Italy is characterised by a variety of practices that, despite their extreme phenomenological diversity, can all be labelled as expressions of urban illegality: the construction of unauthorised buildings by the middle class, informal inhabitation practices by marginalised subjects (Roma or migrant groups), the illegitimate occupation of public housing units. Around these practices, a series of public norms, policies and actions have been set up over the years. These measures, despite being factually independent, nevertheless contribute to shape a precise politics, centred on the selective exploitation, guided mainly by politically mediated rationales, of the tolerance-repression binomial. Thanks to this politics, urban illegality/informality is continually made electorally, socially and economically productive and, at the same time, even when it is the subject of repressive campaigns, it is continually produced and reproduced. This happens because it is an extraordinary resource that allows a myriad of political, economic and bureaucratic actors to extract significant benefits. This contribution analyses this politics of urban illegality in Italy, highlighting the four main forms it takes: selective social legitimisation; ethnic-based stigmatisation; judicial and administrative dislocation; preservation of grey areas.

Francesco Chiodelli
Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, University of Turin

ID Abstract: 213

Ahondar en la tensión existente entre los márgenes y los centros urbanos a través del análisis de la esfera doméstica resulta especialmente revelador, puesto que es penetrando en los entresijos del habitar cuando podemos entender los procesos socioeconómicos y el acceso al bienestar: ¿Cómo se sobrevive en el ámbito doméstico a la violencia urbanística? ¿Dónde empieza y acaba el hogar? ¿Qué redes de supervivencia se activan en los márgenes urbanos? Esta comunicación trata de entender la vida en los márgenes a partir de la domesticidad de mujeres migrantes que comparten una precaria situación socioeconómica en un taller de costura del barrio de Les Roquetes (Barcelona) y otro taller en el barrio de Torrassa (Hospitalet). La historia de estas mujeres está marcada por un trasfondo de luchas, migraciones, desencanto, sufrimiento y frustración. Pero a pesar de todas las incertidumbres y la precariedad que las atraviesan, el taller de costura es un espacio socializado, socializador y casi terapéutico para ellas, un lugar donde poder compartir y generar redes con otras mujeres en situaciones similares._x000D_
La combinación de métodos de investigación cualitativos al uso con otros más experimentales ha permitido comprender mejor las complejidades de vivir –y sobrevivir– en estos espacios. Por un lado, se distribuyeron cámaras fotográficas desechables a las costureras de Roquetes con la premisa de que fotografiaran los lugares donde realizan sus tareas u otros espacios como testimonio de su día a día. Por otro lado, con las costureras del barrio de Torrassa se generaron unos mapas de vida textiles con el fin de que, mediante el simbolismo de los tejidos, trazaran su cotidianidad, sus espacios y prioridades. Pues, en última instancia, son las propias mujeres las que desempeñan un papel vital en el mantenimiento y desarrollo de su comunidad, desplegando toda una serie de estrategias cotidianas para sostener la vida en los márgenes.

Tania Cearreta Innocenti
Universitat de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 243

Although security narratives still portray climate change as an existential threat that will lead to “a mass exodus of entire populations on a biblical scale,” data shows that people affected by environmental disruptions rarely cross the border. Socio-economic inequalities experienced in sending countries and the lack of legal recognition of the so-called climate refugees do not facilitate the movement of these people, who mostly become Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). Given the hardships in confronting places turning inhabitable, which strategies, tools, and capabilities should be enacted by individuals and communities on the front line of disasters? This contribution provides a toolkit for non-state actors (i.e. non-governmental organizations, civic associations, entities like the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and faith-based organizations) to strengthen their collective capabilities to resist and adapt to environmental degradation. The toolkit includes Community Change Strategies and resistant and resilient capabilities to be read in light of non-state actors’ functions play within the Paris Agreement. Suggested decolonial environmental justice practices are employed to meet IDPs’ needs in the context of climate change and disasters while seeking recognition for these emerging subjects of law.

