The problem of public transport in the city of Encarnación dates back several years, despite constant attempts to improve the service, currently there is no progress in this regard. The constant complaints from the users refer to the infrequency, lateness and poor condition of the buses. Due to the problems that the public transport system of the city currently has, citizen participation becomes totally necessary and of great importance as a means of governance aimed at improving the public transport system of the city. For all of the above, this research focused on analyzing the importance of citizen participation as a means of governance for the quality of the public transport service in the city of Encarnación, as well as specific objectives: Define the concept of citizen participation from the public management perspective; Describe the operation and organizational composition of the public transport system of the city of Encarnación; Identify the mechanisms and spaces for citizen participation in the public transport system of the city of Encarnación. Regarding the methodology used, it was a mixed or qualitative-quantitative investigation. For this, the survey was used, based on a non-probabilistic sample of 100 public transport users, as well as the interview, already with 2 public transport businessmen in the city of Encarnación, being a non-probabilistic sample for convenience. The result of this investigation was that citizen participation is a means of direct involvement aimed at generating quality public services, since it involves and commits the population in planning, decision-making, cost control and prevention of the corruption.

« -Fátima Centurión Irigoitia; -Dolores Sánchez-Aguilera; -Ever Lezcano González; « 
« -Fátima Centurión Irigoitia; Universidad Nacional de Itapúa. -Dolores Sánchez-Aguilera; Universidad de Barcelona. -Ever Lezcano González; Universidad de Barcelona. »

ID Abstract: 968

Spatial mobility of the population represents an important demographic and geographical phenomenon of particular importance for science and various areas of social practice. In studies of the relations between the city and surroundings commuters and daily urban systems play an important role. Existence of larger settlements, centers of such systems, with significant variations in the internal spatial-functional organization, raises the question: where do these commuters actually go? In such cases, it is necessary to distinguish parts of the settlement that have a primary function of work center and others that have a dominant residential function. The process of settlement parts differentiation requires the use of not only commuting flows data, but also data on intra-settlement daily population mobility. The model of the spatial manifestation of the labor force daily mobility is a proven starting point for the research of daily urban systems. It contains the most important components for the population daily mobility analysis: demographic, functional and spatial. In this research, an adapted model was used for extracting and planning subsystems, where the core of the daily urban subsystem is only one part of the settlement

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En España, la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil se estima en torno al 25% y afecta a hombres de todas las edades, pero es más frecuente a medida que los hombres envejecen.Ignorar el problema o sentir vergüenza de hablar de él puede dar lugar a complicaciones adicionales y afectar negativamente a las relaciones y la autoestima. viagra españa.

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. As a case study, the settlement of Belgrade (the capital and the most important settlement in the geosystem of Serbia) was taken, whose territory is administratively divided between ten city municipalities, which statistically can be viewed as separate entities. The model was tested on the basis of data from two consecutive Censuses, between which significant functional and demographic changes occurred in the observed territory. Accordingly, the spatial coverage of each of the ten daily urban subsystems, their hierarchy, the volume of daily labor mobility, as well as changes in the inter-census period, were analyzed.

Marko Filipović1, Dragana Miljanović1 & Nikola Krunić2
1Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia; 2Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia

ID Abstract: 977

We pretend that discussing governance of territorial mobilities needs to highlight the local forms of governance. Even if the national states still claim authority over the immigration issues through visas and citizenship policies, cities are mostly the places where migrants and refugees live and develop a sense of belonging. Consequently we consider that in terms of migrant inclusion, we need to give a special focus on local forms of governance of mobilities such as these solidarity cities called in the US and Canada “sanctuary cities” and in Europe “cities of refuge”

A medida que navegamos por el intrincado tapiz de la disfunción eréctil en España, Xenical emerge como una luz guía que ilumina el camino hacia la redención de innumerables personas que luchan contra esta enfermedad generalizada. xenical foro Comprensión de la disfunción eréctil en España:.

Está disponible en forma de píldora y puede tomarse según sea necesario o como régimen diario, dependiendo de las necesidades del individuo. estrace Esto incluye mantener una dieta sana, hacer ejercicio con regularidad, controlar el estrés y evitar el consumo excesivo de alcohol y tabaco..

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Los dos tipos principales de diabetes, la de tipo 1 y la de tipo 2, afectan a la producción o utilización de insulina en el organismo. glucophage españa En un estudio realizado en España, los investigadores descubrieron que los hombres diabéticos que tomaban Glucophage experimentaban mejoras significativas de la función eréctil en comparación con los que no tomaban el medicamento..

