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1209 | 519 | Conflicts over land occupation in the proximity of industries. | Sophie Tost Pardell

We live in a “risk society”, a term coined by the German sociologist Ulrich Beck, in which there are many threats to people and the environment. Notable among them are the technological risks evidenced by very serious accidents that have occurred in the last 50 years, such as those at Union Carbide in Bhopal (1984), at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in Ukraine (1986), the AZF fertilizer manufacturing plant in Toulouse (2001), etc. One of them, the emission of a highly toxic dioxin in a chemical reactor for the manufacture of an Imecsa herbicide, in the Italian town of Seveso, caused serious and persistent environmental damage over some 18 km2 and increased the risk of cancer for many people. This accident has given rise to Directive 2012/18/EU of July 4, whose article 13 imposes obligations on Member States regarding the planning of land use in the vicinity of certain establishments. This obligation raises conflicts between the industry that defends the need for space to expand its activities that generate employment and goods that society needs, and the community that also requires safe spaces. The purpose of the presentation is to present the results of an ongoing investigation to determine the causes of these conflicts based on a critical analysis of the transposition of the Directive through RD 840/2015, of September 21. The royal decree derives the obligation to the Autonomous Communities, which have all assumed the planning of the territory, urban planning and housing (ex. article 148.1.3 of the Spanish Constitution), as exclusive competence. The improvements that could be incorporated into the system are reflected upon, reaching the conclusion that it is necessary to act and that there are solutions

Sophie Tost Pardell

ID Abstract: 519