À partir d’une description des péripéties socio-politiques ayant abouti à la création d’un couloir piétonnier destiné au passage des marchandises du petit commerce à la frontière entre la Zambie et le Congo (RDC) à Kasumbalesa, cette communication a pour objectif d’analyser les enjeux de pouvoir et les jeux d’acteurs autour du projet de modernisation de ce poste-frontière. Ce projet est porté par les principaux acteurs de la mondialisation néo-libérale afin de faciliter le mouvement des flux commerciaux internationaux._x000D_
Selon notre hypothèse, la création du couloir piétonnier et la modernisation du poste frontière de Kasumbalesa permettent de voir comment le processus de mondialisation par « le haut » et de mondialisation par « le bas » peuvent interagir

El Orlistat es un medicamento de venta con receta que pertenece a una clase de fármacos conocidos como inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa tipo 5 (PDE5). orlistat xenical 2..

Uno de estos tratamientos que ha tenido un gran éxito en España es Estrace.Aumentando la concienciación y promoviendo el acceso a tratamientos eficaces, podemos ayudar a los hombres a superar el estrace y redescubrir la alegría y la intimidad que conlleva una vida sexual plena. estrace online.

Tomando una simple pastilla antes de iniciar la actividad sexual, los hombres pueden experimentar una mejora del rendimiento, un aumento del placer y una autoestima renovada.La disfunción eréctil es un problema frecuente que afecta a muchos hombres en España, pero no es un destino para aceptar en silencio. viagra precio.

2. Aumento de la confianza: Al abordar las causas fundamentales de la disfunción eréctil, Orlistat puede aumentar la autoestima y restaurar la confianza en los hombres que experimentan dificultades sexuales.El orlistat, conocido comúnmente por su nombre comercial Xenical o Alli, se introdujo en el mercado como una potente ayuda para perder peso. vendo orlistat.

Afortunadamente, existen tratamientos eficaces, siendo Cenforce una de las opciones más populares y fiables.En conclusión, la llegada de Cenforce anuncia una nueva era en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, ofreciendo un faro de esperanza para aquellos que luchan contra esta afección generalizada. comprar cenforce 100 mg contrareembolso.

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El papel de Aldactone en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil: aldactone 25 La disfunción eréctil es una condición prevalente que afecta a un número significativo de hombres en España..

. Pour cette raison, nous avons choisi d’étudier le projet de modernisation du poste-frontière dans une perspective qui le met en lien avec un programme régional plus large auquel il est rattaché. Nous avançons qu’au-delà des agendas plus ou moins cachés des uns et des autres, l’affrontement pour le contrôle du couloir frontalier manifeste une tension caractéristique de la mondialisation « ancrée »._x000D_
Le rapport de force, entre une organisation sous-régionale (COMESA) qui tente d’imposer des normes internationales de gestion des flux aux services de l’État à la frontière, autour du contrôle politique du couloir piétonnier transfrontalier rend ces protagonistes aveugle à un autre enjeu : celui de la facilitation du passage des marchandises transportées par des petits commerçants nomades dans les circuits de la mondialisation par « le bas »._x000D_

Sylvie Ayimpam
Institut des Mondes Africains – Aix Marseille Université

ID Abstract: 198

Au cours des années 2000, le Maroc s’est affirmé comme une destination émergente dans la géographie des migrations internationales chinoises. Leur apparition dans la société marocaine a notamment été associée à l’installation de commerçants chinois dans le quartier marchand de Derb Omar, lieu emblématique du commerce de gros à Casablanca dont le nom est aujourd’hui associé au quartier chinois de la ville. À Derb Omar, l’adaptation de ces commerçants chinois au contexte local est symbolisée par la présence de kissariat chinoises, ces galeries marchandes typiques du Maroc, autour desquels s’est formé un petit dispositif commercial presque exclusivement spécialisé dans la redistribution de marchandises importées de Chine. Alors que l’ancrage des migrations chinoises à cette place marchande témoigne de l’insertion de ces réseaux à ceux du commerce transnational, il s’affirme dans le même temps comme un lieu symbolique du renouveau des relations entre le Maroc et la Chine, dans un contexte marqué par le renforcement de la présence chinoise en Méditerranée et en Afrique à travers de déploiement des nouvelles routes de la soie. En nous intéressant à un ancrage de la diaspora chinoise dans une métropole du Sud, cette contribution offre un point de vue original pour étudier les transformations sociales et spatiales générées par la mondialisation contemporaine, dans un lieu où s’internalisent des logiques venant du haut comme du bas. _x000D_
Cette communication présente des résultats de mes recherches menées en master et en doctorat sur les migrations chinoises au Maghreb, donnant notamment lieu à la réalisation d’enquêtes de terrain au Maroc entre 2014 et 2018._x000D_