Aunque puede que el tema siga siendo tabú, la realidad es que innumerables personas en España, al igual que en cualquier otra parte del mundo, se enfrentan a este problema.Esto puede ayudar a aliviar los síntomas de la neuropatía periférica y restablecer el funcionamiento normal de los nervios, lo que podría mejorar la función eréctil. topamax 100mg.

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En el ámbito de la sanidad española, donde reinan el bienestar holístico y la atención centrada en el paciente, la integración de Aldactone en el arsenal terapéutico para la disfunción eréctil representa un cambio de paradigma hacia enfoques terapéuticos personalizados e integrales. aldactone precio españa Además de los tratamientos farmacológicos, las modificaciones del estilo de vida como el ejercicio regular, una dieta sana, el control del estrés y un sueño adecuado también pueden desempeñar un papel importante en la mejora de la función eréctil..

. A common urban approach describes them as local initiatives, policies and practices towards accommodating and protecting undocumented migrants and refugees. Also, what commonly highlights and regroups solidarity cities are their same discourses and practices to response to national immigration exclusive policies and consequently their same fight for “elevating the urban as the scale at which membership is enacted” (Bauder, 2017). Precisely, the recent crisis context of Covid-19 reflected the paper of these local governance of territorial mobilities that worked on facilitating the access to basic necessities such as sanitarian protection, healthcare services and economical support that other policy-makers might have left aside towards undocumented migrants. In brief, this presentation provides a comprehensive understanding of the role of local governance in the recent pandemic and the importance of discussing urban scale jurisdiction when we think about migratory policies and especially for the case of undocumented immigration.

Line Crettex (Ph. D.)
« – (Graduated recently from El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, Mexico). »

ID Abstract: 415

The contribution deals with the international circular migration which has globally become a buzzword in scientific, political, and administrative circles since the new century. We concentrate on a general inner feature of the phenomenon which is the common root of false ideas and measures surrounding human circulation, namely their dual nature. The literature echoes wide variety of conceptualisations of international circular migration. However, the investigation and application of double characteristic is absent. On one hand, circular migration is a type of migration as a simple event, on the other hand that is a repeat process or a complete system. First aim of the presentation is to discuss the event-system dilemma in general and to provide an illustration with empirical evidence come from Hungary in particular. Moreover, the authors try to contribute to the clarification of the general concept of human circular mobilities to foster scholars for sophisticated thinking and stakeholders for adequate policy making in global, regional, national, and local levels. As second aim, we we propose the core elements of a new legal status by national scale, namely circulator, which is a common challenge for scientists and practitioners dealing with the arena of circular mobilities.

Independent researcher, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), University of Szeged, Retired researcher

ID Abstract: 449

The realm of spatial mobility may range from the routine moves of corporeal body to circular and other systems of movements at local, regional, national, international, and global levels. The growing volumes and the increase in frequency of spatial moves have become the megatrend since the collapse of feudalistic regimes worldwide. Several research echoed the interrelationship between the elements of moves. As new phenomena, multiple displacements from one home to another gradually grew during the epoch of globalisation.
The development of political and administrative thinking about migratory politics and policies is in late and/or plans in advance from the point of view of reality. It has been starting the term of migration policy for decades, for instance. Later, a sort of broader concept, namely, the migration management has become more popular in national and international circles. Nowadays, the governance of migration might replace the previous two terms without clear ordering and bordering. This polemical progress reflects the necessity of the creation of original research in these subject matters multiplied by recent crises context.
The aim of this session is to provide fresh ideas for contributors and participants and to clarify the open questions surrounding us. In parallel with the formulation of scientific dialogues, the applied aim of the session is to bear original proposals erected from the concept of the governance of territorial mobilities for policymakers and other stakeholders at many spatial levels. The oral session proposed needs to be in English.

Sándor Illés (1); Brigitta Zsóter (2); Éva Gellérné-Lukács (3)
(1) Active Society Foundation, Migration and Mobility Research Group, Budapest, Hungary, (2) University of Szeged, Faculty of Engineering, Szeged, Hungary, (3) Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, Budapest, Hungary

ID Abstract:

For hundreds of years, wars have changed the cityscapes around the world. Therefore, methods for post-war reconstruction of cities can be learned from those who experienced it in the past. Few years ago architecture students and postgraduates from European universities led by the Iraqi mentor Othman Al-Mashhadani worked together on the research project ‘Cities rising from the ashes’._x000D_
The aim of their work was prepared to help Iraqi planners, architects and officials to rebuild their cities after the War in Iraq (2013-2017) between Iraq and its allies and the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL). No one thought that the developed guidelines could ever be useful to one of the European countries – Ukraine. _x000D_
The analyses concerned the processes of post-war reconstruction of four European Hanzeatic cities – Hamburg (Germany), Gdańsk and Szczecin (Poland), Kaliningrad (Russia). Each of these cities chose another way of rebuild the urban tissue after the World War II. Results of analyses of which example are comparable thanks to which the choice of proper way might be easier._x000D_
Despite the fact that the analysed processes were carried out many years ago, their assumptions, thanks to their universality and applicability, can be used to this day. Taking into account the current situation in Ukraine, it can certainly be said that they are universal and can be implemented in Ukrainian cities and villages.

