A seguito della pandemia da COVID-19, pur volendo, molte persone non hanno avuto la possibilità di trasferirsi in spazi a bassa densità per riconnettersi con la “natura”. Nel 2023, nonostante i progressi della tecnologia in ogni settore e il diffondersi dell’intelligenza artificiale, alcune attività lavorative non possono essere svolte “a distanza”; basti pensare, per esempio, a chi lavora in fabbriche, in negozi di abbigliamento e chi consegna pizze e altri cibi a domicilio. Quali alternative al cemento e alla solitudine può allora offrire la città a chi è “costretto” ad abitarla? Parchi pubblici e spazi verdi attrezzati sono sufficienti per rispondere alla domanda di un tempo libero di qualità (Debord, 2020)?_x000D_
Durante gli anni pandemici, molte attività del tempo libero, normalmente realizzate al chiuso, sono state spostate in spazi aperti privati – come balconi, giardini, terrazze – e pubblici, come piazze, parchi e strade. Camminando in un parco pubblico era possibile assistere a lezioni di chitarra, teatro o tai chi e vedere persone parlare, correre e allenarsi. Stare all’aria aperta era l’unica alternativa per continuare a svolgere le proprie attività del tempo libero e incontrare persone, limitando le possibilità di essere contagiati. Questa necessità di stare all’aperto sembra essersi radicata nelle abitudini di alcune persone che abitano la città e che, nonostante l’emergenza sanitaria sembri rientrata, continuano a svolgere le loro attività in spazi aperti inventando anche nuove modalità dell’outdoor. _x000D_
Restando dunque nel contesto urbano, in questo contributo si intende indagare come alcune attività del tempo libero (sociali, sportive o creative; individuali o collettive) producano spazi collettivi e come alcuni spazi all’aperto, organizzati o informali, non sempre adibiti per accogliere determinate attività, vengano usati e frequentati da alcune persone trasformandosi in luoghi di identificazione collettiva. _x000D_

Giulia Oddi
Roma Tre

ID Abstract: 871

This study investigates the factors that significantly affect the allocation of Airbnbs in Paris, one of the world’s top tourist destinations. Paris is divided into 20 arrondissements (districts), which are further divided into 80 neighborhoods 16 variables are used to explain the distributions of Airbnb offers in Paris. Data were collected using web scraping, INSEE , and QGIS/QuickOSM software. Predictive regression modeling was used for the data analysis. _x000D_
The results showed that bakeries, theaters, ratio of Airbnb and hotel beds (ratio B.H), restaurants, fast-food restaurants, shopping malls, and clothing shops are highly significant factors that affect the distribution of Airbnbs in Paris, but not access to public transport, universities, hotels, tourist attractions, museums beauty and bag shops. The results contribute to our understanding of the sectors of tourism and Airbnb, In addition to determine the factors that influence the distribution of Airbnb in Paris which will give clear idea to the policymaker about the characteristics of each neighborhoodsThe results contribute to our understanding of the future geographical selection of shops, theaters, and restaurants regarding businesses that depend on tourism, and provide insights into real estate investment opportunities for tourist accommodation. The results also contribute to our understanding of when and where hotels should modify their offers to tourists, depending on the spatial and geographical allocation of their properties.

University of Angers

ID Abstract: 15

Los desplazamientos turísticos, especialmente los de larga distancia, son una fuente significativa de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. En este contexto, el turismo de naturaleza y de proximidad se propone frecuentemente como una alternativa a los viajes lejanos, y por lo tanto menos sostenibles. No obstante, la visita a espacios naturales, a diferencia de lo que sucede por ejemplo con el turismo urbano, se apoya habitualmente en medios de transporte privados que contribuyen igualmente al cambio climático. Partiendo de este problema, el objetivo de la presente comunicación es llevar a cabo una estimación de las emisiones de CO2 derivadas de las visitas en una muestra de los parques nacionales de España a partir de la generación de escenarios reales y potenciales. A través del análisis de la accesibilidad (red de transporte público y vías de comunicación principales) y los perfiles mayoritarios de visitantes (origen, modo de transporte, alojamiento, etc.) se lleva a cabo una estimación de la huella de carbono. Para ello, se han utilizado datos estadísticos de los organismos gestores y documentos oficiales de una muestra de cinco parques nacionales (P.N. del Teide, P.N. de la Sierra de Guadarrama, P.N. d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, P.N. de Doñana y P.N. de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia). Los datos han sido analizados para elaborar estimaciones de huella de carbono de dos tipologías de turistas: habitual y deseado. Los resultados se representan mediante estadísticas descriptivas, comparativas, y a través de cartografía elaborada con Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Los resultados obtenidos tienen especial interés en el actual contexto de emergencia climática, en tanto que proporcionan evidencias para el diseño de políticas orientadas a la reducción de las emisiones de carbono.

Margarita Capdepón-Frías; Anna Torres-Delgado & Francisco Femenia-Serra
Universidad de Alicante; Universidad de Barcelona & Universidad Complutense de Madrid

ID Abstract: 256

One of the most successful tourism segments in the digital platform economy is that of the free guided walking tours (or free tours). As has been the case with the main driver of tourism activity on platforms, short-term holiday rentals, free tour activity is beginning to be associated with negative impacts in some of the destinations where it is spreading rapidly. Although the platform economy is generating increasing academic interest, the free tour model remains largely unexplored area in the literature. This research examines how such activity affects cultural destinations, its major contribution being the association of the impacts they produce (especially in terms of massification) with destination life-cycle phases. Focusing on the largest Free Tours platform operating in Spain, GuruWalk, the methodology used analyses the impact that this activity produces in six cultural destinations at different stages of their tourism development on two of the dimensions with respect to sustainability: the territorial dimension and the governance or political dimension. The research confirms that the impacts differ according to the tourist destination’s maturity, concluding that such activity contributes to the increase of tourist agglomerations and the overcrowding of cultural destinations in their middle and mature life cycles. The results help to understand the differences that such activity generates in each destination depending on the phase of its life cycle, and to implement, if necessary, corrective measures. To this end, the importance of the role of local governance on free tour activity is highlighted, even though very few examples are identified at national level.

Jorge Rivera-García; Asunción Fernández-Villarán; Ricardo Pastor-Ruiz
UOC; Universidad de Deusto; Universidad Nebrija

ID Abstract: 74

In contemporary Canada, Great Britain, and Ireland, emergent divisions define the political and social landscapes of sexualities and gender. This presentation reflects on experimental music workshops as part of Beyond Opposition, a research project that explores opposition around gender, sexuality, and abortion in everyday spaces in ‘post-equality’ contexts. We reflect on the process of creating and delivering a workshop in Vancouver, Canada, where participants with opposing views in relation to gender, sexuality and abortion collaborate through music. In the workshop, participants consider how music and sound allow for new ways of thinking about how they relate to others with whom they disagree on gender and sexuality; participants also engage music to collectively imagine new worlds, including what it might look like to live together in everyday spaces when they do not agree. The workshop bridges the fields of cultural geography and music, bringing together people with a range of different positions on gender, abortion, and sexuality to consider everyday geographies of gender and sexuality through music and sound. The musician (Gillian Stone) and researchers (Katie Young and Kath Browne) will reflect on the role that music played in participants’ collective imagining of living with difference in relation to gender and sexuality in everyday spaces. In particular we focus on what musical practice and process for non-musician participants might enable in imagining living together differently when we do not and cannot occupy the same positionalities in relation to sexualities, genders and abortion.

Presenter: Katie Young / Co-Authors: Gillian Stone and Kath Browne
Brock University / University College Dublin

ID Abstract: 733

The first emotional map of history is generally considered The map of tender by Madeleine de Scudery. Taking it as an initial inspiration, Marco Bertagni developed his thesis on Geographical Sciences at University La Sapienza and made an overview of the history of Emotional Cartography until launching a project called The River of Life based on a new and innovative methodology that can be applied to different fields: from self-knowledge to friendship and love relationships, from career path to business and professions, from the relationship with your own body to sports contests. _x000D_
One of the most intriguing applications of The River of Life mapping methodology, which Marco is developing with Melissa Rodriguez Martin, an architect, concerns urban and territorial planning. Mapping the emotions of individuals could be a valuable tool to understand the relationship between the citizen and the specific space._x000D_
Studying people’s well-being should be the new base for planning and analyzing urban environments. In order to be able to provide a good intervention in a space there should be an analysis of the city as an organism constituted by its citizens. Therefore, emotional mapping could be a powerful tool for analyzing the real needs of an environment to create strategic designs and planning that meet the feeling of belonging._x000D_
In this presentation, Marco and Melisse will then deliver a historical overview of a little-known branch of cartography to focus on the practical uses of emotional cartography, which the international professionals gathered in EMME (www.emotional-geography.com) use daily. The River of Life mapping methodology is present in different fields, for their activities and when delivering courses, coaching, games, and travels to their clients. So far this methodology has been used in hundreds of companies, institutions, schools, and universities.

Marco Bertagni & Melissa Rodriguez Martin
Bertagni Consulting srl & Emotional Geography UK Ltd

ID Abstract: 372

The interregional flow of land embodied in remote linkages exerts a significant impact on land use and carbon emission transfer patterns among regions, underscoring the importance of investigating this process for sustainable land utilization. Based on a multiregional input‒output model, this study quantifies the embodied land flow and its repercussions for carbon emissions in China, analyzes the corresponding spatial distribution and differences, and further clarifies the characteristics of embodied land flow by constructing the contribution and dependency index. The results show that more economically developed regions occupy land in less developed regions through embodied land flow, and there are differences in the flow of various land types among regions due to disparities in regional endowments. For example, embodied construction land has primarily moved to economically developed eastern China. The transfer pattern of carbon emissions from land use caused by embodied land flows presents a spatial inconsistency. The developed coastal provinces of Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai all transfer more than 10 million tons of carbon emissions to other regions

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. The average levels of contributions to and dependence on embodied land flows in Chinese provinces were 20.51% and 23.13% in 2012, and these values rose to 27.14% and 27.23% in 2017, respectively, indicating a strengthening of interregional land system linkages and an intensification of land supply and demand. Furthermore, the embodied land flow and its associated carbon emission transfer can be assessed to ascertain the entities responsible for land consumption and carbon emissions. This underscores the significance of examining the interplay between land use and carbon emissions in shaping sustainable development pathways.

Shengfu Yang; Wenjie Fu
School of Public Administration, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China

ID Abstract: 923

La perspectiva del lugar y su relevante rol pedagógico encuentra en el Antropoceno un fuerte articulador de los temas a ser trabajados en el ambiente escolar a través de la educación geográfica, pensada en una concepción amplia, anclada en la enseñanza de la geografía, pero no restringida al conocimiento disciplinario sino en la posibilidad de construcciones de conocimiento interdisciplinarias. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el uso de temas generadores asociados al Antropoceno en la educación geográfica en escuelas básicas del municipio de Nova Iguaçu en el estado de Río de Janeiro – Brasil. La metodología de trabajo está relacionada con la articulación y proyectos de educación geográfica cuyo tema generador, elegido por la comunidad escolar será el elemento central de la construcción del conocimiento, involucrando a toda la comunidad en un desafío común. El Antropoceno puede entenderse como una forma más directa como una nueva época geológica caracterizada por el impacto del hombre en la Tierra. Los temas generadores trabajados a través de proyectos geográficos en escuelas básicas exploraron tres grandes resultados del Antropoceno en la relación sociedad-naturaleza, como son el calentamiento global, la deforestación y la disminución de la biodiversidad. Los temas generadores son entendidos en la concepción de Paulo Freire, donde cada tema es el punto de partida para el proceso de construcción del descubrimiento. Los temas mismos, contemplan ricas discusiones para el currículo escolar, que trabajó en la perspectiva de la educación geográfica, puede articular de manera más coherente y amplia la formación ciudadana de los estudiantes en la escuela primaria a través de una educación pensada de manera contextualizada, problematizada e interdisciplinaria.

Clézio dos Santos
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro – UFRRJ

ID Abstract: 366

The relationship between development and accessibility to places is a fundamental question in geography. The analysis of the literature has allowed us to show the complexity of the relationship between tourism development and accessibility to territories, and more particularly by air. Moreover, the air transport sector has undergone structural transformations over the last 20 years. The political will to move toward liberalization has been accompanied by the disengagement of governments and the rise of private companies, particularly low-cost airlines, motivated by economic (tourism) profitability rather than by a role in regional development. Despite the wealth of scientific production on air transport and tourism, there is a lack of studies that explicitly address the role of public and private actors and their strategies on the relationship between air transport, especially low-cost, and tourism development._x000D_
This paper therefore proposes to examine more specifically the interactions between the establishment of low-cost airlines in regional airports and the strategies of local actors for territorial development through tourism. We conducted semi-directive interviews with actors involved in economic, tourism and airport development (airport managers, public and private actors in local tourism development) for three case studies of airports in La Rochelle, Bergerac and Carcassonne. We show that the balance of power between the low-cost airlines, especially Ryanair, and the public actors in our three case studies is unbalanced and more advantageous for Ryanair. Even with the existence of other airlines serving La Rochelle and Bergerac, Ryanair remains in a dominant position. This positioning of the airline within our three case studies is reflected in Ryanair’s demands for advantages, particularly in Bergerac where it is demanding increased aid in order to open a new route. We also assert that public actors will have difficulties in continuing to subsidize air traffic due to budgetary constraints, particularly at the level of the communities of agglomerations. It should be noted that these airports have been affected by the health crisis, as have all airports. Due to such crisis, air traffic within our three case studies remains disrupted, which requires intervention by public actors at several geographical levels to ensure the continuity of air transport.

University of Angers/ESTHUA

ID Abstract: 14

With the progress of information and communication technologies (ICT) and advent of the knowledge economy, the burgeoning e-commerce heralds new opportunities to reverse the declining trend of the rural economy. In the past two decades, the emergence of Taobao Villages in rural China has exemplified the significant outcomes of e-commerce in changing rural communities. Despite fruitful research on rural e-commerce, the formation mechanism of Taobao Villages has not been explained in detail. This study fills this gap by investigating the development progress of a typical Taobao Village in-depth. Drawing on the framework of neo-endogenous rural development, we conducted a case study in Dongfeng Village, one of the first three Taobao Villages in China, to identify the development path and formation mechanism of typical Taobao Villages. We found that the prosperity of e-commerce in Dongfeng Village could be attributed to the combination of the bottom-up initiative of farmers and top-down intervention by the government. Initially, pioneer entrepreneurs brought e-commerce to the village and achieved great success in this business, then social network acted as a channel for the diffusion of e-commerce in the local community. Subsequently, the government recognized the significance of e-commerce for the rural economy and provided support to advance the further development of rural e-commerce. With the help of the government, a developed e-commerce ecosystem emerged in the rural community and brought changes to the village in terms of the industrial structure, farmers’ livelihoods, and rural landscapes. Based on the case study, we concluded that farmers’ entrepreneurship, local participation, and adequate government intervention were important to rural development. The cultivation of rural elites, leadership building, and participative governance should be considered in the rural policy design.

Yuzhu Zang
China university of Geosciences

ID Abstract: 31