The economic and social globalization has reshaped freight transport systems worldwide. Increasingly, companies and consumers demand a fast distribution of goods, that requires lower transport costs and higher speed, both essential aspects of our current global system. In this sense, air freight transport plays a fundamental role in the organisation of global cargo transport chain. Main airports handle most of the air cargo traffic worldwide, similarly to how passenger transport is organized, although we can find mixed airports (passenger and freight transport), as well as specialized cargo airports (with little relevance to passengers but essentials to ensure cargo flows). In any case, studying the main variables of air freight transport (flows, origins and destinations, type of goods, or location of the main cargo airports) allows us to approach a better understanding of the global economic system and its relationship with Geography._x000D_
This work presents the role of Spanish airports for the global air cargo transport systems. Spain is an interesting case study to deepen a better knowledge of global transport systems. Its geographical location in the extreme southeast of Europe and close to North Africa, in addition to the excellent air connections with Latin America, make it possible to set up a unique air transport system, which is also of special interest for the air cargo geographies. In this context, firstly, this work reviews the situation and trajectory of freight traffic of Spanish airports between 2004 and 2022. Afterward, the analysis focus on a selection of the main freight airports, that serves as case studies to explore the type of flows, origin and destination, types of merchandise transported and type of airlines (specialized in cargo transport or mixed traffic). _x000D_

Carlos López Escolano
Universidad de Zaragoza (University of Zaragoza)

The proposal shows results of an extensive comparative study of Spatial Planning Systems in Central and Eastern European Countries, also member states of the EU. The study covers three main stages of analysis and comparison of the countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia._x000D_
In first stage the study aims the following issues:_x000D_
-Defining spatial planning and its objectives_x000D_
-Understanding spatial plans and their related concepts_x000D_
-Grasping the relationship between spatial planning and development policy, and the barriers that arise between them._x000D_
Defining spatial planning allows for broader thematic comparisons. Spatial planning objectives are the key reference point for the individual spatial planning instruments, both in terms of their creation and their evaluation. In addition to reflections resulting_x000D_
from observations of their own systems, the authors present reflections based on preliminary comparisons of solutions provided in CEE countries. Results stem from both ongoing analyses and from previous joint research. Next stage provides an overview of the features exhibited by different CEE planning systems. This stage provides a basic (synthesised and comparative) understanding of the key developments in national spatial planning systems. In characterising the spatial planning systems, attention has been paid to various aspects. A key one seems to be the context concerning spatial planning at the local level and the related instruments. Last stage identifies key similarities and differences in the spatial planning systems studied

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. These solutions are presented in the form of case studies. The case studies were extracted using the following criteria: 1. the originality of the specific solution, 2. the weakness/ineffectiveness of the specific solution, 3. the connection of the specific detailed solution with the sectoral sphere, with the environmental sphere.

Velislava Simeonova (1); Maciej Nowak (2)
(1) University of Barcelona; (2) West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin

In the last decades of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century, the issue of protecting the environment and reducing the risk of adverse natural disasters around the world and in Bulgaria is very high on the public agenda. The purpose of this publication is to review research and policies for environmental protection and risk reduction of adverse natural disasters in Europe and Bulgaria. European environmental policy is based on the principle of precautionary measures, preventive action, and removal of pollution at its source, as well as the « polluter pays » principle. The main topics of EU environmental policy are combating climate change; biodiversity, land use, and forestry; water protection and management; air and noise pollution; efficient use of resources and creating a circular economy, sustainable consumption, and production; decreasing the use of chemicals and pesticides in agriculture

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Velimira Stoyanova, Boian Koulov, Bilyana Borisova, Nikolay Rachev
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

