This session invites papers on the role of techno-scientific promises in shaping the future trajectories, sociotechnical landscapes, territories, and ultimately entire societies in their efforts towards sustainability. The session also explores the roles the various promissory communities and their contestants in shaping the construction and consequences of such promises.

A techno-scientific promise can include relatively vague visions (“umbrella promises”) like those relating to broad energy transitions or to a generic technology category (e.g. wind energy, nanotechnology, or artificial intelligence), but also expectations concerning a specific technology design (e.g., a novel nuclear reactor design), its cost and likely deployment time, etc. Promises are not mere talk or discourse – they make things happen, by aligning actors, institutions, and capital; they guide activities, provide structure and legitimacy, help attract interest and foster investment (Borup et al. 2006; Joly 2010; van Lente 2012). Promises are collectively constructed, being institutionalised in, for example, policies, laws, regulation, and funding decisions. They are materialised in for instance R&D projects, prototypes, and commercial applications (Parandian et al. 2012). To be institutionalised and materialised, a promise needs to gain legitimacy by addressing a widely recognised societal problem, and credibility by demonstrating its practical viability (Joly 2010). The construction of promises typically entails controversies between promissory communities and their detractors, which thereby test the societal robustness of the promises, including their compatibility with society’s perceptions of the meaning and objectives of sustainability (Chateauraynaud 2011).

Papers in this session can include theoretical or empirical analyses of techno-scientific promising on topics such as (not an exclusive list):
•The interaction of discourse, institutions, and material artefacts in the construction of promises
•The creation, shaping, maintenance and policy role of the various promissory communities, including epistemic communities, networks congregated around “promise entrepreneurs”, ecomodernist and degrowth communities, etc.
•The spatial underpinnings and implications of promise-construction and community-creation (spatial limitations to promise-construction, impacts of promise-construction on the involved territories, at various spatial scales…)
•The role of public controversies: the dynamics between promise-construction and promise-deconstruction – between promissory communities and their contesters – in enhancing or undermining the societal robustness of promises
•Material, institutional implications (e.g. on the territories and communities designated to host R&D projects, prototypes and commercial projects) from promise-construction, including those from failed promises.

Markku Lehtonen (1); Tapio Litmanen (2)
(1) Pompeu Fabra University, (2) University of Jyväskylä

ID Abstract:

In 2011, the Ukrainian government opened the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone up for tourism. The promise was for the space to become a reminder of the disaster and educate visitor’s attitudes towards nuclear power. Instead, this place of toxic cultural heritage became materialized not in opinions but in popular culture. It begs the question of whether Chernobyl as a space reshaped civic imagination or if civic imagination reshapes Chernobyl as a space and/or concept. It can be difficult to comprehend that a once progressive space will never be available for human-habitation ever again. The post-apocalyptic scenery of a decaying Soviet town becomes painstakingly beautiful, because when there is no hope left, at least you have beauty. _x000D_
This presentation will discuss how the (previous) tourism in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone affect and has been affected by popular culture. The presentation approaches several popular visual representations of the disaster with the use of Günther Anders’ Ten Theses on Chernobyl and Olga Gorinova’s term bleak joy. Rooted in eco-aesthetics, the presentation questions the government’s decision as a political force to open up a space which in itself can be difficult to understand for the layman, and how the lack of technological knowledge can create an even deeper trench between scientific realism and civic imagination, when discussing the future of nuclear power._x000D_
Fannie Frederikke Baden is a PhD student in Art History and Visual Studies at the department of Cultural Sciences at Lund University. She is currently working on her dissertation project, Nuclear Spectators, which questions the relation between nuclear, popular, and visual culture. She has a background in art history, intermedial studies and visual culture.

Fannie Frederikke Baden
Lund University

ID Abstract: 60

This paper analyzes promises related to nuclear weapons test sites in the Pacific Ocean and the historical trajectory of activist knowledge production, such as citizen science and humanitarian witnessing. In line with Hanna Arndt, the political promise is understood as a special force of social constraint. Arendt’s view of promises as islands of certainty in an island of uncertainty (1958) can be related to the institution of Nuclear weapons test sites, how they were legitimized, and their subsequent treatment in separate regimes of knowledge. My case expertise, from which I draw analytic examples, is in the French Polynesian Centre d’expérimentation du Pacifique (C.E.P.) test sites at Moruroa, Hao, and Fangataufa atolls. _x000D_
Here, promises were, around 1958, made on several levels. Progress, flourishing economy, affluence, and safety and security for local inhabitants were associated with the promise of nuclear technology, increased communications, and tourism in a speech by General De Gaulle in Papeete. A promise to leave the atoll test sites as they were when the center for the experiments was established was also made. Such promises came to be thought of and highlighted by people who increasingly questioned the sustainability, safety, and legitimacy of the test sites in the Pacific by articulating them as nuclear colonialism. In this paper, I describe the articulation and problematization of the possibility of betrayal of the historical promises connected to the nuclear weapons test sites.

