1210 | 579 | Nature-based Solutions and adaptive governance of water-related risks: hydraulic remedy and/or social threat to the systemic vulnerability of the Camargue delta ? | Antoine Brochet ; Joana Guerrin
In this presentation, we analyse the case of the site of the former Camargue salt marshes in the Rhone delta (6,500 hectares). On this site, a Nature-based Solution (Nbs) is being experimented, which consists of no longer maintain a frontal sea-dyke, in order to promote the adaptation of the territory to climate change (sea level rise, risk of erosion). This infrastructure is subject to significant contestations by a part of inhabitants who perceive in this policy an abandonment of the territory to the sea and an increase in the vulnerability of the territory to water-related risks. _x000D_
Our research aims to evaluate the implementation of this Nbs through the prism of the « systemic vulnerability » trajectory (Hellequin et al., 2013) of the Camargue territory (Picon, 2020) to climate change. _x000D_
We aim to understand what representations and practices are associated with this Nbs, both for the inhabitants and public actors and to what extent these representations and practices can constitute brakes or levers for the adaptation of the territory to climate change. We focus on both the transformation of infrastructures and of the social practices which are intertwined. We thus question the problems of spatial justice versus territorial justice and the conflictivity between place-attachment and unvoidable changes for the transition to be effective. Finally, we analyze the potential of a socially acceptable adaptive governance of the Camargue delta. We support our demonstration with the concepts of « de -and re-infrastructuring » (Petersson, 2021) and riskcapes (Müller-Mahn and Everts, 2012).
Antoine Brochet ; Joana Guerrin
Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (CNRS) – Grenoble
ID Abstract: 579