Hungarian – Ukrainian political relations came to the forefront of the Hungarian political and scientific elite in 1916, in a discussion about forming Ukraine as a new state. In 1916, a new journal called « Ukránia » was published to promote mutual understanding. Political geography came to the fore in the journal. After some decades, Hungary was one of the firts to recognise Ukraine’s independence in 1991. The relations between the two countries were settled in a basic agreement, the border clause of which led to domestic political crises in Hungary between the ruling parties at the time Between 1991 and 2004 reletions across the common state border were shaped mainly along the lines of changing of interstate relations. After Hungary became a member of the EU, the EU « entered » the process of shaping relations. The development of the situation of the Hubgarian minority living in Ukraine has always been a defining element of interstate and cross border relations. The internal crises in Ukraine, the Russian-Ukrainien war after resultated serious complications. The war in 2022 brought tragical situations cross the common border. The war brought a turning point in the interstae relations, in which an unacceptable style of diplomacy appeared on both sides.

Hajdú, Zoltán
Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Professor of Geography

ID Abstract: 699