In recent years, Education for Sustainability (ES) or Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has become an essential educational approach in training and raising sustainability awareness among students at all levels of education._x000D_
One of the strands of interest that cover Education for Sustainability is consumption, and the urgent need to reduce the impact of our consumption actions on the use of natural resources in a current context of planetary emergency

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. Consumption of resources is one of the main challenges that we face globally, and education has a key role in the construction of a much better-informed society, capable to adhere to conscious consumption patterns._x000D_
Even though the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) address both quality education (SDG 4) on theoretical and practical knowledge about sustainable lifestyles, as well as the necessity to have available information about responsible consumption and production (SDG12), the two goals are not interconnected. However, there is no textual reference to education on sustainable consumption, although it determines our lifestyle and impregnates our daily routines to a larger extent. _x000D_
Despite the efforts to normalise the sustainable approach in education, the lack of a common theoretical corpus in the Education for Sustainability shows the difficulty to interpret the implementation of this._x000D_
We consider that Geography, as a holistic science of the territory, is perfectly qualified to lead the inclusion of ES in any level of education. Specifically, the Geography of Sustainable Consumption should be the geographical field of knowledge to manifest and educate on the occurring impacts of the global interconnections between production and consumption._x000D_
To assess the position of the geographers, we conducted interviews with representatives of the Romanian and Spanish Geographic Societies, and we applied a questionnaire survey among their members._x000D_

Ana Espinosa Seguí / Xenia Havadi
University of Alicante (Spain) / Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania)

ID Abstract: 220