Listado de la etiqueta: governance

The panel aims to reflect and share projects and research around socio-environmental conflicts and their results in relation to territorial planning and landscape preservation. It is based on the hypothesis that, at least in Europe, the protection of landscapes and progress in planning has had a direct relationship with social mobilizations. Currently, in a context of ecosocial transition with significant and accelerating environmental challenges, the paradox is that there is also a crisis of protectionist paradigms and methods of planning and intervention in the territory. The debates around NIMBY attitudes, the relationship between local and global logics, the scale of needs and environmental and landscape problems, social justice versus territorial justice, conflictivity between place-attachment and unavoidable landscape changes for the transition to be effective… have reappeared with force.
Therefore, based on the hypothesis pointed out, we understand that a review of the roles of mobilization and territorial governance mechanisms is necessary if we want their contributions to continue to be positive impulses for society and the natural environment as a whole.

Joan Vicente Rufí (1); Jaume Feliu Torrent (1)
(1) Departament de Geografia. Universitat de Girona

ID Abstract:

The realm of spatial mobility may range from the routine moves of corporeal body to circular and other systems of movements at local, regional, national, international, and global levels. The growing volumes and the increase in frequency of spatial moves have become the megatrend since the collapse of feudalistic regimes worldwide. Several research echoed the interrelationship between the elements of moves. As new phenomena, multiple displacements from one home to another gradually grew during the epoch of globalisation.
The development of political and administrative thinking about migratory politics and policies is in late and/or plans in advance from the point of view of reality. It has been starting the term of migration policy for decades, for instance. Later, a sort of broader concept, namely, the migration management has become more popular in national and international circles. Nowadays, the governance of migration might replace the previous two terms without clear ordering and bordering. This polemical progress reflects the necessity of the creation of original research in these subject matters multiplied by recent crises context.
The aim of this session is to provide fresh ideas for contributors and participants and to clarify the open questions surrounding us

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. In parallel with the formulation of scientific dialogues, the applied aim of the session is to bear original proposals erected from the concept of the governance of territorial mobilities for policymakers and other stakeholders at many spatial levels. The oral session proposed needs to be in English.

Sándor Illés (1); Brigitta Zsóter (2); Éva Gellérné-Lukács (3)
(1) Active Society Foundation, Migration and Mobility Research Group, Budapest, Hungary, (2) University of Szeged, Faculty of Engineering, Szeged, Hungary, (3) Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, Budapest, Hungary

ID Abstract: