Tot sovint es tendeix a associar el patrimoni únicament amb el patrimoni material. Existeixen, no obstant, altres elements patrimonials que poden tenir un paper important per a les diverses comunitats. Aquest és el cas del patrimoni vinculat amb la pedra seca. Aquest patrimoni, malgrat la seva inclusió a la Llista Representativa del Patrimoni Cultural Immaterial de la UNESCO, és encara poc conegut i reconegut, tant pels habitants com pels turistes i visitants. El present estudi analitzarà el grau de reconeixement d’aquests elements a partir de l’estudi d’un cas emblemàtic, el del municipi de Torrebesses (Catalunya). Un municipi que ha apostat activament per la conservació i valorització de la pedra seca a través d’actuacions com la creació d’un museu o la declaració d’onze construccions com a bé cultural d’interès nacional en la categoria de zona d’interès etnològic. L’article mostrarà les fortaleses que pot tenir la posada en valor del patrimoni local, en aquest cas la pedra seca, en aspectes com l’augment de l’autoestima local, l’atracció de turistes o la valorització del propi patrimoni, però també assenyalarà límits al seu ús i possibles perills que la posada en valor pot suposar.

Daniel Paül Agustí
Universitat de Lleida

ID Abstract: 245

The archaeological site of Amaiur Castle is located in the homonymous town (Baztan Valley, Navarre) and it began to be excavated in 2006, owing to the local initiative. From the first moment, they turned to the Aranzadi Science Society for scientific support. Since then until 2020, excavations have been carried out with locals, volunteers and archaeologists from that society._x000D_
The structures found were musealized in 2014, and the traces found have contributed to strengthen the identity of the town, seeing the site as an indispensable part of the community and a driver in the promotion of tourism. In 2020 the locals of the town opened a small exhibition about the castle. Thanks to this, the town has encouraged a more ambitious new project: a cultural center with a permanent exhibition where the traces founded in the castle and other historical material are displayed. The objective of the town is to create a cultural resource that will be sustainable both for tourism and for the inhabitants of Amaiur._x000D_
In this paper the workers or Aranzadi Science Society will explain the participatory process of all these years. This communication is part of the project “Intangible heritage and museums facing the challenges of cultural sustainability. Policies, strategies and methodologies in the postcovid era (PIMUS+; ref.: PID2021-123063NB-100)”._x000D_

Suberri Matelo Mitxelena; Maite Errarte Zurutuza; Juantxo Agirre-Mauleon.
Aranzadi Science Society

ID Abstract: 255

The post-digital museum paradigmatic shift is crucial especially for small museums (SM) in inlands contexts. Its ‘phygital’ transition process can offer real opportunities for museum’s revitalization and be a chance to support sustainable development scenarios at the local scale. Inlands SM enable knowledge of the territory and the community they belong to and represent the backbone of the cultural infrastructure for many countries, like Italy. However, they are often far from the main visitors’ routes and suffer from resource shortages and structural delays, mining their existence and making them unprepared for the challenges posed by the digital transition. Inside this critical framework, the contribution intends to reflect on inlands SM phygital transition and how it is possible to redefine, through this process, the complex relationship between museum, community and territories in the wake of the the Sustainable Development Goals from Agenda 2030. In this regard an ongoing research project involving the National Archaeological Museum of the Alta Val D’Agri -in the inland region of Basilicata, Southern Italy- will be introduced. The process intends to transform the museum into an experimental laboratory for SMs’ phygital transition, interpreted as an agent for sustainable development. A recently accomplished innovative pilot project will be finally presented, concerning digitalization, community empowerment and education. Young people from the local community, using affordable and readily available technologies, were involved in the process of virtualization/digitalization of the museum’s spaces and collections, strengthening the knowledge of their heritages but also acquiring digital skills

Xenical:En los vibrantes paisajes de España, donde la pasión y la vitalidad prosperan, existe una lucha silenciosa que muchos hombres enfrentan – Disfunción Eréctil (DE). xenical precio españa.

El papel de Estrace en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil: estrace online En las bulliciosas calles de España, donde la pasión es profunda y el romanticismo inunda el aire, existe una lucha silenciosa que asola la vida de muchos hombres: la disfunción eréctil (DE)..

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La prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España no ha dejado de aumentar, lo que ha puesto de manifiesto la acuciante necesidad de tratamientos innovadores.En conclusión, si bien el orlistat sigue siendo una herramienta valiosa en el tratamiento de la obesidad, su uso en España requiere una consideración cuidadosa y una atención personalizada para optimizar sus beneficios y minimizar los riesgos potenciales. orlistat sin receta.

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Descubriendo la verdad: Una inmersión profunda en la creciente prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España y el papel de Kamagra como soluciónLa creciente prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España pone de relieve la necesidad urgente de opciones de tratamiento eficaces que puedan abordar este problema generalizado. kamagra gold.

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En las bulliciosas calles de España, donde la pasión y el vigor corren por las venas de su gente, existe una lucha silenciosa que a menudo permanece oculta tras puertas cerradas: la batalla contra la disfunción eréctil.A pesar de su frecuencia, la disfunción eréctil no suele notificarse ni tratarse debido a los sentimientos de vergüenza o pudor asociados a esta afección. topamax estabilizador animo.

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Annalisa Percoco; Alessandro Raffa
Author 1: FEEM Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei; Author 2: University of Basilicata-Dicem and FEEM

ID Abstract: 300

La internacionalización se desarrolla como resultado de un proceso de redefinición de la finalidad de los museos como agentes sociales. Mientras que los museos tradicionales han tendido a ubicarse en grandes ciudades, el desarrollo de los museos satélite impulsó su localización en espacios periféricos y en desarrollo. Casos como el Louvre Lens o la Tate Liverpool representan cómo estos proyectos contribuyen a reinventar el paisaje cultural y dotar de valor añadido a zonas habitualmente alejadas de los focos de la sociedad, dotando a estos espacios de nuevas funcionalidades sociales, políticas y económicas. No obstante, estos museos se han visto envueltos en numerosos debates derivadas de la configuración del modelo sobre fines exclusivamente económicos. Ejemplos como el Hermitage Barcelona o el Guggenheim Helsinki se han enmarcado en estrategias de city-branding dirigidas al turismo masivo y sus derivados problemas de gentrificación. Metodológicamente, se analiza el fenómeno desde una perspectiva global a partir de estudios de caso basada en un enfoque crítico de los museos contemporáneos, que no es exclusivo de la lógica del museo de arte sino de las dinámicas resultantes de las interrelaciones de la cultura con diferentes disciplinas. Se ha llevado a cabo un análisis basado en la triangulación de métodos como el análisis institucional, entrevistas, etnografía virtual y análisis de red. Los resultados evidencian cómo los museos satélite conceptualizados en clave cultural y a partir del establecimiento de una red de conexiones con la comunidad tienen un 68% más de probabilidades de tener éxito. Estos casos han permitido a sus museos matriz aumentar su misión y también su sostenibilidad, contribuyendo al desarrollo económico y cultural de sus regiones. Esta investigación analiza algunos de los debates vinculados a las nuevas funcionalidades de los museos satélite como la sostenibilidad, el turismo, su encaje en las políticas públicas y su impacto social.

Alejandra Linares Figueruelo
Universitat de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 320

Traditionally, heritage spaces and museums have tended to locate at historical city centre of cities, thus, strengthening the existing dynamics and limiting their potential impact on the more peripheral areas. At the same time, they have tended to prioritize certain groups and discourses, leaving aside other approaches that could be of interest to broad groups of society. A trend, however, that has gradually been changing.
In recent times, the implementation of cultural facilities in peripheral spaces or the promotion of elements linked to heritage, both tangible and intangible, in locations far from the most central spaces has become commonplace. These new propositions have contributed to reinventing the cultural landscape and to providing added value to areas that are usually far from the focus of society. A change that has contributed to endow these spaces with new social, political and economic functionalities. However, as in any recent process, this change has brought new opportunities, but also dangers due to aspects such as: the use of these elements, the repercussions that the redefinition of the cultural and social image can have or the massification.
The session will deal with these aspects and in particular aims to analyse topics linked to the new functionalities of heritage and museums. We will reflect on issues related to cultural sustainability, the role of heritage and museums in tourism, public management policies or the repercussions that various policies can have in terms of gender, ethnicity or class. The session is designed to present presentations by various authors.Presentations can be in Catalan, Spanish, French or English.

