Sur les rivières, l’anthropocène se traduit par une multitude de dysfonctionnements à la fois hydrogéomorphologiques et en lien avec la biodiversité. Un regard géohistorique montre que les cours d’eau ont été fixés, rectifiés, recalibrés afin de les soumettre à des usages socio-économiques pour « valoriser » leurs eaux. Ce vaste processus géohistorique de conquête d’une ressource et d’espaces se traduit par une uniformisation des paysages fluviaux. La situation est accentuée par l’existence d’archétypes déshumanisés de représentation des rivières où l’eau devient un élément de décor (projets de restauration/renaturation). Par ailleurs, de nombreux conflits se multiplient partout autour de la question du patrimoine lié aux cours d’eau. Certains prônent une vision « naturalisante » (continuité hydrologique, corridor écologique,…) tandis que d’autres s’attachent à valoriser une conception anthropocentrée (défense des moulins,…). _x000D_
Controverses patrimoniales et uniformisation des paysages, contexte de changement climatique, imposent de repenser et de mieux caractériser la diversité des paysages des cours d’eau à l’ère de l’anthropocène. Le défi des années futures est de réviser la séparation entre les aspects biophysiques et socioculturels en intégrant l’hybridation. Penser en termes d’hydrodiversité permet d’intégrer cette hybridation et de définir une multifonctionnalité des formes et des usages des cours d’eau, venant en appui des démarches d’adaptation au changement climatique. L’hydrodiversité offre une grande diversité de situations qui est en partie héritée et qualifiable à différentes échelles de temps et d’espaces

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Esta afección puede tener un impacto significativo en la calidad de vida, las relaciones y la autoestima de un hombre.En los últimos años, el panorama sanitario en España ha sido testigo de un aumento significativo en el número de personas que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil (DE). cenforce 25 opiniones.

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En el ámbito de la medicina, la búsqueda de soluciones eficaces para combatir diferentes enfermedades ha sido constante durante siglos. aldactone vademecum Aldactone, también conocido como espironolactona, es un medicamento utilizado principalmente para tratar la hipertensión arterial y la insuficiencia cardíaca..

. Sa connaissance et sa (re) connaissance sont susceptibles de rendre une diversité de services hydro-systémiques à la fois passés, présents, projetables mais aussi plus spécifiquement hydrologiques (cycle de l’eau), pédologiques (valorisation des sols alluviaux), écosystémiques (habitats écologiques) et sociétaux (aménités paysagères). _x000D_

Nathalie CARCAUD (1), Philippe VALETTE (2)
1-AGROCAMPUS OUEST, UMR ESO; 2-GEODE UMR 5602 CNRS, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès

ID Abstract: 157

Contemporary migration movements to the European Union are characterised by unprecedented scale and dynamism. This at the same time creates the need for well-considered management of this process as well as numerous factors hampering it. Such a management system needs to be based on reliable pools of data. Moreover, migration is a highly spatially differentiated phenomenon and in many countries, especially in Central Europe, its scale, speed and scope have changed significantly in recent years. Migrants experience different barriers, have a different demographic structure and legal situation and are usually more mobile than members of host societies. This raises the need to implement mechanisms specific to this part of the population for the comprehensive collection of spatial-demographic data and for making it available, in particular to the academic community and policy makers._x000D_
The talk is a presentation of the results of a comparative analysis of existing systems for collecting and publishing spatial and demographic data on migrants in selected European Union member states

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3. estrace La disfunción eréctil puede deberse a diversos factores, como causas físicas, psicológicas y relacionadas con el estilo de vida..

Sin embargo, es esencial arrojar luz sobre este problema y ofrecer una solución que pueda tratarlo eficazmente. viagra generico Este medicamento innovador ha revolucionado el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, ofreciendo a los hombres la oportunidad de recuperar la confianza en sí mismos y la función sexual..