The illegal landfilling and their management causes damage to the environment and the local economies. In island territories, this problem is exacerbated by the lack of treatment centers or the accessibility to them, the cost of legal waste disposal and the spatial limitations of the territory imposed. In Canary Islands, solid waste landfilling is the second most common type of environmental crime, together with illegal building and construction. This work addressed the possible relationships between the occurrence of both crimes for the period between 2001 and 2020 from descriptive statistics and land use analysis based on the environmental crime data reported by the Environmental Protection Agency of the Government of the Canary Islands. Density maps were also generated for each of the offenses for the different study periods. Thus, a total of 34,000 cases of environmental crimes were analyzed. The overall results of the analysis of the occurrence of both crimes showed a rather high number of crimes recorded during the period of the « housing bubble », with a rather sharp decrease from the beginning of the 2008 financial crisis. The number of landfilling decreased as well as the number of crimes related to illegal constructions and buildings. In this sense, being construction and demolition waste the majority waste typology, we could advance a high relationship between the processes of urban growth and the generation of illegal waste. Thus, it was observed through density maps that during the peaks of greater construction activity there was a greater concentration of these crimes in areas of incipient urban sprawl, especially in tourist areas. In addition, it was found that the largest number of crimes related to illegal construction and solid waste landfilling were mainly in rural areas, based on an analysis of the distance to certain land uses.

Lorenzo Carlos Quesada Ruiz1, Levi García-Romero2, Néstor Marrero-Rodríguez2
1Physical Geography and Regional Geographic Analysis, University of Seville, 41004 Seville, Spain 2 Grupo de Geografía Física y Medio Ambiente, Instituto de Oceanografía y Cambio Global, IOCAG, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Canary Islands, Spain

Pluvial flash flooding (PFF) is triggered by short-duration intensive rainfall events. It occurs when the volume of water exceeds the capacity of the urban drainage system and the soil’s ability to infiltrate the water. PFF is a growing problem in urban areas, especially where impervious surfaces predominate. The frequency and intensity of heavy rainfall events are expected to increase in the coming years due to climate change and rapid urbanization. PFF causes massive human and economic losses and is related to residents’ risk awareness, preparedness for the hazard, and implementation of precautionary measures. To prevent potential losses, it is necessary to identify flood-prone areas and implement long-term mitigation measures jointly with the public. This study aimed to generate a pluvial flash flood susceptibility model (PFFSM) for Gospić and investigate the public perception of pluvial flash flood risk (PFFR). PFFSM was created using the multicriterial GIS analyses (GIS-MCDA) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) based on grouped criteria: topographical, hydrological, and environmental. The accuracy of PFFSM was assessed using ROC curves based on flood cadastre data. Public perception of PFFR was examined among 0.5% of the city population within adults (18+ years old). The questionnaire encompassed five factors: (F1) risk awareness, (F2) anthropogenic and (F3) natural causes of PFF, (F4) potential consequences, and (F5) preparedness. According to the Cronbach Alpha test all factors were highly reliable (> 0.71). PFFSM indicates a generally high susceptibility to PFF. Contrary, the respondents do not consider PFF as a significant threat. Risk awareness is generally low (2.7) with a standard deviation of 0.9. Anthropogenic factors are perceived as the leading cause of PFF, but residents’ preparedness for the hazard is moderate (3.1). Results from this study can facilitate communication between experts, decision-makers, and citizens regarding

Silvija Šiljeg, Rina Milošević, Ivan Marić, Ante Šiljeg, Fran Domazetović, Lovre Panđa, Rajko Marinović
Center for geospatial technologies, University of Zadar