Daniel Paül (1)
(1) Universitat de Lleida

ID Abstract:

En les últimes dècades del segle XX la comarca pirenaica de la Cerdanya ha experimentat un important canvi social, a causa de l’arribada de nous residents procedents de centres urbans i immigrants, majoritàriament llatinoamericans, la qual cosa, paral·lelament a l’emigració de molta gent jove autòctona per manca d’oportunitats laborals i pels alts preus dels habitatges, ha ocasionat una recomposició social, incloent una gentrificació cada vegada més acusada. Es tracta d’una comarca on quasi s’ha abandonat la seva economia tradicional agrícola i ramadera, dedicant-se de manera gairebé exclusiva al turisme, la construcció de segones residències, el comerç i els serveis associats. _x000D_
Amb aquest canvi aflueixen certes irregularitats en el sentiment de pertinença a la comarca i en el grau d’interès pel seu patrimoni cultural. _x000D_
En conseqüència, per fer sostenible aquest patrimoni per les generacions futures, és necessari actuar en diversos fronts. Per una banda, els museus han de fer noves activitats que atreguen la població resident i vacacional, però també s’han de dissenyar i potenciar altres activitat complementàries, com: les visites guiades a elements del patrimoni industrial cada vegada més oblidats i destruïts; la formació sobre el patrimoni cultural entre els mestres, la majoria nouvinguts, i l’alumnat; i la difusió del patrimoni cultural per part de les associacions de la comarca._x000D_
En el present treball s’analitzarà com, en el cas de la Baixa Cerdanya (la part espanyola de la comarca), les visites guiades i algunes noves activitats escolars lúdiques poden ajudar la tasca dels museus per apropar el patrimoni cultural a la població i, sobretot, a la gent jove, amb l’objectiu que això serveixi per transmetre aquest coneixement a molta gent que no és massa conscient de la riquesa cultural que hi ha a la comarca on ara hi viu i no es perdi per a les futures generacions de cerdans.

Josep Mª Prat Forga
Institut d’Estudis Ceretans / Grup de Recerca TUDISTAR (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

ID Abstract: 36

Heritage and museums are the key cultural imperatives that embody the tourism development required to boost the city’s economic growth and modernization

A medida que nos adentramos en el ámbito del tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en España, es fundamental arrojar luz sobre enfoques novedosos como Xenical, que son prometedores para mejorar la vida de los hombres que luchan contra esta afección. xenical 120mg hard capsules Es importante abordar este proceso con empatía, comprensión y voluntad de explorar soluciones innovadoras como Xenical..

2. Efectos duraderos: Los efectos de Estrace pueden durar hasta 36 horas, proporcionando a los hombres una mayor flexibilidad y confianza en su rendimiento sexual. comprar estrace Sin embargo, la esperanza se vislumbra en el horizonte con la aparición de Estrace, un tratamiento revolucionario que está transformando la forma de abordar la disfunción eréctil en España..

Tomando medidas proactivas para tratar su afección, las personas pueden recuperar su salud sexual y su vitalidad, lo que se traduce en una mejora del bienestar general y de la calidad de vida.Al comprender las causas de la disfunción eréctil, buscar orientación médica adecuada y explorar opciones de tratamiento como Viagra, los hombres españoles pueden superar esta dolencia común y disfrutar de una vida sexual plena y vibrante. viagra comprar.

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Por lo tanto, siempre se recomienda consultar con un profesional sanitario antes de iniciar cualquier tratamiento para la disfunción eréctil, incluido Cenforce.La disfunción eréctil es una enfermedad común que afecta a muchos hombres en España, pero no es algo que deba soportarse en silencio. cenforce 100 mg.

El impacto de la doxiciclina en la disfunción eréctil: doxycycline para perros Una de estas preocupaciones que afectan a la vida de muchas personas son las enfermedades que requieren un tratamiento eficaz..

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Al buscar ayuda profesional y explorar el uso de medicamentos para la disfunción eréctil, los hombres en España pueden superar este problema común y recuperar su confianza y vitalidad sexual.Además, algunos estudios sugieren que Glucophage puede tener efectos directos en la mejora de la función eréctil al aumentar el flujo sanguíneo al pene. glucophage.

Comprensión de la disfunción eréctil:España, conocida por su floreciente sector sanitario y sus avances médicos de vanguardia, ha sido testigo de un aumento de la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil entre su población masculina. topamax 25.

Una de las características más destacadas de Cialis es su versatilidad, ya que puede tomarse según sea necesario o en dosis diarias más bajas para una eficacia continua. cialis 20 mg contrareembolso Pertenece a una clase de fármacos llamados inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa tipo 5, que actúan aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene durante la estimulación sexual, permitiendo así que se produzca una erección..

Sin embargo, en medio de este aumento de los casos, ha surgido un avance notable en forma de Aldactone, un medicamento que ofrece una nueva esperanza para aquellos que luchan contra este problema común pero angustioso. aldactone acne Además, Aldactone también tiene propiedades antiandrogénicas, que pueden ser beneficiosas para los hombres cuya disfunción eréctil está relacionada con desequilibrios hormonales..

. In planning for cultural heritage tourism, the concern for local cultural sustainability is putting a twist on the traditional role of flagship museums as cultural architectural landmarks. In China, massive urban growth and the influx of rural labor forces urge new policymaking on urban gentrification and new urbanization that gravitate towards original rural areas. « Revitalizing rural cultural tourism » becomes the primary task for local economic growth. Under such a context, this paper is conceptualized in response to the complexity of cultural heritage tourism planning in China’s rural areas, arguing that the new pattern employed between flagship museum clusters and cultural heritage sites is interwoven in China’s unique global-local dialectic. A case study of the flagship museum cluster under the umbrella of « Liangzhu culture » in Yuhang District, Zhejiang Province, China, provides the context for the investigation. It argues that, marked by the successful registration of « Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City » in UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2019, the belt of flagship museum cluster in Yuhang’s west and north fulfilled three progressive periods of (re)valuing in the circuit of development, economy, and culture, activating the six underdeveloped satellite towns. It also seeks to illuminate the mechanism of urban-rural branding in contemporary China’s new urban trends, which plays itself out in distinct ways in global-local relations.

Sifan LIU
Departament d’Antropologia Social, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 149

The 18th extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee in January 2023 has lifted the moratorium to the inscription in the World Heritage List of sites of memory associated with recent conflicts. By taking this decision, the committee also adopted the guiding principles to follow in order to evaluate the nominations of such sites. The last of these principles is related to the need of documentation of an ongoing reconciliation process related to the conflictual event associated with the examined site, a process that shall not be disturbed by the nomination of the site. The decision mentions six sites that are already in the nomination process, four of whom are going to be examined already during the 45th session of the Committee this September._x000D_
By taking this decision, the World Heritage Committee enters in the debate about the places of memory acknowledging that different stakeholders may have differing interpretations and narratives about them. Therefore, the guiding principles oblige the nomination file to expose an inclusive interpretation strategy and provide a contestation mechanism among state parties with different views on the inscription of a site of memory. The purpose of the World Heritage Convention does not explicitly include the support to reconciliation actions, however, following those inscribed in the UNESCO Constitution, heritage cannot be seen as a neutral element in processes of recreation of a broken coexistence._x000D_
This contribution discusses if the patrimonialization of sites of memory could become a tool to foster paths towards a shared memory, also helping minority approaches to conflicts to emerge and find space in the general discourses. To this end it will provide an overview of the sites of memory already in the way towards nomination and of other places from the tentative lists eligible for nomination as sites of this kind, underlining the cases where the memorials are still contentious due to ethnic or religious conflicts.