Francesca Rosignoli
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

ID Abstract: 98

En los últimos años, cerca de 7.1 millones de venezolanos han dejado su país a raíz de la crisis por la que atraviesan. En su proceso de inserción en las sociedades de acogida la vivienda desarrolla un papel relevante en sus condiciones de vida. Este estudio compara las situaciones habitacionales de inmigrantes venezolanos en dos ciudades: Cali, Colombia en el Sur Global y Barcelona en el Norte Global. Para ello se han realizado 20 entrevistas semiestructuradas, identificando el perfil sociodemográfico diferenciado de venezolanos en ambos contextos, así como en los contrastes en los sistemas sociales y residenciales en los que se insertan. En general, en las dos ciudades, muestran un comportamiento residencial similar al de los autóctonos de bajos recursos, con quienes compiten en mercados secundarios proveedores de vivienda precaria. Sin embargo, aparecen dificultades específicas del colectivo, como el racismo inmobiliario asociado a su condición de extranjería los relega a contextos urbanos indeseados y excluyéndolos del mercado primario, lo que perciben como un retroceso en sus trayectorias residenciales. Los resultados muestran la relevancia de la informalidad inmobiliaria en ambas ciudades, que adopta formas e implicaciones diferentes según el contexto de recepción Sur o Norte, determinando así las posibilidades de inserción y las estrategias residenciales que allí desplieguen

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. En Cali, la vivienda de autoconstrucción informal puede adaptarse la demanda generada por los venezolanos, siendo usual la sobreocupación y el allegamiento de familiares. En contraste, en Barcelona el stock habitacional es rígido, se informaliza a través del el subarriendo de habitaciones mediante arreglos de corresidencia entre personas sin vínculos. En ambos contextos la calidad de vida de los migrantes se ve afectada por su situación residencial, escenarios que se deben considerar a la hora de generar políticas que reduzcan su vulnerabilidad y favorezcan su integración en el destino.

Orozco-Martínez, Carolina; García-García, Diva Marcela; Buitrago-Bermúdez, Oscar.
Universidad de Barcelona, España; Universidad Externado, Colombia; Universidad del Valle, Colombia

ID Abstract: 109

Experiences of territorialization and existential sovereignty in contexts of dispossession and exclusion: _x000D_
The main hypothesis of the research is that the cause of both social inequalities and environmental degradation must be found in the process of commodification of nature and social relations to the imperative of profit (Bhattacharyya, 2018; Melamed, 2015; Singh, 2004; Robinson, 2000;…). Within this logic, the decarbonisation process is part of urban growth. As such, this growth can be either built on a capital-driven, resource-efficient productivity; or use its profound revolutionary potential to lift people out of poverty and improve their well-being. _x000D_
Despite its crucial importance, there is not much in the academic literature in terms of understanding what more- or else- would need to happen to make the transition to a low-carbon society -and its profound revolutionary potential- an advantage to a more equal and inclusive society. _x000D_
The overarching research question is:_x000D_
“What are the social impacts of mitigation policies in the transport sector in low-income neighbourhoods?”_x000D_
To answer it I produce an ethnographic study of the impact of such policies on the well-being of residents of Lawrence Hill, one of the most deprived areas of Bristol and home to the highest percentage of ethnic minority communities (Bristol: area profile, 2014). _x000D_
However, the research does not aim at describing oppression and disempowerment. On the contrary, through Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach, it aims at giving a voice to residents of Lawrence Hill to understand their definitions of well-being and how they can be incorporated in mitigation policies in the transport sector (Alkire, 2008; Sen, 2017, 1994, 1990;…)._x000D_
Overall, the research contributes to 1) a social justice theory of transport planning and 2) a narration of practices of existential sovereignty in context of dispossession in that it addresses coping strategies against the failure of mitigation policies.