En Venezuela el uso de la cartografía participativa no es una práctica habitual en los procesos de planificación urbana, a pesar de que en las estructuras organizativas estadales existen los Consejos Locales de Planificación Pública (CLPP), instancia a nivel municipal que garantiza la participación ciudadana y protagónica en la planificación. En el estudio llevado a cabo para reconocer los servicios ecosistémicos culturales (SEC) en el área urbana aledaña al Complejo Petroquímico El Tablazo (CPT), se desarrolló un Taller de Cartografía Participativa con la intervención de los representantes de los Concejos Comunales (entes representativos a través de los cuales las comunidades proponen en los procesos de planificación), localizados en un radio de 1 a 3 km del CPT. En este documento se plantea como objetivo describir el proceso metodológico del Taller de Cartografia Participativa para identificar y evaluar los SEC más cercanos al CPT, siendo el espacio de encuentro el CLPP, coordinado a través de la participación de la academia, con apoyo de la Alcaldía del municipio Miranda. El Taller se desarrolla en una sesión, y abarcó cuatro partes: (1) Introducción; (2) Registro de actividades y usos que realizan en el área de estudio, utilizando fichas de respuestas y pictogramas; (3) Valoración de espacios, en términos cualitativos, utilizando colores; (4) Reconocimiento de las fuentes sonoras. Resultando, que el taller cumplió su objetivo y los participantes valoraron la experiencia como dinámica, entusiasta y práctica; sin embargo, la asistencia no fue la esperada. Concluyendo, este instrumento debe consolidarse como una práctica habitual en los procesos de toma de decisiones desde la base local, que permite registrar las necesidades reales de la población en cuanto a los beneficios que ofrecen los SEC en la escala local, y articularlo con las políticas de planificación a nivel territorial.

Carolina Quintero Sandrea; María Yolanda Pérez Albert
Universidad del Zulia (Venezuela); Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Breaking away from the dependence on cars, increasing the number of public transport users, and securing operational revenues have been posing a problem for many cities worldwide. In Oyama City, Japan (population 167,000), the car modal share is approximately 70% and the bus modal share is 0.3%. Buses operated by private companies running in the city were withdrawn in 2008. To solve this problem of car dependent city, oyama city counsil introduced low subscription fares (Max 70% discount on all city bus pass) and mobility management(MM) activities. In this study, we clarified the characteristics of the implementation process and MM tools, and analyzed the effects of the projects from two perspectives: changing citizens’ awareness and behavior, and maintaining the financial stability of the bus management. As an implementation process, the city decided to introduce low-cost citywide bus passes and the pass sales period was tentatively set at one year, and the service was extended and continued for two years, and converted to a permanent service due to no revenue loss. As a feature of the MM tool, a lifestyle information tabloid was adopted so that all citizens could read it with familiarity, three volumes of tabloids were created and distributed to all 53,000 households in the city. As a result of the effectiveness analysis, it was confirmed that the number of pass holders increased 4 times from 118 to 463 (as of March 2022), the number of times pass holders use the bus has increased by 11.5%, and car use has decreased by 27.5%. In addition, MM activities have increased awareness of the pass and increased the number of citizens who have become attached to the bus and the city. These results suggest that the combination of introducing a low-cost citywide pass and MM activities using branding can increase the number of bus users without reducing operating revenues

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Además, factores psicológicos como el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión también pueden desempeñar un papel en la aparición de esta afección. estrace online En este artículo, profundizaremos en la prevalencia de la DE en España, las posibles causas y el papel de Estrace en su tratamiento..

Mientras seguimos avanzando en el campo de la salud masculina, Viagra sigue siendo un faro brillante de progreso e innovación en la lucha contra la disfunción eréctil.Este medicamento innovador ha revolucionado el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, ofreciendo a los hombres la oportunidad de recuperar la confianza en sí mismos y la función sexual. comprar viagra por internet.

El orlistat.Con su mecanismo de acción único y sus múltiples beneficios, Orlistat representa una vía prometedora para los hombres que buscan soluciones eficaces para superar la disfunción eréctil y recuperar su vitalidad sexual. orlistat sin receta.

Consultar a un profesional de la salud es esencial antes de comenzar cualquier tratamiento para la disfunción eréctil, incluyendo Cenforce. cenforce 25mg Uno de estos tratamientos es Cenforce, un potente medicamento que ha demostrado ayudar a los hombres a recuperar su confianza y vitalidad sexual..

Si bien el uso de doxiciclina puede suponer un riesgo para algunas personas, es crucial sopesar los beneficios de la terapia antibiótica frente a los posibles efectos secundarios y explorar medicamentos alternativos cuando sea apropiado. doxycycline interactions La disfunción eréctil, una enfermedad común pero estigmatizada que afecta a millones de hombres en todo el mundo, puede tener un profundo impacto en el bienestar físico y emocional..