Jean-Pierre TAING

ID Abstract: 408

Between 2005 and 2009, the Galician government approved a funding programme that allowed a generation of filmmakers to produce films outside the industry. Paradoxically, this funding system began to be consolidated when the financial crisis broke out in 2008. While many of these filmmakers began to make their work, the economic crisis pushed them out of the job market and blocked their careers. Perhaps for this reason, even if most of these authors came from urban areas, almost of their films were explorations of rural Galician modes of existence. In a way, rural areas, which these authors identified with their ancestral origins, emerged in these films as a refuge for imagining possible lives beyond the crisis._x000D_
While these films achieved some success, their images of the Galician territories, represented as essentially rural, were consolidated in the collective imagination of filmmakers and audiences alike._x000D_
In recent years, some authors have chosen the Galician countryside as the location for their fictions, taking advantage of the momentum of these films. One example is As Bestas (Sorogoyen, 2022), a success among the Spanish public, but also a film that has generated a lot of controversy due to the geographical imaginary it proposed, based on the Galician countryside._x000D_
The film is a fiction inspired by a true crime that took place in 2010 in a Galician village

Este aumento del flujo sanguíneo se logra a través de un mecanismo de acción único que se dirige a enzimas específicas en el cuerpo, creando una tormenta perfecta de destreza sexual y vitalidad. xenical foro.

La disfunción eréctil puede deberse a diversos factores físicos o psicológicos, como la diabetes, las enfermedades cardiovasculares, los desequilibrios hormonales o los problemas de salud mental.Además, factores psicológicos como el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión también pueden desempeñar un papel en la aparición de esta afección. estrace.

Muchos hombres en España han informado de mejoras significativas en su capacidad para lograr y mantener erecciones después de tomar Viagra, lo que lleva a una mayor satisfacción y confianza sexual. »Desvelando la verdad: la disfunción eréctil en España y el poder de Viagra » viagra generico.

Los estudios han demostrado que el Orlistat puede aumentar el flujo sanguíneo al pene, promover la sensibilidad nerviosa y aumentar la libido, mejorando en última instancia la función eréctil.En respuesta a esta epidemia creciente, los profesionales sanitarios han recurrido cada vez más a intervenciones farmacéuticas como el orlistat para ayudar a controlar el peso. orlistat 120 mg.

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En primer lugar, su asequibilidad lo hace accesible a una amplia gama de hombres que buscan alivio de la disfunción eréctil. kamagra gel amazon Al abordar la causa principal de la disfunción eréctil y promover un flujo sanguíneo saludable al pene, Kamagra permite a los hombres recuperar su destreza sexual y disfrutar de relaciones íntimas satisfactorias sin interrupciones..

Existen tratamientos eficaces que pueden ayudarle a recuperar la confianza y la vitalidad.Una de estas soluciones es el uso de inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa tipo 5 (PDE5), conocidos comúnmente como pastillas para la disfunción eréctil. glucophage.

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Gracias a su fórmula de acción rápida y a sus efectos duraderos, Cialis se ha convertido en la mejor opción para las personas que buscan un tratamiento fiable y discreto para la disfunción eréctil.A diferencia de sus predecesoras, Cialis ofrece una eficacia prolongada, con efectos que duran hasta 36 horas, lo que le ha valido el apodo de « la píldora del fin de semana ». cialis precio farmacia.

Al aumentar la excreción de agua y sodio y retener el potasio en el organismo, Aldactone ofrece alivio a las personas que padecen edemas.Al inhibir la aldosterona, Aldactone ayuda a mejorar el flujo sanguíneo al pene, favoreciendo erecciones más fuertes y duraderas. aldactone 50.

. Two local brothers murdered a neo-rural, Dutch national who lived in the village with his wife and had recently become part of the community forestry that managed a significant part of the village’s forest area._x000D_
In this paper, we propose a discursive and visual analysis of As Bestas with the aim of exploring what kind of geographical imaginaries the film proposes and, at the same time, questioning how these same imaginaries do or do not enable us to imagine the continuity of Galician rural life in a time of crisis.

Estévez Vilariño, Brais; Vila Vázquez, José Ignacio
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Departamento de Xeografía.

ID Abstract: 967

The practice of mindfulness is a tool for developing creativity (Castellanos, 2022). In this sense, yoga and related activities have gained increasing popularity. The format of retreats in nature and rural settings where an alternative lifestyle is experienced around these practices has become a trend in the West. This paper asks about the discourses projected onto the landscape by the promoters of yoga centres in the rural territory of the autonomous community of Galicia and what kind of dynamics they generate with their environment. Over the last two decades, yoga has gained popularity in Galicia. While the Galician countryside is demographically decreasing and ageing, we have been observing a growing trend towards the opening of yoga retreat centres and related practices in such environments. These centres activate a very specific discourse on the territory: slowing down the rhythms of life, getting back in touch with nature and encouraging respect for it, adopting healthy lifestyles and consuming local products. The profiles of the managers of these spaces are diverse, ranging from young local people seeking to reactivate environments to which they are attached to foreign professionals. Through the analysis of interviews with the conceptors of two yoga centres that are used as representative case studies, the presence in the media and visits to these spaces, we will expose the discourses that they project on the territory and to what extent these proposals contribute to rural development, as most cases aspire to and advertise.

M.ª Aránzazu Pérez Indaverea
Researcher of HAAYDU Group (GI-1510), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

ID Abstract: 979

Urban frontiers are considered spaces of rapid changes where rural activities lose ground in favour of non-agricultural economic activities and multiple forms of residential developments. Rapid environmental transformations driven by climate changes associated with poor management of resources such as water and neglect of farmers’ conditions tend to accelerate land use changes well beyond the urban limits such as urban built-up. It is notably the case in South Asia which experiments with more and more extreme weather conditions. Looking at the case of South India and articulating the distress of agriculture to land assets demands we demonstrate how the desire for urbanism is conceived as an answer to the economic and environmental crisis of farmers. _x000D_
Far from the classical Von Thünen’s configuration of urban expansion where rich orchards surround the city’s peripheries, the socio-environmental crisis of the countryside generates a new landscape where more and more patches of residential layouts replace cultivated lands, often rich irrigated parcels. Many of these layouts remain barren lands for years. Plots are bought as assets to secure or generate capital that can be used later on. Some plots are occasionally built. Purchasers adhere to the idea of the possibility to live a quiet city life in a countryside-like gated community that is sold to them by farmers in disarray and intermediary real estate contractors. The pandemic has accelerated this trend which invites further questions about the notion of urban frontiers. It invites the reconceived South Asian urban world whose viability is profoundly challenged by the increasing number of extreme weather events – including deadly heat._x000D_

Eric Denis, Marine Frantz
Géographie-cités’ Lab, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

ID Abstract: 799

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly transformed the sense of space. The experience of the crisis did not remain confined to the health dimension but spread globally over the most varied facets of human society and its daily territorial experience. Certainly, this complex of collective experiences has led to a rethinking of the world, starting with the govern patterns, the systems and the power relations that underpin the Anthropocene paradigm, but also of its interpretive models._x000D_
Syndemia has shaken the foundations of medical knowledge and its projection on the ground, the health care system. Out of this crisis, however, has developed an opportunity: to open the terrain of health, well-being, and care to other knowledge and techniques. Therefore, the proposed contribution focuses on the crisis and the related transformative impulse of the relationship between care and the land, contemplating the new meanings of the concept of care and the society of care introduced by the feminist literature. This research It aims to present the renewed perception of well-being, health and related spaces of care, analyzing the needs, desires and struggles for health and care of the inhabitants of the Lazio Region, comparing territories with different levels and forms of anthropization and urbanization._x000D_
The push toward the transformation of the model of care, closely interconnected with the principle of proximity, has been partly taken up by the Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR), where mission 6c1 calls for the creation of a new territorial network of community infrastructures. Yet in practice, deep gaps remain between the transformative goals of institutions and those of the communities that inhabit local territories. What new forms of territoriality, therefore, stand behind the new models of care and healthcare?_x000D_

Daniele Pasqualetti
phd, Università di Roma Tre

ID Abstract: 872

The paper analyses how the traditional geographies of center/periphery and urban/rural relationships have fueled different forms of inadequate representations of the role of mountain areas, proposing a method aimed at identifying new geographies based on a polycentric, multifunctional and reticular approach._x000D_
Mountain territories, with a strong landscape and environmental value and an ancient value in the supply of resources for the development of urban areas, are often defined as « internal » and « peripheral » starting from the principle of metric distance, travel time, functional abandonment and depopulation with respect to urban centers. The polycrisis that characterizes our era of the Anthropocene shows critical issues leading us to reflect on whether the categories and approaches used up to now for mountain systems are still adequate with respect to the challenges and opportunities of our time. The environmental crisis leads us to reconsider the centrality of mountain territories in setting up safeguards for environmental and landscape protection, allowing to guarantee a wealth of essential resources for the life of ecosystems on a regional scale (water, forest, wildlife, …). Similarly, the effects of the pandemic made it possible to rediscover the potential of the resources of mountain areas, especially by those who live in urban areas and who find in mountain systems an opportunity to reconnect with resources and rhythms partially lost

A pesar de su omnipresencia, la disfunción eréctil sigue estando rodeada de ideas erróneas y tabúes, lo que impide que las personas busquen la ayuda que tanto se merecen.Vamos a profundizar en el mundo de la disfunción eréctil en España y explorar el factor X de Xenical en la lucha contra esta condición. xenical foro.

Estrace, también conocido como estradiol, es un medicamento que actúa aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, lo que permite una erección firme y duradera. estrace Comprender la disfunción eréctil en España:.

Este medicamento innovador ha revolucionado el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, ofreciendo a los hombres la oportunidad de recuperar la confianza en sí mismos y la función sexual. viagra contrareembolso pharmasex Aumentando la concienciación, desestigmatizando el problema y promoviendo una comunicación abierta, podemos animar a los hombres españoles a buscar la ayuda que necesitan y abrazar un futuro más brillante y vibrante..

1.Sin embargo, de lo que muchos no se dieron cuenta fue de los peligros ocultos que acechaban tras los efectos aparentemente milagrosos del orlistat. orlistat como funciona.

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Hoy me complace profundizar en un tema que a menudo se pasa por alto: la correlación entre la doxiciclina y la disfunción eréctil en España. doxycycline stomach upset En conclusión, mientras España navega por el complejo terreno de los retos sanitarios, la aparición de la doxiciclina como un poderoso aliado en la lucha contra las enfermedades es, sin duda, un avance digno de celebración..

Kamagra está disponible en varias formas, como comprimidos, jalea oral y comprimidos masticables, por lo que es conveniente para los hombres con diferentes preferencias. kamagra london Kamagra, un potente medicamento que contiene citrato de sildenafilo, el principio activo que también se encuentra en la Viagra, ha ido ganando adeptos por su eficacia sin precedentes en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil..

Glucophage: Una posible solución para la disfunción eréctil:Además, algunos estudios sugieren que Glucophage puede tener efectos directos en la mejora de la función eréctil al aumentar el flujo sanguíneo al pene. glucophage españa.

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Este nuevo potencial ha reavivado las llamas de la pasión y la intimidad en innumerables relaciones en toda España, ofreciendo una renovada sensación de esperanza y vitalidad a aquellos que una vez se sintieron atrapados en las garras de la disfunción eréctil.A pesar de su frecuencia, la disfunción eréctil no suele notificarse ni tratarse debido a los sentimientos de vergüenza o pudor asociados a esta afección. topamax.

Su eficacia demostrada, su perfil de seguridad y su comodidad lo han convertido en la opción preferida de muchos pacientes. viagra o cialis La disfunción eréctil (DE) es una condición común que afecta a millones de hombres en todo el mundo, incluidos los de España..

Aldactone bloquea la acción de hormonas como la testosterona, que puede contribuir a los problemas de erección cuando está presente en exceso. aldactone vademecum En un país conocido por su rica cultura y su vibrante estilo de vida, el impacto de la disfunción eréctil puede ser particularmente profundo, afectando no sólo a la salud física del individuo, sino también a su bienestar emocional y a sus relaciones..

. Starting from these reflections, the paper will show some research results applied to the Lombardy region in Italy, useful to abandon the vision of the fragile and remote mountain and of its monolithic representation, in order to embrace a double vision: reticular and polycentric, due to the multi-directional and multi-scalar relation. This will lead to the analysis of a “metro-mountain” systems on which to base a process of valorization for the benefit of an overall and systemic territorial development.

Federica Burini
Università degli Studi di Bergamo

ID Abstract: 885

Based on the case study of the Cuevas in the metropolitan area of Granada, we propose a critical reflection on the patrimonialisation of Nature, bringing us closer to new ways of conceiving inhabiting. To this end, we will focus on the development of community practices as well as the recovery of ancient knowledge, mixing up etnographical, geographical, and sociological research methods on the field._x000D_
In this socionatural context, new geographies of coexistence between city and nature are emerging and consolidating in the idea of a ‘vernacular dwelling’. _x000D_
We will position ourselves in the topicality of the struggle that is being carried out for the recognition of the Cuevas as « montes vecinales de mano común » in opposition to the indications of the new Granada city plan, which foresees their replacement by an urban park._x000D_
We will investigate the scenarios of institutionalisation of vernacular living as a common good that could prevent the Cuevas from falling into processes of patrimonialisation of the nature.

Ginevra Pierucci and Jose Angulo Fernandez
Università di Padova e Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia; Universidad de Granada

ID Abstract: 908

The Covid-19 pandemic has re-proposed the centrality of territories as mainstream for the economic and social recovery phase. The territory is understood not only as a physical and administrative entity, but as a cultural construct that contributes to transforming a fragmented agglomeration of inhabitants into a whole with its own recognizability. Narration becomes a vehicle/technology for defining space as it retraces it between past and present, but also a cognitive and analytical method of the factors acting in the sedimentation of spatial characteristics in all their dimensions. Narration and representation become an analytical method for (re) inhabiting, (re) being there with new perspectives, a lived and relational space in new dimensions in harmony with the challenges of the present, paying attention not to disperse the focal factors of the past to re-establish relationships within the territory._x000D_
The paper intends to investigate the village of Satriano di Lucania of about two thousand inhabitants in the province of Potenza, where in 2014 a new ‘manifestation’ of Rumît made its first appearance which, together with another hundred « men-trees », a  » walking forest”, an event was created within a bottom-up process of revitalization, but also the result of an invention in the name of cultural creativity, reworked in order to convey tradition, but also symbolic support for cohesion (dynamic and dialectic) of the same community. Through the self-organization of the territorial actors who have joined together to enhance relational goods for the benefit of all, an element of the cultural heritage in decline (U Rumìt) has been converted into a powerful tool of social cohesion for a generation that reclaims the right to fully participate in building one’s own community, starting from the terms of its relations with the natural environment._x000D_

Antonina Plutino
Department of Human, Philosophic and Education Sciences (DISUFF), University of Salerno (Italy)

ID Abstract: 281

​​If we understand the crisis as an opportunity, we can conceive of the ruins as a possibility to think differently and conceive it as a possibility to reverse the obsolescence of the capitalist system to build new geographical worldviews that disarticulate relationships between center-periphery, rural-urban and local-global in the framework of post-industrial societies. As an example of an alternative cultural practice that has generated a new discourse based on rootedness in the territory and geocreativity, we analyze the dynamics created from a recovered 19th century industrial colony abandoned in 1992. The Konvent project in Cal Rosal on the Llobregat riverbed (Berguedà), based on the local resilience and through cultural practice, reverses the traditional scale roles by building a new territoriality that provides an alternative vision of development in « peripheral zones » that overturn the map of cultural creation and rurality narratives outside the current pejorative stereotype. From a geohumanistic perspective, the social cohesion and networks established in Catalan-speaking territories is reviewed at first, and also the parallel scenarios of other realities based on local development projects focused on art and culture, articulates a new territorial discourse that traces a contemporary discourse in the face of contemporary emergencies. The crisis, like resilience, is not new, but it must be interpreted as a key to change in order to contribute to a more inclusive geography that goes beyond the map and the established cultural stereotypes._x000D_

Cerarols, Rosa; Luna, Antoni
UPF, Barcelona

ID Abstract: 414