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Al dirigirse a los procesos inflamatorios subyacentes que pueden contribuir a la disfunción eréctil, la doxiciclina ofrece un enfoque único para abordar las causas profundas de este trastorno. doxycycline dosage for std La inflamación, a menudo provocada por infecciones subyacentes o enfermedades crónicas, puede causar estragos en el delicado sistema vascular responsable de lograr y mantener una erección..

Beneficios de Kamagra:En los últimos años, la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil (DE) en España ha ido en aumento, afectando a una parte significativa de la población masculina. comprar kamagra.

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Hay varios beneficios de usar Topamax para el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en España.Al abrazar el poder de este medicamento revolucionario, las personas pueden liberarse de las cadenas de la ansiedad y la inseguridad de rendimiento, allanando el camino para una vida llena de pasión, placer y profunda intimidad. topamax estabilizador animo.

Este enfoque personalizado garantiza resultados óptimos y minimiza el riesgo de efectos adversos.La disfunción eréctil (DE) es un problema frecuente que afecta a los hombres en todo el mundo, incluso en España. cialis precio.

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. It takes into account both countries with a long history of migration and well-developed migration policies, as well as Central European countries where large-scale immigration is a new phenomenon and migration policy is only being developed. The differentiation of migrant populations by residence status is taken into account. Data particularly relevant to the development of migration policy is identified. The conclusions provide the identification of good practices and recommendations for the development of data collection and sharing systems in countries where comprehensive migration policies are currently being developed. Existing legal regulations and public administration structure are taken into account.

Karol Korczyński
Institute of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, University of Wrocław

ID Abstract: 886

Water is absolutely necessary for any living being on Earth. Indeed, humans have been using it since the dawn of civilization for drinking, fishing, irrigation or food and power supply. However, the deepest transformation and alteration of the water cycle, rivers, underground water or other water bodies has occurred during the 19th and the 20th century, in the so-called Anthropocene period (population growth, city expansion, increasing need for water supply and irrigation demand). On the other side, massive drainage operations and the increasing of hydropower production in a current climate emergency context have led to a strong depletion of wetlands and water resources. In a geohistorical approach, what are the economic, political and social causes of this change? What are their dynamics and spatial expressions? And now, how we could address this scenario? How to manage water resources while safeguarding fluvial ecosystems and water bodies in general? How to learn and promote new forms of sustainability in water management? What are the restoration projects of degraded water ecosystems? What are the related reference states? Which of them make sense considering spatil dynamics of territories?In this session we would like to apply a scientific, governance or policy applications point of view to analyze, discuss and understand the scenarios we are exposed to, and the territorial actions that restore degraded water bodies ecosystems from the damage caused during the Anthropocene. This session will accept communications in English/French.

Joaquim Farguell Pérez (1); Sylvain Rode (3); Sylvain Dournel (2); Albert Santasusagna Riu (1)
(1) Universitat de Barcelona, (2) Université d’Orléans, (3) Université de Perpignan Via Domitia

ID Abstract:

Suicide in Poland is one of the significant social and health problems. According to statistical data, in 2019, the rate of fatal suicide attempts in Poland was 9.3 per 100,000 inhabitants. The value of this ratio is slightly lower than the European average (10.5). Our paper aims to conduct a spatial study of suicides and their reasons in Poland that have been registered since 2018._x000D_
Suicide can usually result from several groups of problems. Statistics Poland registers suicidal behaviours by reason for a commitment such as mental illness, physical condition, family violence, mobbing, cruelty, heartbreak, problems at/in school or work, weak economic conditions, debts, committing crime or offence, unwanted pregnancy, threat to or loss of domicile etc._x000D_
The number of suicides and their causes can spatially vary across the country. Within the neighbouring local units (e.g., the units located within a metropolitan area), the incidences of suicide can also have very similar or different reasons. This paper aims to study a spatial diversification of the number of suicides and their motivations. Our study includes Poland’s local administrative units (LAU-1) in the last few years (since 2018)._x000D_
Detailed spatial analyses can help to investigate the geographic pattern of the suicide problem. The results of such a study can suggest some recommendations to reduce the scale of suicide problems, especially in the areas identified as exposed to higher suicide ratios, e.g. depressive, peripheral or, in opposite, very-well developed regions.

Tomasz Kossowski (1), Justyna Wilk (1)
(1) Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland

ID Abstract: 844

Exploring and evaluating local knowledge about the region’s demographic and migratory issues is crucial. Regional workshops help scientists, policymakers, regional planning agencies, and other groups in society connect and share best practices._x000D_
This study investigates and assesses regional needs through the World Café technique, which promotes reciprocal learning and fosters collaboration and personal networks. _x000D_
The method’s implementation included several underlying principles, including 1) setting the scene; 2) fostering a friendly environment; 3) examining important subjects; 4) fostering collaborative creation; 5) blending and connecting different viewpoints; 6) co-creating local knowledge; and 7) revealing divulged findings._x000D_
New knowledge was thus created by examining the opinions of the people studying, working, and living in the regions._x000D_
The results indicate that in all regions, domestic migration from small towns and the countryside to regional centres and Riga influences population dynamics and changes in composition in all areas of Latvia. _x000D_
Regionally the findings indicated: weekly labour migration in Vidzeme, the daily labour movement in Pieriga, Zemgale represents rural migration, seasonal migration is characteristic of Kurzeme, and Latgale means depopulation in the Eastern border areas of the country._x000D_
Solutions include promoting remote work, providing public transportation, enhancing regional traffic, supporting the development of mobility nodes, and strategically planned (directed) population migration management._x000D_

Zaiga Krisjane, Elina Apsite-Berina, Toms Skadins, Ieva Jegermane, Linards Lapa
University of Latvia

ID Abstract: 846

Many post-socialist cities have experienced major demographic shifts as a consequence of a variety of factors, including population ageing and decline, migration, urban sprawl, and gentrification. The purpose of this research was to determine how the sociodemographic features of the city residents of Riga evolved in the decade between 2011 and 2021. The study employed statistical analysis of sociodemographic indicators related to population size, age and structure, education and income, household structure, ethnicity, and residential mobility at the neighborhood level. The analysis of spatial patterns and changes in the socio-spatial distribution of the city residents was supported by mapping of the data. The findings demonstrated that there was a widening gap in the sociodemographic features between inner-city residents and outer-city residents. Overall, the inner city dominated in attracting young individuals of a higher socioeconomic status. However, an increasingly divergent population composition was also observed within the inner city, with innermost neighborhoods consistently performing better and increasing risks of rising socio-spatial inequalities not only between the inner city and the outer city, but also within the inner city.

Sindija Balode
University of Latvia, Department of Human Geography

ID Abstract: 878

Gender as a category intersect with other categories of social identity, such as sexuality, ethnicity, social position and geography. In this research I mainly draw on the discourse-historical approach (DHA) (Reisigl and Wodak, 2016) of Critical Discourse Studies (CDS) to integrate the available cultural and social background information of our rapidly changing societies to investigate how the marginalisation of women is accomplished through text, talk and social practices. In this study, I interviewed ten young Muslim women students across the UK who are immigrated from the Middle East and North Africa. This study aims to examine how Muslim women students experience Islamophobic racism and respond to it by exploring how seven of these ten women migrants experience a range of aggressive forms of physical assault or an in-person confrontation while all of them experienced discrimination and marginalization. This detailed analysis distinguishes an ongoing thematic tension between two issues of religion and identity which concerns the socio-cultural and emotional experiences highlighted by these women who have marginal voices in expressing their cultural experiences in their new host society, the UK. Given that in present times the increasingly complex issues of gender, power and ideology have become sustain through language use, it is necessary for discursive work to continue to amplify the work (being) done by social movements to challenge unequal social discourses, demolish oppressive gendered arrangements and reconstruct emancipatory resistance in various contexts._x000D_
Reisigl, M., & Wodak, R. (2016). The discourse-historical approach (DHA). In R. Wodak & M. Meyer (Eds.), Methods of critical discourse analysis (3rd ed.) (pp.23–62). London: Sage._x000D_