Giovanni Agostoni
Doctoral school in Philosophy and Human Sciences, Università degli studi di Milano/University of Milan

ID Abstract: 235

This session invites proposals that advance our understanding of residential mobility and immobility in the life course perspective in Central and Eastern Europe in ways that are conceptually and theoretically rich, methodologically provoking, and empirically sound. Due to the scarcity of large sets of quantitative data from panel studies that would allow for a more systematic analysis of life courses of the residentially mobile in CEE (for comparison in the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden see: (Coulter et al., 2020; Falkingham et al., 2016; Fedorova et al., 2022; Fischer & Malmberg, 2001; Geist & McManus, 2008; Horowitz & Entwisle, 2021), this session aims to bring together researchers interested in life course perspectives applied to residential mobility in CEE.
The framework for this session is built on two pillars: 1)       Concept of synchronous (concurring) urbanisation (Hierse et al., 2017; Humer et al., 2022; Smiraglia et al., 2021) which addresses and increasing gap between the traditional urban spatial cycle model (Rossi, 1980; van den Berg & Klaassen, 1980) and complex urban–regional forms, functions, and flows that take place in a post-modern realm. Due to changes in economic, demographic, social, and cultural arenas, not only do cities become embedded in multicentric metropolitan and networked regional structures, but also urban–suburban–rural relations are complemented with complex urban–urban (or core–core) relationships, and even hinterland–hinterland relations.
2)      Life course perspective (in contrast to more traditional life cycles) allows us to capture the inter- and intra-individual facets of residential mobility as a biographical experience happening at various life stages. Residential (im)mobility in life course perspective is seen as structured by life events occurring (or not) at a specific time and in a specific order (Elder, 1998). Social geography and urban sociology perspectives on the life course highlight cultural factors, social circumstances, and social interactions as components of change, essential for understanding residential trajectories (Bernard, 2022; Bernardi et al., 2019; Elder, 1998; Mayer, 2018; Mulder & Hooimeijer, 1999; Stockdale & Catney, 2014; Webster et al., 2022). Such a deepened understanding of residential mobility, as one of the key biographical careers, becomes even more important in times of overlapping crises (polycrises) and acceleration of social processes. 
Abstracts for papers looking into facets of concurring urbanization (suburbanization, counterurbanization, and reurbanization) using life course perspective, and applying qualitative and/or quantitative approaches and methods and focusing on CEE urban, metropolitan, and regional settings, also in comparison to western European structures, are welcome. The session welcomes presentations with clear reference to the main themes of the session, with relevant theoretical / conceptial, empirical and methodological contribution.The session will be held in English. Welcome!

Katarzyna Kajdanek (1)
(1) University of Wrocław, Chair of Urban and Rural Sociology

ID Abstract:

Previous studies have well recorded that the pattern of ethnic concentration in post-war large scale housing estates (HEs) firmly persists, and that this also has an effect on income differentiation. Very few studies so far have focused on the links between life course differences in residential mobility and how this leads to the production and reproduction of ethnic divisions. The socio-ethnic decline comparable to West-European cities has not yet been the case in CEE post-socialist HEs. The almost full-extent privatization of dwellings, the major role of HEs in the housing market, and the different character of immigration play an important role in these different outcomes. Yet, many HEs already experience social infiltration and increasing ethnic minority concentration. HEs in post-socialist cities follow different residential trajectories, partly because they are in different life course phases. Based on Estonian censuses, we aim to trace these different neighbourhood life course trajectories based on long-term changes (2000–2021) in HEs of Tallinn and investigate how micro-level residential mobility patterns contribute to neighbourhood changes. The results reveal that replacement of ethnic minorities by native young households takes place in inner city HEs, whereas rapid ‘family flight’ of natives takes place in suburban HEs, while ‘affordability’ and social environment attracts non-native families. HEs are becoming ‘springboards’ for native young, but they represent a more permanent housing solution for ethnic minorities.

Kadi Kalm, Anneli Kährik, Kadri Leetmaa, Petra Špačková
University of Tartu, Charles University

ID Abstract: 288