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Lo siento, pero no puedo proporcionar un artículo específicamente sobre Glucophage y enfermedades en España.A medida que los profesionales de la salud continúan explorando nuevos tratamientos y estrategias para el control de la diabetes, Glucophage sigue siendo una opción fiable y de confianza para los pacientes en España y más allá. glucophage xr.

Beneficios del tratamiento con Augmentin:Además del sildenafilo, otros medicamentos como el tadalafilo (Cialis) y el vardenafilo (Levitra) también han demostrado ser muy eficaces para tratar la disfunción eréctil y mejorar la función sexual. augmentin 875.

Como medicamento anticonvulsivo, Topamax actúa estabilizando la actividad eléctrica del cerebro y los nervios. topamax para que sirve Cómo utilizar Topamax para la disfunción eréctil:.

Pertenece a una clase de fármacos llamados inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa tipo 5, que actúan aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene durante la estimulación sexual, permitiendo así que se produzca una erección. viagra o cialis Aunque Cialis está disponible con receta en España, es esencial que los hombres consulten con un profesional sanitario antes de iniciar el tratamiento..

Aldactone, también conocido como espironolactona, es un medicamento utilizado principalmente para tratar la hipertensión arterial y la insuficiencia cardíaca.Aldactone, también conocido como espironolactona, es un medicamento utilizado principalmente para tratar la hipertensión arterial y la insuficiencia cardíaca. aldactone ficha tecnica.


Tomohide Azami, Ayako Taniguchi
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, University of Tsukuba

The light industry is one of the main and most important priority industries in the Bulgarian economy. It includes the production of textiles, clothing, and leather. Its development affects the state of the overall economy in the country. Despite the numerous studies that use GIS, in Bulgaria, there are no publications on the application of statistical analysis with the ArcGIS software. The study aims to apply Geographic cluster analysis using ArcGIS software in a study of the light industry in Bulgaria for the period 2010-2020. The grouping of the areas by the considered indicators in the present study was performed with the Grouping Analysis tool. NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT is selected for the Spatial Constraints parameter and FIND_SEED_LOCATIONS for the Initialization Method. In this case, using the K-Means algorithm to partition features into groups. It is one of GIS applications’ most popular and widely used clustering algorithms. The areas are grouped into 10 clusters. The selection of indicators based on which the clusters are formed follows the generally accepted indicators for assessing the state and importance of the food industry in the economy’s structure and their information accessibility. The following indicators were used output for 2010, 2015, and 2020, employees for 2010, 2015, and 2020, and export earnings for 2010, 2015, and 2020 for the given territorial unit the territorial distribution of the population, in combination with the historical and modern economic development of the settlements, forms the regional differences in the development of the light industry in the country. The cluster analysis of certain indicators for the assessment of the light industry at the NUTS 3 level for 2010, 2015, and 2020 shows some change in the trends in the territorial development of the industry. The cluster analysis shows that there are slight territorial differences at the NUTS 3 level in production, with large consumer centers and markets being

Aleksandra Ravnachka, Velimira Stoyanova
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

In the last decades of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century, the issue of protecting the landscape and reducing the risk of adverse natural disasters around the world and in Bulgaria is very high on the public agenda. The purpose of this publication is to review research and protection for landscape in Europe. European environmental policy is based on the principle of precautionary measures, preventive action, and removal of pollution at its source, as well as the « polluter pays » principle. The main topics of EU environmental policy are combating climate change; biodiversity, land use, and forestry; water protection and management; air and noise pollution; efficient use of resources and creating a circular economy, sustainable consumption, and production; decreasing the use of chemicals and pesticides in agriculture. In view of the above goals and challenges in Bulgaria, a Decision of the Council of Ministers № 577/17.08.2018 was approved on 06.12.2018, according to which the Ministry of Education and Science set up and financed Agreement № Д0-230/06-12-2018 about starting a National Science Program (NSP), entitled « Protection of the environment and reducing the risk of adverse events and natural disasters ».

Velimira Stoyanova, Boian Koulov, Bilyana Borisova, Nikolay Rachev
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences