildenafilo, que actúa aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, facilitando así la erección. mychelle kamagra.

España, conocida por su vibrante cultura, impresionante arquitectura y deliciosa cocina, también se enfrenta a un creciente problema de salud: la diabetes.La prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España: glucophage xr 1000.

Sin embargo, detrás de las escenas, muchos hombres en España están luchando con un problema común, pero a menudo sin discutir: la disfunción eréctil (DE).En el ámbito del tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, Topamax se erige como un faro de esperanza y curación, ofreciendo una solución transformadora para aquellos que lo necesitan. topamax 25.

Su eficacia demostrada, su perfil de seguridad y su comodidad lo han convertido en la opción preferida de muchos pacientes. cialis contrareembolso 24h Aunque los tabúes culturales y el estigma pueden desalentar las discusiones abiertas sobre esta afección, es esencial arrojar luz sobre la magnitud de este problema y las revolucionarias soluciones disponibles..

Para la comunidad médica española, este fármaco versátil se ha convertido en un aliado formidable en la lucha contra diversas enfermedades.Mientras navegamos por el panorama de las enfermedades en España, Aldactone emerge como un faro de esperanza, ofreciendo una solución integral a una miríada de retos de salud. aldactone vademecum.

. In short, electric cars are often posited as _the_ solution to transport carbon emissions. The persuasiveness of the e-car promise enhances the resiliency and entrenches the obduracy of the motor vehicle transport system. _x000D_
Conversely, urban transition experiments that support the most socially and environmentally sustainable transport modes—such as provisional infrastructures supporting walking or cycling—are inherently and often explicitly fallible. That is, these types of experiments are at their best when all those involved acknowledge that they may not succeed or persist, and that these failures are in fact valuable learning opportunities. Transition experiments may therefore represent a sort of anti- or ‘quasi-promise’ that sometimes ‘scares away’ political support. Herein is a potentially detrimental paradox for realizing genuine transitions: on the one hand, hegemonic yet ultimately problematic mobility ‘regimes’ promising sustainability ‘solutions’; on the other hand, more ‘niche’ yet arguably more effective (or at least necessarily complimentary) mobility interventions promising potential setbacks._x000D_
Drawing on interviews with various actors who experiment with urban and/or transport interventions that support just and sustainable transitions, as well as mass media discourses on low-carbon ‘solutions’, this paper explores this paradox and discusses potential resolutions. _x000D_

Denver Vale Nixon
Maastricht University

ID Abstract: 937

The multitude of environmental crises we are currently facing has increased our societal awareness that the way we do things needs to change, with concepts of sustainability and circular economy being widely adopted. In the context of Europe’s diverse water challenges, a new concept has emerged that is encouraging a move towards a European Water-Smart Society. Promoted by Water Europe (a multi-stakeholder networking organisation with strong industry representation that aims to influence European water policy), it is defined as a society in which the true value of water is recognised and realised, and all available water sources are managed in such a way that water scarcity, pollution of fresh water resources but also damages due to floods and droughts are avoided. Water and resource loops are largely closed to foster a circular economy resource efficiency while the water system is resilient against the impact of hydrological extremes (Water Europe 2020). This idea of a ‘water-smart society’ is, we argue, a socio-technical promise which is starting to be institutionalised through its adoption – among other things – in the EU research funding agenda and to be materialised in EU Water Living Labs and specific technological approaches linked to realising a water-smart society. One could also argue that this socio-technical promise has the potential to gain legitimacy and credibility; however, it has not yet gained widespread traction nor has it demonstrated its ability to address many of the underlying causes of Europe’s current water challenges, including those linked to environmental justice. Here, we present social science research from within the EU-Horizon 2020 funded REWAISE water project, using results from literature reviews, key-informant interviews and water-oriented competency groups in Skåne, Sweden, and the Midlands, UK, to critically examine the discourses, materialisations and contestations around the socio-technical promise of a ‘water-smart society’.

Jana Fried 1), Beatriz Medina 2), Karine Caussé 2), Adrian Evans 1), Alex Franklin 1)
1: Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University, Coventry, UK; 2: WE&B [Water, Environment and Business for development], Barcelona, Spain

ID Abstract: 958

The agricultural and agri-food sector has been facing serious pressure from global sustainability challenges. It is expected to increase food quality and quantity and thus resolve problems of food insecurity; in parallel, the decrease of emissions’ and the environmental impact of its operations is anticipated. The sector’s transition towards more sustainable practices and green economy is enabled and sustained in particular by smart and digital technologies._x000D_
At the same time, the process of integration of novel technologies and development of digital strategies is framed by the existing institutional environment, which is composed by formal and informal institutions (and institutional actors) and various institutional factors. They can enable or limit the technological applications and their sustainability input; thus, digital technologies cannot be understood as beneficial per se and require an in-depth analysis of the existing environment, identification of powerful institutional actors and factors, and development of a strategy. _x000D_
This work presents the results of a systematic literature review and document analysis on the digital applications and sustainability pillars in agri-food firms’ strategies within the synthesis of an institutional approach and sustainability pillars framework. The research maps a system of interconnected factors and actors, which compose an institutional context or environment (of a certain sector – agriculture and agri-food). The variety of formal and informal institutional factors is crucial for understanding their role in the complex process of smart and sustainable transition. We point out the urge to consider the social impact of innovative technologies, which includes both intended and unintended consequences associated with them. Moreover, the recognition of the role of the institutional environment for technological advancement is crucial for advising the decision-making and creation of supportive policies and research.

Alena Myshko
Ca’ Foscari university

ID Abstract: 961

Denia Djokić (1); Laura Alex Frye-Levine (2)
1: University of Michigan; 2: MIT

ID Abstract: 991

Nuclear power plants (NPP) in rural areas had been qualified as “nuclear oasis”, whose “remoteness, economic marginality, powerlessness and environmental degradation” (Blowers, 1999) facilitated the local acceptance of the industry promises for modernization, development, and economic progress. Recent research has shown that this depiction of nuclear communities as “locked into a servile and dependent relationship with the nuclear industry” (Bickerstaff, 2022) reproduces a stigmatizing narrative which invisibilize local actors’ capacities of resistance. The apparent higher “culture of nuclear acceptance” (Vilhunen et al., 2019) of rural areas must thus be questioned through a sensible attention to the concrete negotiations and controversies triggered by these promises at the local scale._x000D_
To do so, our paper focuses on the installation of Wylfa NPP, in the northernmost tip of Anglesey Island (Wales). In the early 1960s, the NPP was promoted as a promise for rural modernization in regions suffering from industrial decline

Cuando un hombre experimenta dificultades persistentes para lograr y mantener una erección suficiente para mantener relaciones sexuales, puede ser una fuente de inmensa frustración y angustia. xenical El estigma que rodea a la disfunción eréctil a menudo impide que los hombres busquen el tratamiento oportuno, lo que tiene un impacto negativo en su bienestar general..

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Los estudios han demostrado que aproximadamente 1 de cada 5 hombres en España experimenta algún grado de disfunción eréctil, y la prevalencia aumenta con la edad. viagra boys En conclusión, la disfunción eréctil es una afección común pero tratable que afecta a los hombres en España y en todo el mundo..

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Ventajas de Kamagra sobre otros tratamientos de la disfunción eréctil:En medio del mar de opciones de tratamiento disponibles, Kamagra ha surgido como un faro de esperanza para los hombres que se enfrentan a los retos de la disfunción eréctil. kamagra india.

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También conocido por su nombre genérico, Tadalafil, Cialis pertenece a una clase de fármacos llamados inhibidores de la PDE5. Una guía completa para entender la disfunción eréctil en España y el papel de Cialis en el tratamiento comprar cialis original contrareembolso 24 horas.

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. Informed by the materialist turn of energy research (Balmaceda et al., 2019), this paper studies the debate over the anticipated material consequences of these modernization promises on the landscape. We analyze the NPP construction as “politics of landscape production”. Data were gathered through semi-directive interviews and archival research in Anglesey in autumn 2022._x000D_
Results show that promises of modernization were not fully accepted and that controversies arose between actors, local and national, on how to integrate the Wylfa NPP in the landscape. Imaginaries of rural transformation collided with narratives on landscape and identity conservation. Negociations led to a landscaping of the site trying to respect both the characteristic physiognomy of Anglesey and the technical needs. However, the infrastructure has not been completely hidden: the promise of modernization also includes the unveiling of the construction site to the public.

Audrey Sérandour and Teva Meyer
Université de Haute-Alsace, CRESAT (France)

ID Abstract: 625

Much of the opposition to the decarbonization of socio-economic systems is led and driven by the fossil fuel industry and a heterogeneous galaxy of actors that support it: governments and policymakers at various levels, formal institutions, industry representatives, labor unions, other fossil fuel-dependent industries, the financial system, managerial elites, epistemic communities, the military, public relations firms, think tanks, political pundits, private foundations, and the media and communications. This ‘fossil machine’ pervades and operates in all socio-economic spheres through multiple and coordinated strategies and tactics to influence public opinion, the media, and politicians to resist, thwart, slow down, or block meaningful actions to transition to sustainability._x000D_
A first objective of this contribution is to shed light on (i) the socio-political-institutional-economic-cultural-environmental conditions in which the fossil machine is born and moves; (ii) the processes of construction and architecture of the fossil machine; (iii) its strategies and tactics of infiltration into different socio-economic spheres; (iv) the implications of fossil machine’s resistance for climate action; and (v) attempts to oppose the fossil machine and examples of exfiltration._x000D_
Based on this theoretical mapping a second objective of this contribution is to investigate the disablement practices employed to terminate the fossil machine of energy plants in Civitavecchia – the long-standing ‘fossil energy’ city close to Rome, Italy – whose planned coal to gas conversion was recently abandoned. To this end, the contribution specifies the notions and potential of ‘destabilisation’ and ‘disruption’ and use them to examine how multiple agents disabled the fossil machine under scrutiny

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Un médico puede evaluar sus necesidades de salud individuales, recomendar la dosis adecuada y supervisar su progreso para garantizar un uso seguro y eficaz de la medicación. estrace Al dirigirse a la causa principal de la disfunción eréctil, la falta de riego sanguíneo adecuado en la zona del pene, Estrace actúa dilatando los vasos sanguíneos y aumentando la circulación..

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Al aprovechar los múltiples beneficios de Orlistat para mejorar la función eréctil y revitalizar la salud sexual, las personas en España pueden recuperar su vitalidad, confianza e intimidad. orlistat sin receta En un mundo en el que la salud sexual desempeña un papel crucial en el bienestar general, la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil (DE) sigue siendo una preocupación importante para muchos hombres en España..

Acción rápida: Cenforce comienza a actuar entre 30 y 60 minutos después de su ingestión, permitiendo la espontaneidad en los encuentros sexuales.Una de las razones clave detrás de la creciente popularidad de Cenforce es su facilidad de uso y efectos secundarios mínimos en comparación con otros medicamentos para la disfunción eréctil. naturvit cenforce.

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Este potente medicamento, que contiene el ingrediente activo citrato de sildenafilo, actúa aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, facilitando una erección fuerte y duradera. kamagra masticable Una de estas soluciones que ha ganado popularidad es Kamagra, un potente medicamento que ha ayudado a innumerables hombres a superar la disfunción eréctil y recuperar la confianza en el dormitorio..

Glucophage es un potente medicamento oral que actúa aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, lo que permite una erección firme y duradera.Afortunadamente, en la actualidad existen tratamientos muy eficaces que pueden ayudar a los hombres a recuperar la confianza y la función sexual. glucophage.

Con su eficacia probada y sus mínimos efectos secundarios, Augmentin ofrece esperanza a los hombres que han anhelado una solución a sus luchas sexuales. augmentin maroc En mi consulta, he observado resultados notables en pacientes que han elegido Augmentin como opción de tratamiento para la disfunción eréctil..

Topamax (topiramato) es un medicamento que ha ganado popularidad significativa en los últimos años debido a su eficacia en el tratamiento de una variedad de condiciones, incluyendo la epilepsia, migrañas, e incluso la pérdida de peso. topamax para que sirve La disfunción eréctil, o DE, es un trastorno caracterizado por la incapacidad de lograr o mantener una erección lo suficientemente firme como para mantener relaciones sexuales..

La disfunción eréctil es una enfermedad frecuente y difícil que puede tener un profundo impacto en la vida de los hombres en España.El papel de Cialis en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil: comprar cialis.

. It then goes on to frame the practices of destabilisation and disruption occurred in Civitavecchia within a broad societal framework articulated in ‘axes of disablement’.

Marco Grasso; Daniel Delatin Rodrigues
University of Milan-Bicocca

ID Abstract: 609

Science and Technology Studies (STS) have shown that techno-scientific promises and expectations are strong socio-political forces having performative power in shaping the trajectories of modern societies. The perspective accentuates importance of understanding construction and evolution of technological future scripts and technological hype cycles. _x000D_
In the past seen as a herald of progress, a comprehensive solution to the grand problems of society, nuclear energy is today portrayed as a temporary “bridge solution” or alternatively key component of diverse visions of sustainable energy futures. In course of time nuclear promises have been recurrently revived and reshaped, in response to new challenges and scenarios. The latest in the series of promises are the Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) – reactors with a capacity of 10-300 MW, with commercial serial production expected by 2030. Smaller in unit size and produced via modular assembly-line model, SMRs are supposed to be cheaper, safer, and quicker to deploy than today’s large nuclear megaprojects, whose construction has faced formidable difficulties in the West

Es hora de que los hombres en España se liberen de las cadenas de la disfunción eréctil y recuperen su vitalidad sexual con Xenical. xenical precio Tratamientos tradicionales de la disfunción eréctil frente a Xenical.

Se trata de un medicamento seguro y bien tolerado que ha ayudado a innumerables hombres en España a superar sus problemas de disfunción eréctil y a recuperar su confianza en el dormitorio.Al proporcionar a los hombres una solución segura, eficaz y cómoda para sus problemas de salud sexual, Estrace permite a las personas recuperar el control sobre sus vidas y sus relaciones. estrace online.

Las causas de la disfunción eréctil en España son diversas y pueden ir desde factores físicos como las enfermedades cardíacas, la diabetes y la obesidad hasta factores psicológicos como el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión.Son muchos los factores que contribuyen al desarrollo de la disfunción eréctil, incluidas las elecciones de estilo de vida, las enfermedades subyacentes y los problemas psicológicos. comprar viagra por internet.

Al adoptar este enfoque terapéutico innovador y aprovechar su eficacia y perfil de seguridad demostrados, las personas de toda España pueden esperar una sensación renovada de autonomía, vitalidad y bienestar sexual.España, conocida por su vibrante cultura y sus delicias culinarias, también presume, por desgracia, de una prevalencia creciente de la obesidad y los problemas de salud relacionados con ella. orlistat principio activo.

Con soluciones innovadoras como Cenforce, las personas pueden superar los obstáculos de la disfunción eréctil y recuperar su vitalidad sexual.Aunque las razones de esta alarmante tendencia son múltiples, no se puede pasar por alto el impacto transformador de medicamentos avanzados como Cenforce. cenforce 100.

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El futuro del tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en España:Esta naturaleza de acción rápida hace que Kamagra sea ideal para la intimidad espontánea, ofreciendo a los hombres la flexibilidad y la confianza para participar en la actividad sexual sin la carga de la anticipación o la incertidumbre. kamagra viagra.

A diferencia de algunos medicamentos para la diabetes que estimulan la producción de insulina, Glucophage actúa reduciendo la cantidad de azúcar producida por el hígado y aumentando la sensibilidad de las células musculares a la insulina.Gracias a su capacidad intrínseca para regular los niveles de azúcar en sangre y aumentar la sensibilidad a la insulina, Glucophage no es sólo un medicamento, es un faro de esperanza para un futuro más sano y con más poder. glucophage xr.

Uno de ellos es la prevalencia de infecciones, que pueden ir desde casos leves a afecciones más graves que requieren atención inmediata. augmentin amoxicillin.

Con el plan de tratamiento adecuado, puede tomar el control de su salud sexual y volver a disfrutar de una vida sexual plena y satisfactoria. topamax adelgazar foro La disfunción eréctil puede deberse a diversos factores, entre ellos problemas físicos como las cardiopatías, la diabetes y la obesidad, así como factores psicológicos como el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión..

cialis touch korea pharmacy En los últimos años, España se ha enfrentado a un alarmante aumento en el número de hombres que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil (DE)..

Con su eficacia demostrada, su perfil de seguridad favorable y sus diversas aplicaciones, Aldactone se erige como un compañero incondicional en el camino hacia una mejor salud y bienestar. aldactone ficha tecnica En conclusión, la aparición de Aldactone como tratamiento prometedor de la disfunción eréctil representa un avance significativo en el panorama sanitario español..

. Additionally SMRs are considered inherently invulnerable to Chernobyl or Fukushima style large scale catastrophic failures due their small size. _x000D_
We apply the perspective of sociology of expectations to analyse intertwining of SMR hype and SMR promises and examine 1) the quantity SMR articles and texts published in a leading Finnish daily newspaper during the period 2000-2022, 2) the technological hype periods which can be found in the data, 3) the article themes causing the most SMR mentions, and 4) what is the “hype language” of the Finnish newspaper like? On a theoretical level the aim is gain more understanding on how hype and promises are intertwined in the print media and how we should distinguish between quantitative hype cycle and a semantic hype cycle, which do not necessarily go together.

Mika Kari, Tapio Litmanen, Matti Kojo, Markku Lehtonen
University of Jyväskylä, LUT university, Pompeu Fabra University

ID Abstract: 365

This paper will explore, based on the concept of resource imaginaries, the discourses, promises and tensions generated by the discovery of lithium reserves in a community in the southern Peruvian Andes, in the region of Puno, and how these are framed in the context of the most important socio-political conflict in our recent history. _x000D_
In 2017, the Canadian company Macusani Yellowcake found, almost by chance, the deposit in a lake that covers the districts of Macusani and Corani, an area near the border with Bolivia. However, the project has been suspended because the lithium found is associated with uranium, and the country has neither the technology to process it nor a legal framework to regulate its exploitation, taking into account the risk of radiation it would entail. _x000D_
The promise of lithium as a strategic resource linked to «development and national sovereignty» was made official in 2021 through the law that declared the exploitation and industrialization of this resource and its derivatives to be of national interest. The discourse constructed by the government did not manage to become hegemonic at that time, nor was it legitimized by a social majority. However, in the south of the country, where the deposit is located and marked by extractivism and permanent cycles of conflict, the expectations surrounding the future exploitation have only increased. _x000D_
«We are not going to allow even one kilo of lithium to come out if it is not first industrialized in Puno and if there is no direct benefit for the whole region», declared a few days ago the representative of the native communities of the area. To summarize, based on a bibliographic review and interviews to key actors, I will analyze the multiplicity of visions and metaphors constructed by different stakeholders regarding the future of the exploitation, still imaginary, of the longed-for resource that has become one of the main demands of recent social mobilizations.

Sayuri Andrade Toma
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

ID Abstract: 433

The increasingly noticeable effects of climate change are leading to increased advocacy of nuclear energy. Even though the so-called nuclear renaissance has come to an abrupt halt, especially due to the Fukushima disaster, proponents of nuclear energy are promoting it as an inevitable solution to decarbonise electricity production. Yet it has been known since the 1960s that waste heat from nuclear power plants has devastating effects on river ecosystems. Despite the fact that countries like Germany and Switzerland have taken measures to limit the thermal load of the Rhine and Aare, the Rhine is still the most thermally polluted river in the world in relation to its water resources. This raises the question of whether the socio-technical promise of sustainability of the current nuclear power plants is at all tenable from a river perspective._x000D_
On this basis, this paper explores the (un)sustainability of riverine nuclear energy in past, present, and future, tracing its evolution over time from the early days of nuclear planning and construction to today’s – as of yet unfulfilled – dreams of a “nuclear renaissance”. We look at several European rivers that underwent nuclearization from the 1950s onwards, reconstructing the often-harsh struggles among a diverse group of actors for access to sufficient volumes of cooling water, the fight against “thermal pollution”, the negotiations about allowed temperature limits, and the emergence of technical fixes such as cooling towers and artificial lakes as – partly successful, partly failed – solutions to such problems._x000D_
Alicia Gutting is a Ph.D. candidate in the ERC Nuclearwaters project, led by Per Högselius at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Her research focuses on the environmental impact of nuclear power on the Rhine River as well as the risk debates around it._x000D_

Alicia Gutting
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

ID Abstract: 514

This paper focuses on the different elements that influence the decision-making of one technological solution favouring the energy transition rather than another within the urban development project (UDP). With a socio-technical approach to change, we consider the social and technical dimensions to be inseparable in understanding the organization of energy metabolism and its transformations. We build on the idea that change does not occur only because it is technically possible, but also because it is “socially desired” by actors likely to make their interests prevail. Technologies are thus one of the elements of market arrangements which are put in place following new regulations. With a multi-level governance approach, we analyse the influences of European commitments on the evolution of technological choices, and we examine how French government decisions encourage or constrain the adoption of technological solutions by the actors of the UDP. More specifically, we focus on the question of stability and change that inevitably accompanies the energy transition. This transition, driven by policies, is formalized by top-down normative regulations that confront the reluctance, interests, and habits of actors in the production chain and require changes both in professional practices, but also in the scales of intervention. In doing so, we unveil the creating, shaping, maintaining, or deconstructing agencies of urban project’s actors. By analysing this evolution since 2005, we note complementary and/or competing interactions between the different technological solutions and the repercussions of these dynamics on the process of “making” the UDP, e.g., the effect of ‘Thermic regulation 2012′ on the use of centralised heating networks, the rise of biomass, the popularity and abandonment of photovoltaic, or the effect of ‘Environmental regulation 2020’ impacting the choice of materials, technologies (e.g., the heat pump) and bringing up the question of circular economy.

Alena Coblence, Hélène Nessi
Paris Nanterre University

ID Abstract: 567