The digitisation of cultural heritage and museums in particular is a generational issue, as well as a media issue. In fact, the most frequently used tool for personal interaction with museums and cultural heritage organisations is social media, predominantly for individuals between the ages of 20 and 40. This decentralises the museum’s function as a primary attractor in the cultural sector, fragmenting its content, activities and even its professionals between mobile and fixed devices in users’ homes, making culture more accessible and inclusive for many. However, the materiality of cultural heritage and the physical enjoyment of cultural places and institutions is being lost in favour of another type of museum, the digital museum or, rather, the digitised museum, which is taking on increasingly concrete forms in the reality of Web 3.0 and the metaverse. Just as the advent of the Internet made it possible to realise the first fully digital exhibition spaces, the same is expected from the immersive virtual realities of the metaverse, capable of creating virtual twins of museums and cultural venues or aided by artificial intelligence, ideal museums, collective exhibits and alternative realities to the existing ones. It is therefore considered useful to investigate the various forms of museum digitisation on the web, in social media and the expectations and first steps being taken in the virtual metaverse by the cultural and exhibition sector.
Miriam Noto
Università degli Studi della Tuscia
ID Abstract: 361