Listado de la etiqueta: Ecological infrastructure; Ecosystem function; Yellow River Basin

Ecological infrastructure (EI) planning can promote regional nature conservation efficiency and enhance ecosystem functions. Watershed-scale EI research is a research hotspot in landscape ecology. This study proposed a method framework to develop EI planning in large river basins based on the connectivity of ecological processes and the integrity of ecosystems in the whole basin, and the typical ecological problems in each subbasin. The framework included three parts: determining the protective EI i.e. the spatial range of the watershed ecological networks; quantifying and mapping the functional EI i.e. the typical ecosystem functions (water conservation/sand-fixing/ soil retention) within each sub-basin; and integrating ecological networks and key ecosystem function area into an EI planning based on their spatial overlap and functional synergy. The method framework was applied in the Yellow River Basin. Results showed that spatial range of ecological networks of the basin accounted for 35.8% of the study area. Key ecosystem function area including ecosystem function important area and ecosystem function improvement area accounted for 35.6%. Spatial overlay analysis of ecological networks and key ecosystem function areas showed that they overlap spatially and have synergistic effects functionally, but core habitats existed less human activities compared to key ecosystem function area. By integrating ecological networks and key ecosystem function areas, EI planning including four spatial types: water system, core habitat area, important area for ecological function maintenance, priority area for ecological function improvement. The corresponding protection and development measures were formulated. In addition, along with the improvement of ecosystem function in the basin, sediment content, sand transport and other indicators in Yellow River has been obviously improved. It indicated that the EI construction in the basin had positive significance for river governance.

Huang Longyang
Chongqing university

ID Abstract: 497

Ecological infrastructure (EI) planning can promote regional nature conservation efficiency and enhance ecosystem functions. Watershed-scale EI research is a research hotspot in landscape ecology. This study proposed a method framework to develop EI planning in large river basins based on the connectivity of ecological processes and the integrity of ecosystems in the whole basin, and the typical ecological problems in each subbasin. The framework included three parts: determining the protective EI i.e

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. the spatial range of the watershed ecological networks; quantifying and mapping the functional EI i.e. the typical ecosystem functions (water conservation/sand-fixing/ soil retention) within each sub-basin; and integrating ecological networks and key ecosystem function area into an EI planning based on their spatial overlap and functional synergy. The method framework was applied in the Yellow River Basin. Results showed that spatial range of ecological networks of the basin accounted for 35.8% of the study area. Key ecosystem function area including ecosystem function important area and ecosystem function improvement area accounted for 35.6%. Spatial overlay analysis of ecological networks and key ecosystem function areas showed that they overlap spatially and have synergistic effects functionally, but core habitats existed less human activities compared to key ecosystem function area. By integrating ecological networks and key ecosystem function areas, EI planning including four spatial types: water system, core habitat area, important area for ecological function maintenance, priority area for ecological function improvement. The corresponding protection and development measures were formulated. In addition, along with the improvement of ecosystem function in the basin, sediment content, sand transport and other indicators in Yellow River has been obviously improved. It indicated that the EI construction in the basin had positive significance for river governance.

Huang Longyang
Chongqing university

ID Abstract: 432