Research on housing since the financial crisis of 2008-2012 has largely been thought of in terms of the financialisation of real estate. Many researchers have documented how housing, chunky a and spatially fixed, has been turned into a ’unitized’ and liquid quasi-financial asset through a combination of regulatory and socio-technical changes (Aalbers, 2019).Housing has become a major object of financialization, through rising mortgage debt, mortgage securitization, the financialization of construction and development companies, and the growing grip of finance on the private rental market (Aalbers, 2019 ; Romainville, 2015). Thus, this consequent literature details how the extraction of real estate rent not only represents the source of profit for the real estate industry, but increasingly constitutes large shares of the returns of financial institutions (Aalbers, 2012).,Authors have, however, shown a simultaneous resurgence of ‘landlordism’ or private landlords in rental property ownership in several context (Ronald, Kadi, 2018, Aalbers, 2021 ; Hochstenbach et al., 2021).
These studies, whether they focus on institutional actors or smaller-scale landlords, address the question of “who benefits from rental housing” but actually offer little insight into the formation of this profit. Theories of rent, which allow us to understand how (and not who) profits from rental housing, have been largely neglected by research. However, understanding the process of land rent formation in the urban context remains relevant, in the sense that it feeds the capital invested in the financialisation of real estate (Harvey, 1982 ; Lipietz, 1974 ; Topalov, 1977, 1984). In recent years, there has been renewed interest in using the rent theory to analyse urban dynamics (Haila, 1990, 2016 ; Revington, 2021 ; Ward and Aalbers, 2016).
Furthermore, the geography of the private rental market has been little studied in detail. However, it could be argued that types of actors involved vary spatially as well as the different modalities and magnitude of the rent received. Literature remains scarce on intra-urban geographies according to these parameters.
We aim to contribute to debates regarding persistences and transformations of the private rental market by focusing on the supply side and on landlords. In particular, we will give importance to spatial approaches, giving the opportunity to connect these results to wider processes of urban transformation. We are considering three lines of communication: (1) actors of the residential rental market, (2) creation of rental sub-markets, (3) (non-)regulation/alternatives. This session is organised in association with a special issue of BELGEO, the Belgian Journal of Geography ( Proposers are invited to submit to both but without obligation. Papers may be presented in English or French.

Casier Charlotte (1); Périlleux Hugo (2); Dawance Thomas (3)
(1) ULB-FNRS, (2) ULB, (3) VUB

ID Abstract:

The demographic relevance of foreign-born population in Barcelona and its inner metropolitan ring is undeniable as key player in the current demographic, residential and urban dynamics. By 2022, the immigrant population in the Barcelonés comarca amounted to 28.5% of the population, or 650.141 people. Consequently, it is interesting to analyze their housing strategies, spatial distribution, and impact on housing markets, especially in areas like Barcelona, where the excessive cost of renting generates a large part of the residentially excluded population. Therefore, nowadays, an important part of the housing supply appears as shared housing, coming from informal residential markets, since there are no specific regulations governing them. Thus, this study examines the distribution of the supply of shared housing in relation to the presence of foreign immigrants, the average rental price and households’ income at the census tracts scale. Due to the absence of official statistics regarding the phenomenon, the study is based on information extracted by web scrapping from, the real state website with the highest online traffic in Spain and volume of listings, collecting data from 13300 of them, at four moments in time. This information is processed by auto spatial correlation index Local Moran’s I that allows to identify cluster areas with similar characteristics. The hypothesis is that the presence of shared housing in certain areas increases the prices of the primary housing rental market, causing the immigrant population to have to pay a higher average price for dwelling when living in a shared house. Early results show that the spatial distribution of the shared housing supply seems to respond to patterns related to the variables studied, clearly visible with clusters. In addition, they also show that there are two opposite trends in areas with a high percentage of low-income households and of immigrant population.

Orozco-Martínez, Carolina; Bayona-i-Carrasco, Jordi; Gil-Alonso, Fernando
Universidad de Barcelona; Universidad de Barcelona y Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics; Universidad de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 108

The production of private housing in France is particularly dependent on tax expenditure for buy-to-let investment by household [Pollard, 2022]. The sharp expansion of these subsidies from the end of the 1990s has coincided with an increase in the share of the private rental sector in the housing stock, a decline in the share of the social sector and a flattening of the ownership rate. This support can therefore be seen as a pillar of the ‘rentierisation’ [Christophers, 2019] of the French housing sector. The geographical selectivity of these schemes, which have only been available in specific parts of France since 2009, is therefore fuelling a geographically uneven development of property rent._x000D_
The role of the state in this rentierisation resonates with the thesis of State Monopoly Capitalism (SMC), which was very influential in the 1970s and abandoned from the 1980s onwards in favour of regulation theory. By analogy with the SMC, this article analyses tax support for rental investment as a form of state monopoly rentierism (SMR), which, in interaction with the geographical structures of the rental market, has led to the spatial selectivity of rentierisation._x000D_
The first part of the presentation focuses on the process by which fiscal support for buy-to-let has become spatially selective. It shows that since 2009, increasing amounts of budget have been concentrated in areas of high rental demand. It then uses public reports and records of debates in the National Assembly, to show how this concentration stems from policymakers’ desire to support household wealth accumulation through rental investment._x000D_
The second part analyses the impact of tax expenditure on housing production. Using a difference-in-difference method, it shows that subsidies have favoured capitalist housing production by private developers at the expense of social landlords (non-lucrative market production) and individuals (non-market production).

Pierre Le Brun

ID Abstract: 511

In the Rhone delta, the workers (salt industries, dockers of the port of Marseille) have historically faced a plurality of risks linked to capitalist modernity (risks linked to water, sanitary risks, industrial risks…). In order to face these risks, these workers practice for several decades a subaltern urbanism that highlights an adaptive action. In this presentation, we present the results of a survey carried out among three communities of marginalized inhabitants (Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, Beauduc, Salin-de-Giraud), who are experimenting shacks housing practices (“cabanons”), which are repressed by the public authorities. These communities of habitat and practices can be analyzed as commons (Dardot and Laval 2014) and are examples of other ways of inhabiting that make another life possible._x000D_
By mobilizing the concept of riskscapes (Müller-Mahn and Everts 2012; Frick-Trzebitzky 2019), we inform how these spaces are practiced and appropriated in the everyday life and how improvised and fugitive infrastructural arrangements are negotiated by shack owners. Today, mainstream adaptation policies, such as Nature-based Solutions, are increasingly contested. Our research shows how these alternative ways of inhabiting highlight inspiring postmodernist adaptive practices to face climate change.

Antoine Brochet
Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (CNRS) – Grenoble

ID Abstract: 581

After experiencing the end of their world twice, Angolan people strive in the ruins of colonialism, war and oil-driven capitalism. By looking into recently produced cinema in the urban context of Luanda we expect to find emerging imaginaries of possible urban inhabiting beyond Promethean sociotechnical imaginaries, global forms of neoliberal urbanism, and state corruption and autocracy. Researching imaginaries of urbanization in popular culture produced in post-independence Luanda allows us to observe overlapping imaginaries of dispossession and violence as well as embodiment and urban effervescence. By looking into the peripheral and under-theorized context of Luanda, as well as to its cultural production, we intend to investigate everyday practices of ‘inhabiting the uninhabitable’ and their potential to open alternative urban futures. We will present the results of a thematic analysis of a selected group of documentary films produced in Luanda between 2004 and 2014 (from É dreda ser Angolano to Afripédia X Angola), which witnessed the birth and development of a locally produced music and dance – the Kuduro. First born as a street dance, a performed including odd body movements (a mix of everyday gestures, with hip-hop, semba, techno, etc.) in the most peripheral neighborhoods of Luanda – the musekes -, Kuduro was quickly adopted as the rhythm and the voice of the ghetto, as a form of resistance, produced in improvised local studios, circulated through informal networks and, often illegal, transport vehicles (candongueiros). From Luanda to Lisbon, and then to the world, Kuduro was first received with suspicion then with curiosity and enthusiasm; it soon became a symbol of Angolanidade. By analyzing these documentary films we aim to investigate how Kuduro was and still can be understood as a ‘community activator’ with the potential to trigger the deployment of other ways of togetherness and belonging while re-imagining alternative ways of urban space production

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A medida que más hombres en España conocen los beneficios potenciales de Aldactone en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, se abre una nueva era en el tratamiento de la salud sexual. aldactone 50 Desvelando el papel de Aldactone en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil: Un gran avance en el panorama sanitario español.


Lavínia Pereira; Andrea Pavoni; Simone Tulumello
Instituto de Ciências Sociais – Universidade de Lisboa; DINÂMIA’CET – ISCTE

ID Abstract: 880

Sugerimos que os esforços de descolonização da ciência são fragilizados em processos nos quais são dadas pouca atenção a dimensões metodológicas da produção de conhecimentos. A abertura para imaginações radicais esbarra em culturas acadêmicas moldadas pela subjetivação neoliberal; injustiças investigativas com comunidades pesquisadas; marginalização transgênero; reificaçãoda investigação participativa e comunitária; redução das comunidades pesquisadas a problemas; exploração dos conhecimentos alternos através de ‘pirataria’ acadêmica; comodificação de perspectivas anticoloniais. _x000D_
Esses modos de produzir conhecimento condicionados por uma ‘economia política do conhecimento’ imbricam-se a um caráter fechado de metodologias acadêmicas executadas como « processos fixos, padronizados e estáveis » para executar « validade, científica ou institucional, baseada na repetição » (Rojas, 2012). Mas, as « formas de conhecer não são uma coleção de ideais, mas sim conjuntos de práticas e relações » (Patel, 2022). Precursores como Sandoval, Smith, e Simpson têm interrogado modos canônicos de produção de conhecimento, mobilizando dispositivos metodológicos divergentes e re/distribuições ontoepistêmicas. Robinson e Roy (2015) observam que os estudos urbanos vem experimentando « uma proliferação de paradigmas e exploração ou invenção de várias metodologias inspiradas pela diversidade e mudanças geográficas da urbanização global »._x000D_
Esse movimento de renovação também tem tomado corpo no Brasil, sendo reforçado pela relativa democratização da universidade pelas políticas de cotas nas últimas décadas. Essas experiências nos informam sobre uma diversidade de práticas ética e metodologicamente orientadas por políticas do encontro e do ‘cuidado’ (de la Bellacasa, 2017) e por ‘questões de interesse’ (Latour, 2005) de moradora/es e coletividades. _x000D_

Glória Cecília dos Santos Figueiredo & Thaís Troncon Rosa
Universidade Federal da Bahia

ID Abstract: 940

The current global crisis has many faces. Here I focus on the increasingly unequal, unjust and often violent uses of space, which create extremely difficult situations for those living in the most dispossessed areas._x000D_
In an earlier theorization of urban margins, we described them as « reserve spaces » awaiting a new round of investment in the urban environment. In this presentation we look at those urban margins that are actually trapped in a « permanent temporality », what we call « extreme spaces ». We understand that these extreme spaces are actually necessary for the normal functioning of the whole urban system and can therefore be conceptualized as a kind of colonial spaces (Benach, 2021)._x000D_
This argument is not entirely new, as many aspects have already been analyzed as a logic of unequal development, dispossession or spatial injustice. However, the theoretical framework presented here focuses on two particularly insightful elaborations to help elucidate causes, spatial expressions, responses and policy approaches. First, Massey’s concepts of geographies of responsibility and the politics of place behind place (Massey, 2004)

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. Second, Mbembe’s necropolitics in relation to permanent excluded spaces, sacrificial zones, disposable lives, and the postcolony (Mbembe, 1992; Mbembé, 2003)._x000D_

Nuria Benach Rovira
Universitat de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 252

El Casino 1889 es una histórica institución de recreo, análoga de otros espacios del asociacionismo burgués, como ateneos, liceos o círculos, situada en el centro de Carballo (A Coruña); una ciudad media gallega, seriamente estereotipada debido a la metonimia que identifica este municipio con una representación racista de sus vecinos “moinantes” —una comunidad de orígenes nómadas, como los mercheros, profundamente estigmatizada, sometida a dinámicas de segregación urbana y frecuentemente asociada por los medios de comunicación a la delincuencia—._x000D_
En 2018, cuando la falta de relevo generacional parecía abocar el Casino al cierre, un grupo de vecinos jóvenes —interesados por la cultura, comprometidos con el territorio y sin vínculos con la entidad— tomó las riendas del espacio por medio de un original proceso de ocupación sin okupación. Conformaron una nueva directiva e iniciaron un proceso de transformación que convirtió el Casino en una suerte de centro social autogestionado. Poco tiempo después, cuando el Casino se había convertido en un hervidero de iniciativas culturales organizadas en común, una sociedad inmobiliaria local remitió un burofax a la entidad a través del cual instaban a la nueva directiva a desalojar el espacio, en virtud de su futura demolición para la construcción de un edificio de viviendas. Sin embargo, el Casino intensificó su actividad sociocultural e inició un litigio jurídico todavía sin solución._x000D_
Partiendo de una orientación decolonial y con la del “fin del mundo” como telón de fondo conceptual, este trabajo piensa la experiencia de ocupación del casino y la sociabilidad alternativa que engendró con sus actividades, como un “agarre”: una indagación colectiva sobre el arte de vivir juntos en un tiempo das catástrofes. _x000D_

Brais Estévez
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

ID Abstract: 285

Access to housing is a fundamental necessity for everyone. However, long-term processes of deregulation, privatization, financialization and a general dismantling of welfare state systems have jeopardized access to housing for more people. The economic and financial crises of 2008 and the consequent austerity measures have further accelerated and deepened these trends. _x000D_
In December 2014, Social Log, a social movement that was mobilizing in Bologna on housing issues through anti-eviction actions promoted the occupation of the former headquarters of Telecom, the former state-owned telecommunications company, which had been empty for 12 years and was owned by an international investment fund. The building, which was exactly opposite the new headquarters of the Bologna municipality, was occupied by 76 households, a total of 280 people, including 103 minors, who had previously been evicted from their homes. The ex-Telecom experience ended on October 20th 2015, when a massive police deployment, after a day full of tension and charges, completed the eviction of the building. Most of the families, thanks to the negotiation promoted throughout the eviction day, found a solution, often definitive, through the intervention of the social services of the municipality of Bologna. The building has been later converted into the ‘Student Hotel’, an expensive residence for students. _x000D_
However, for a year, a previously empty building became not only the home of these families but also a political laboratory. Through the slogan ‘Housing, income, dignity’, the ex-telecom occupation put the housing emergency at the centre of the public debate in Bologna and became an experiment in which migrants and local families, students, and precarious workers, lived together building a community and a political space based on mutual support and struggle for a radical and alternative housing model.

Gabriele D’Adda
Università degli Studi di Catania

ID Abstract: 364

El barrio autoconstruido de A Pasaxe surge en 1984, cuando el ayuntamiento de A Coruña desmantela el conjunto de chabolas de A Cubela, donde residían más de 500 personas, para construir un complejo comercial de nueva centralidad. Las familias residentes son dispersadas en barrios de concentración, formados por infraviviendas, construidos por el municipio para la población gitana. Un grupo de familias es enviado a unos terrenos industriales abandonados, sin participar del acuerdo con la propiedad, que no incluyó servicios básicos ni medios para reconstruir sus viviendas. Durante más de 40 años la población materializó el barrio, articulando sistemas de vida que el ayuntamiento ha querido erradicar amparado en nuevas operaciones urbanísticas, presentándolo como una anomalía incompatible con el progreso de la ciudad. Pero más allá de constituir un contexto de emergencia producto de políticas urbanas segregativas y antigitanas, este enclave, más antiguo que algunos barrios de la ciudad, se ha configurado como un lugar de memoria con identidad propia; un espacio de resistencias comunitarias que han sostenido la vida y deben ser reconocidas e incorporadas al diálogo sobre el futuro de este espacio. La respuesta institucional es la negación, la criminalización y la imposición de realojos dispersos que han quebrado las redes sociofamiliares y de ayuda mutua territorializadas en A Pasaxe. _x000D_
Ante la retirada de lo público, en un contexto de no reconocimiento y ausencia de derechos, la gestión del territorio habitado se sostiene sobre las prácticas cotidianas. En estos tejidos se desactivan las dicotomías formal/informal, público/privado, rural/urbano, productivo/reproductivo que organizan la ciudad legitimada. Las múltiples transgresiones del modelo urbano excluyente, representadas en los procesos de autoconstrucción y organización colectiva producidas en estos asentamientos, articulan las luchas por un habitar, pero también propuestas alternativas que tienen la reproducción

Cristina Botana Iglesias
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

ID Abstract: 466