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1182 | 164 | How much vegetation can you see out your window? Using gaming engines and open data to provide an automatic citywide quantification of green window views | Anna-Maria Bolte, Youness Dehbi, Benjamin Niedermann, Jan-Henrik Haunert, Thomas Kistemann, Theo Kötter

Providing access to green spaces plays a crucial role in the development of a sustainable, resilient, and healthy city. In this context, the visibility of green spaces is becoming increasingly important due to the need for inner urban developments. Using a systematic review following PRISMA guidelines, we found significant impact dimensions of green window views on health, economy, cognition, auditory perception, mobility behavior, and social behavior in 46 studies. Based on these results, we synthesized two visibility types and four impact parameters describing the two-dimensional window view and the three-dimensional environmental morphology. We used these findings to develop an automated multi-source visibility tool to quantify green window views using gaming engines and the Green Window View Index. Based on open data and open source techniques, the multi-step approach first models a three-dimensional urban environment and then simulates two-dimensional window views to compute the Green Window View Index. The first case study was performed in Bonn, Germany. We calculated the visibility potential of different urban greenery types for a total of more than 2.5 million windows in approximately 88,000 buildings. The tool provides the possibility to calculate the green visibility potential for single windows as well as for floors, buildings, and city districts, enabling a multidimensional and multidisciplinary use for urban and landscape planning.

Marc Darder, Xavier Baulies, Júlia Rubert, Eduard Falcó, Josep Milà (Generalitat de Catalunya)
University of Bonn, University Hospital Bonn, HafenCity University Hamburg

ID Abstract: 164