Sara Melasecchi
University of the West of England, Bristol

ID Abstract: 127

The climate crisis has transformed the planet, bringing it to the brink of uninhabitability. According to recurring data published by the IPCC, if global warming is not stopped, the unleashed climatic disorders will lead humans and non-humans to doomsday scenarios. In this sense, while some institutions explore climate change adaptation and mitigation measures –trying to rebuild cities in the face of extreme weather events, within the same modern world–, the idea of the end of the world has spread in contemporary thought. For some authors, guaranteeing future habitability horizons cannot be achieved in a world still tied to an idea of progress that continues to understand the future according to the Promethean rules of unlimited modernity. However, neither the idea of the climate crisis nor the experience of the end of the world are new for many groups and subjects subjugated by capitalist modernity. Black (McKittrick, 2011), indigenous (Krenak, 2019), Roma (Romero and García, 2019), feminist, queer or working-class urbanisms constitute, in this sense, inspiring repertoires to sustain and care for life in worlds dominated by poverty, death, systematic violence or the absence of a future. We consider inhabiting as an act of resistance against a system that promotes its exclusive perpetuity and tries to present itself as a structure without alternatives. In this sense, pessimism and guilt are essential components in the deactivation of collective agency and autonomous initiatives that arise in the face of the myth of modern self-sufficiency. We believe that the human being cannot be fulfilled individually, without depending on other forms of life or the community (Herrero, 2010). These much-needed changes are already taking place in the margins and cracks of the system (Filigrana, 2020), in those territories where existence itself represents forms of urban dissidence or divergence. We think about places where collective survival strategies have been developed against the dynamics of expulsion, dispossession and death; common tactics that show us that there are other ways of inhabiting and existing in common that make another life possible. This session proposes to approach these experiences, which we call decolonial urbanisms, to explore improvised, fugitive and opaque ways of inhabiting territories in a different way. We consider that these ways of inhabiting contain practices, knowledge and infrastructural arrangements –powerful and subtle– that can be vital to reimagine, transform and recompose urban territories in the midst of a crisis that announces inhospitable futures. 
We consider it relevant to think creatively and collectively about the possibility and continuity of life together in a damaged world. For this, this session will focus on the study of the ways of inhabiting the uninhabitable, paying attention to the infrastructural arrangements, the forms of socality, ways fo life-in-common and the knowledge deployed to make life possible in spaces where it does not seem to be. We aspire to bring together a handful of research and collective experiences on insurgent and fugitive territorialities that make it possible to affirm life in common beyond collapse, violence, and necropolitics. We encourage participants to share empirical materials and collaborative fieldwork on practices related to the ideia of inhabiting the uninhabitable. Contributions can be made in English, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Basque and Galician languages. We aim to address some of the following points: 

The sudy of places or environments of sacrifice that have become community activators and scenarios for alternative proposals for living. 

Research about the territorial expressions that arise from experiences related to political, economic or socio-environmental violence and become visible in the territory. 

Experiences on inhabiting a foreign or excluding city and the processes of reappropriation and reinvention of the home and quotidian existence. 

Practices of urban fugitivity where racialiced lives are affirmed despite racial subjugation.  

Doing research from the margins: the Global North and South. 

New methodological approaches in territorial studies, focusing on the analysis of everyday life and the mobilisation of memories and narratives. 

Enquiries that explore the expressions of affectivities, bodies and non-normative existences in relation to territoryies and their transformation. 

Experiences of territorialization and existential sovereignty in contexts of dispossession and exclusion. 

Cristina Botana Iglesias (1); Brais Estévez Vilariño (1)
(1) Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

ID Abstract:

Les fleuves apparaissent comme un support renouvelé de projet pour les territoires, qui mobilisent fréquemment leurs cours d’eau au service de leurs stratégies. C’est le cas des deux exemples analysés : le projet “Tourisme Transfrontalier Fluvial Soutenable” développé par trois villes françaises et espagnoles –Perpignan, Lleida et Girona– autour de quatre fleuves ; le projet “Trois territoires” développé par trois comarques appartenant à trois communautés autonomes espagnoles –Terra Alta en Catalogne, Matarraña en Aragon et Els Ports en Communauté Valencienne– axé sur la promotion du tourisme local, qui comprend également des activités liées à l’eau. Dans ces deux projets, des collectivités locales tissent des coopérations autour des fleuves qu’elles ont en commun afin d’œuvrer à de nouvelles formes de développement économique local. Il s’agit de développer un « tourisme fluvial », qui peut s’apparenter à une forme d’écotourisme permettant de redécouvrir les ressources endogènes liées à l’eau. _x000D_
Nous souhaitons ici interroger la dimension géopolitique de ces projets. Les territoires considérés ont pour point commun de se présenter comme des marges territoriales à différentes échelles. Ces projets s’accompagnent d’une dynamique de coopération territoriale justifiée par une logique hydrographique, celle du fleuve comme trait d’union entre territoires administrativement fragmentés. Avoir des fleuves en partage rapprocherait « naturellement » des territoires administrativement fragmentés. De tels rapprochements peuvent-ils leur permettre de dépasser cette situation de marginalité territoriale ? La coopération entre territoires peut-elle porter sur le fleuve comme élément potentiel de centralité touristique, sociale, économique et environnementale ? Une nouvelle modalité du transfrontalier n’est-elle pas en train de se constituer, appuyée sur une géographie commune?_x000D_
Cette communication fait partie des premiers résultats du projet TRANSINTER-D (PID 2021-126922NB-C21).

Sylvain Rode, Albert Santasusagna
Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Universitat de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 653

This progressive differentiation of differentiated regional legal systems in Spain especially affects the inter-regional border areas, as two legal systems and two logics of political action coincide in the same geographical space. These areas are endowed with geographical unity or have strong socio-economic or cultural ties, but receive differentiated regulatory treatment (e. g. environmental legislation). On the other hand, Spanish regional authorities have powers over relevant public services (education, health, emergency management, firefighting, waste management, transport or tourism). The deepening of decentralisation requires horizontal cooperation mechanisms to limit the impact of dysfunctions or contradictions between regional regulations and between regional policies. For almost all authors cooperation based on inter-regional agreements does not work properly, due, among other factors, to a lack of “federal” culture. While this statement is intuitively true, there is no reliable source to back it up with solid data. This is because the available information is fragmented or incomplete, and because cooperation also takes place through other instruments such as protocols. This paper aims to show unpublished quantitative data on the protocols and agreements signed between the regions. More specifically, we analyse the stages in which cooperation has been most active and in which sectors it has been most intense. We also highlight the degree of cooperation in each of the interregional spaces. The different regions in Spain cannot be governed as isolated « continents », but must fit together as pieces in the articulation of the State

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. A better understanding of the reality of horizontal cooperation is the first step towards identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the system, and addressing effective changes. In this sense, improving cooperation not only benefits the governance of interregional border areas, but is also an effective instrument for « sewing up » the different regions in a decentralised state.

Ramon Galindo Caldés
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

ID Abstract: 984

This research analyzes Spanish internal borders —i.e those separating Autonomous Communities (ACs)—. The starting hypothesis is that in highly decentralized countries, such is the Spanish case, internal borders can generate effects similar to those produced by external borders (between two or more nation-states). Specifically, this study seeks to analyze the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park, located on the border between the ACs of Castilla y León and Madrid. The aim is to apply the theoretical framework of transboundary conservation, widely studied in the context of external borders, to a national park shared by two ACs. Moreover, since it is a national park —a type of protected area that goes far beyond nature conservation and has strong implications in other areas such as politics, tourism promotion or nation-building— the results not only allow us to understand the effects derived from the presence of an internal border, but also to discuss the Spanish national park system and the relations between the central state and the ACs. Qualitative research techniques, through semi-structured interviews to key stakeholders, are employed to grasp their perceptions as regards the managing of the Sierra Guadarrama National Park. This research proves that there is much room for improvement in the cooperation between ACs and that the figure of national park has strong politic ramifications.

Department of Geography, University of Santiago de Compostela. ORCID:

ID Abstract: 985

Planning and managing spaces adjacent to an internal border (a complex task in itself) has an added difficulty when this border runs through a space distinguished by its geographical unity, whether in the strictly physiognomic or formal order, or from the perspective of its uses or its functionality. The exposed problem has, in Spain, a paradigmatic manifestation in the valley of the Noguera Ribagorçana river, in the Pyrenees: a fluvial course that runs from north to south, along 140 km, and which, at the same time, coincides, in most of its route, with an “internal border”: the limit between the autonomous communities of Catalonia and Aragon. This circumstance makes coordination essential in public policies – especially in the sense of ensuring the homogeneous management of the concurrent problems on both sides of the limit, and to avoid the generation of a “barrier effect”, in a material sense, in the border zone. Within the exposed framework, in the communication we propose to analyse the legal and management problems, in different orders (and particularly regarding to the development of tourism), that arise in the so-called Estret de Mont-rebei and its closest environment. This area, crossed by the course of the Noguera Ribagorçana river (in the surroundings of Montsec mountain range) and shared, therefore, by the autonomous communities of Aragon and Catalonia, has emerged in the last two decades as a kind of “symbolic space” in different senses, due to its high natural values. The results of the analysis carried out, and the risk of the “barrier effect”, lead us to emphasize, facing the future, the need of tackling the law of the public management of this space from a basic premise of coordination and cooperation.

Joan Tort Donada, Verónica García Morales, Alexis Sancho Reinoso
Universitat de Barcelona, Universitaet Wien

ID Abstract: 986