Marta Popaszkiewicz
University of Gdansk / Warsaw University of Technology

ID Abstract: 446

The Russian Federation’s military aggression against Ukraine led to significant destruction of the economic complex and infrastructure of our state, led to the largest forced migration of the population in the European space since World War II, and disrupted permanent connections between individual regions and settlements.
In these conditions, there is an urgent task for development of a spatial model of settlement as the basic scheme for determining the priority areas of urban and economic development, creation of a roadmap for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
Today, the strategic planning of urban development is not sufficiently coordinated with the planning framework of the country, transport and logistics corridors and zones of ecological networks on all hierarchical spatial planning levels: a radical revision of the entire planning framework for post-war Ukraine is needed, observing ecological and Euro Integration imperatives.
Post-war Ukraine – a unique experimental space to develop a spatial model of settlement with effective logistical links and zoning of areas of priority economic and urban development.
Developing a new strategy of spatial development – an opportunity to overcome the preserved forms of post-Soviet mode of governance, to level out the permanence of corrupt economy and use limited financial and human resources with maximum efficiency.
A key link in this new strategy should be the development of international transport corridors, as well as centers of economic growth. 8 international transport corridors are planned to pass through the territory of Ukraine, including 4 « Cretan » corridors. In July 2022, the EU  included Ukrainian logistics routes in the Trans-European Transport Network. Areas of influence of international transport corridors are defined in the State Strategy of Regional Development for 2021-2027, which was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Comparing the areas of influence of international transport corridors on the centers of economic growth allows us to determine the zones of priority urban and economic development, which geographically form a kind of « Ukrainian banana ».
We consider the new spatial model of Ukraine’s settlement as a basis for the creation of a new General Planning Scheme of the territory of Ukraine, which will ensure its spatial integration into the European planning space and contribute to the sustainable development of our country in the post-war period. Presentation in english

Olha Podushkina (1); Nadiia Antonenko (2); Igor Lialiuk (3); Daria Malchikova (4); Yuriy Palekha (5); Igor Pylypenko (6)
(1) Owner and leading project architect of the architectural studio FPA-architect, head of the NA NSAU expert commission, head of the NA NSAU Commission on Copyright and Professional Ethics (Dnipro,Ukraine), (2) Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Technologies in Architecture, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ph.D. (Kyiv, Ukraine)., (3) Architect, urbanist, Laureate of the State Prize for Architecture (Kharkiv, Ukraine)., (4) Professor of Geography and Ecology Department, Kherson State University, Doctor of Geography, Professor (Kherson, Ukraine), (5) Deputy Director for Research, Head of the GIS Center of State Enterprise « DIPROMISTO », Doctor of Geography, Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine), (6) Professor, Department of Geography and Ecology, Kherson State University, Doctor of Geography, Professor (Kherson, Ukraine)

ID Abstract:

Postwar Reconstruction can be the chance to construct positive cycles that tend to join different design scales and subjects, thus reconnecting the production of urban spaces to the complex entanglement of technical and societal factors that define them. The definition and control of a settlement’s principles and of its possible evolutive trajectories can be matched with the individuation and development of appropriate technologies (Schumacher 1973), both in terms of sustainable transformation of natural resources and enrichment of social capital (Putnam 2000). Building construction can be linked to material production and constructive techniques in a process that aspires to the definition of circular models interconnected with each other at different scales._x000D_
Agricultural production, energy provision, water management, transformation mechanisms, industrial processes, and city-making can be imagined as crossed rings where intervention into a single element can trigger major changes in other parts of the mechanism. Technologies that require the smallest possible amount of external support should be favored, not in an anti-historical autarkic vision but in a process of maximization of local development (Sachs 1974) that matches large-scale knowledge and information networks with small-scale territorial and urban transformations. _x000D_
The adaptation of technological means can be conducted through the transformation of resources and objectives in terms of input and output that can shrink and expand the conceptual model and its spatial implications. Design experts are called on to continuously define the porous borders of these processes, accounting for their impact on the modification of urban environments. Rather than a specific spatial configuration, the design aims for the definition of a fluid mechanism that can be continuously adapted and recalibrated while maintaining the clarity of its final goal.

Jacopo Galli
Università Iuav di Venezia, Venice, Italy

ID Abstract: 71

Ukraine possesses a vast cultural and natural heritage (CNH), but significantly lags behind in applying the cultural landscape approach, recognized as one of the fundamental and effective tools of preserving CNH._x000D_
The state of cultural landscapes has been a long-standing concern, which has been significantly exacerbated by the full-scale armed russian aggression against Ukraine, as a result of which, among other things, over 1000 cultural heritage sites were destroyed or damaged, and 20% of natural protected areas were affected._x000D_
Addressing this situation must be an essential component of Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction strategy, and must be ensured through the further implementation of state cultural, environmental, and urban planning policies, in strategic and spatial planning at different levels._x000D_
An important consequence of such decision could be the acceleration of Ukraine’s implementation of international legal obligations and tasks (including the European Landscape Convention) in connection with the official acquisition of candidate status for EU membership._x000D_
One of these tasks should be the identification and mapping of domestic cultural landscapes. Given the complete absence of legislative, normative, methodological, and scientific support for this process, the creation of an electronic atlas « Cultural Landscape Heritage of Ukraine » is considered as an initial stage._x000D_
For the purposes of mapping, cultural landscape refers to a holistic image of a cultural-natural local territorial formation that is a common product of the historical and contemporary interaction of given society and its environment of significant cultural importance, which is valued and protected for its cultural (material and spiritual) and natural qualities._x000D_
The atlas is planned to present approximately 2,000 of the most significant cultural landscapes, the typological classification of which consists of 25-30 types grouped into 8 groups (will be improved in the process of work)

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Glucophage es un potente medicamento oral que actúa aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, lo que permite una erección firme y duradera. glucophage 500 precio En conclusión, aunque el Glucophage puede contribuir a la disfunción eréctil en personas con diabetes, existen opciones de tratamiento eficaces..

Con el plan de tratamiento adecuado, puede tomar el control de su salud sexual y volver a disfrutar de una vida sexual plena y satisfactoria.Este nuevo potencial ha reavivado las llamas de la pasión y la intimidad en innumerables relaciones en toda España, ofreciendo una renovada sensación de esperanza y vitalidad a aquellos que una vez se sintieron atrapados en las garras de la disfunción eréctil. topamax bulimia.

Este artículo pretende arrojar luz sobre las causas y la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España, así como discutir el papel de Cialis como medicamento líder en el tratamiento de esta afección. cialis 10 mg Las razones van desde factores relacionados con el estilo de vida, como el estrés, los hábitos poco saludables y la obesidad, hasta enfermedades subyacentes, como la diabetes, las enfermedades cardiovasculares y los desequilibrios hormonales..

Aunque no se conocen con exactitud los mecanismos por los que Aldactone puede causar disfunción eréctil, se cree que están relacionados con alteraciones de los niveles hormonales, en particular de la testosterona.Cabe señalar que la utilidad de Aldactone se extiende a la dermatología, donde se ha mostrado prometedor en el tratamiento del acné vulgar. aldactone diuretico.


Kateryna Polyvach
Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences; Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

ID Abstract: 172

The transition of the countries in the world to a new paradigm of balanced economic, social and ecological spatial development involves the strengthening of the humanitarian aspect._x000D_
The population’s readiness and understanding to preserve and maintain the living environment are important. The Institute of Geography of NASU has created an interactive atlas « Population of Ukraine and its natural and cultural heritage ». The mapping of complex and long-term processes of mutual influence between the population and its natural and cultural heritage has been carried out in it._x000D_
The Atlas consists of separate chapters which are: Introduction; Ukraine in the European humanitarian space; The population of Ukraine as a subject of natural and cultural heritage formation (from the Paleolithic to 2020); Natural and cultural heritage; Protection, preservation, restoration and use of natural and cultural heritage; Information resources._x000D_
The framework of Atlas solutions includes 8 patterns and the framework of the Atlas architecture. The Atlas contains 5 GB of diverse information that is focused on 98 vector maps, texts and photos._x000D_
Informational support of plans for economic and social development at the state and regional levels has to be based on the Atlas developed which is a resource of important information about Ukraine. Its use will help to maintain the balance in the direction of society’s humanization._x000D_
Indirectly, through the development of tourism, the Atlas may promote the creation of new jobs in the regions. It is a source of knowledge for the population and provides methodological and information content for the study in educational institutions._x000D_
The Atlas’ influence on territorial identity preservation is important. In the conditions of war which lead to significant damage to heritage this study is also the basis for further expert evaluations and preservation of information regarding the losses suffered by different regions as a result of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Leonid Rudenko, Alla Bochkovska, Kateryna Polyvach, Viktor Chabanyuk, Svitlana Santalova, Viktoria Podvoyska, Oleksandr Leiberiuk, Margarita Vyshnya
Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

ID Abstract: 173