Dr Soudeh Ghaffari
Newcastle University

ID Abstract: 510

The total population of Poland is relatively stable and does not show significant fluctuations over time. Nevertheless, there are many areas throughout the country that are affected by depopulation i.e., the process of successive or random reduction of a human population. Depopulation affects local territorial units (e.g., cities) but also entire regions (e.g., rural areas) or countries. This can be a consequence of numerous demographic (e.g., low fertility), economic (e.g., out-migration of young people in search of work), social (e.g., poor health care), political (e.g., wars), and environmental (e.g., natural disasters) problems._x000D_
The aim of our paper is to present the intensity of depopulation in Poland in the last twenty years and its spatial diversity. First, we diagnose the areas of depopulation that show a negative actual increase. Then, we classify depopulating areas by net migration and natural increase to see which of the two factors was more pronounced. We also look for demographic reasons for depopulation, such as high mortality, suburbanization, etc. Finally, the demographic consequences of depopulation, such as changes in population dynamics and structure, are shown for various types of settlement systems. We conclude with the challenges of depopulation across the country.

Justyna Wilk (1), Marzena Walaszek (1)
1. Faculty of Human Geography and Planning, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (Poland)

ID Abstract: 595

The visual portrayal of groups in media reinforces stereotypes, potentially leading to discriminatory actions. That is particularly true for stigmatized groups such as migrants. Further, this representation is marked by the relationship between space and society. For instance, contextual events in different countries influence the migrants’ portrayal in media. Therefore, it is critical to study the difference in the migrants’ portrayal among countries. Yet, there is a lack of comparative studies analyzing the portrayals of migrants in different media outlets and countries differing in their political and media systems, net migration figures, and migration policies. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating the portrayal of migrants across ten countries with diverse political and media systems and migration figures. It does so with an interdisciplinary approach to the visual portrayal of migrants using Deep Learning techniques and analyzing results through the lenses of migration and gender studies and visual geography. We have analyzed the demographic and emotional information of the people portrayed in 18.000 pictures across ten countries using an intersectional approach (including gender, age, physical features, and emotions). The portrayals of the general group «migrants» were compared with those of the specific groups «refugees» and «expats». Results show differences in the portrayal of groups within and between countries. The demographics in the portrayals do not match the official statistics. The general portrayal of migrants predominantly associates them with asylum seekers, and migrants are mostly depicted as crowds. For expats, we found an over-representation of «white» and an under-representation of «Asian» faces, while for migrants and refugees, depictions align with the demographics of low-skilled migrants. Women are portrayed as younger than men. All these effects differ per location.

Camilla Spadavecchia and Juan Sebastian Olier Jauregui
Tilburg University

ID Abstract: 702

The Baltic nations have grown economically and socially in the previous two decades, increasing the number of international students seeking higher education. Mobile students enrolled at HEI have increased in the last twenty years. In the case of Latvian institutions, the number has nearly tripled, accounting for over 13% of all students. Mobile students are also on the rise in Lithuania and Estonia, accounting for around 6% of all students in Lithuania and 12% in Estonia.
This study aims to investigate the existing experience of mobile students in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania and their future goals, as well as to analyse the mobility tendencies of international students for studies in the Baltics.
This study employs a mixed-method approach that combines statistical data analysis with an in-depth investigation of knowledge co-creation workshops for the Latvian case study. At the end of 2022, a co-creation seminar titled «Is Latvia welcoming to international students?» brought together policymakers, institutional representatives, scientists, and international students. Thematically, the session focused on destination choice, formalities before and during the Latvia stay, social and cultural interaction, and future goals.
The findings indicate that Baltic countries are recognised ISM destinations

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. However, it is often not their first choice. Higher education institutions representing the region or separate national states are promoted at various international educational export events and active digital marketing, including the, and websites are maintained to attract students in the Baltic States.

Elina Apsite Berina, Eero Loonurm, Liga Daniela Robate
University of Latvia

ID Abstract: 833