Anton Öhman
Doctoral candidate, Lund university

ID Abstract: 73

A lot of journalistic enquiries and an ad hoc national survey showed that the Chernobyl disaster had warped a lingering uneasiness of the Italian public with respect to nuclear technology into an all-out panic concerning the mere idea of physical proximity with nuclear-related artefacts

Si bien estos tratamientos han sido eficaces para muchas personas, pueden no ser adecuados para todos debido a los posibles efectos secundarios, contraindicaciones o falta de eficacia.En conclusión, Xenical representa un enfoque de vanguardia para el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en España, ofreciendo una solución holística que aborda tanto los factores físicos como metabólicos que contribuyen a la disfunción eréctil. xenical comprar.

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En España, esta afección afecta a una parte importante de la población masculina, y a su prevalencia contribuyen diversos factores como la edad, el estilo de vida y los problemas de salud subyacentes.Además, el perfil de seguridad favorable del Orlistat y sus efectos secundarios mínimos lo convierten en una opción de tratamiento versátil y bien tolerada por personas de distintos grupos de edad. orlistat como funciona.

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Sin embargo, también es un país donde muchos hombres luchan contra la silenciosa y a menudo estigmatizada disfunción eréctil (DE). topamax 100mg Además, Topamax ha demostrado tener una alta tasa de éxito en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, con muchos hombres reportando mejoras significativas en su capacidad para lograr y mantener una erección..

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. This public mood was cemented by the 1987 referenda which banned nuclear power as a source of energy. In fact, the overwhelming result against nuclear power, compared with a 65% general turnout, suggests that a significant share of Italian public opinion perceived that moment as a radical break which was offering the implicit promise that the nuclear issue had been solved. Of course, this was not the case. But the Italian public was dangerously left for some time cultivating this constructed promise into the expectation of a ‘de-nuclearized backyard’ for themselves – as many road signs of the time still read nowadays._x000D_
This contribution takes into consideration two case studies, namely the mobilisation against the supposed decision to use an abandoned mine at Pasquasia, Sicily, as a nuclear waste repository – a decision that actually did never occur – and the agonising contrast about the destiny of liquid waste from Trisaia Nuclear Centre in Basilicata. The two cases show how local authorities and at least part of the judiciary critically contributed to the delegitimization of nuclear experts. Following a dystopian scenario, no credibility was acknowledged to them since they were represented as part of an elusive complex of powerful vested interests. This process, in the context of the ‘panic from nuclear proximity’, effectively hamstrung the decommissioning of Trisaia, leading in one case to opt for a course which was not considered technically appropriate from the point of view of radiological safety. _x000D_

Mauro Elli
Department of Historical Studies – State University of Milan

ID Abstract: 156

While the EU is actively promoting the integration of CE into its respective energy system, this has not been the case in Norway. Using the theory of sociotechnical visions, this paper reveals that the incumbent actors of the country’s energy sector envision the continuation of the centralized power production system, while more emergent actors anticipate CE functioning synchronously with utility-scale power plants in the future. For the actors in power, the promotion of CE is seen as an economically irrational alternative due to economies of scale and the potential cause for diverse justice concerns, such as favoring certain actors in the energy market and potentially disrupting the functionality of the existing grid system. The more emergent actors see CE as an opportunity to address some of the ongoing concerns in the Norwegian shift towards a low-carbon society, including public opposition to renewable energy infrastructure. There is evidence of a growing push for CE policy from some of the emergent actors, but so far, it has been met with institutional resistance. This paper shows how diverse approaches to transition are constructed and performed and the potential implications they have for the energy system and society. Such considerations are key to constructing a more robust energy policy and contributing to a more inclusive and transformative energy transition.

Krisjanis Rudus
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

ID Abstract: 261

One of the difficulties often highlighted by the rural population focuses on mobility. Together with greater ageing (and greater difficulty of mobility), the decline in the direct provision of some services contributes to making rural mobility a very topical issue. _x000D_
This research focuses on 4 rural districts in Valencia, where a wide-ranging survey was carried out to find out about the transport habits of the local population and, from there, to detect bottlenecks and, where appropriate, alternatives to alleviate them. The data show that more than 80% of the surveyed population makes journeys. The main reasons are work (1/3 of journeys), specialised shopping (15%), leisure and sport (12%) or for medical services (8%). The county seats, both in the county itself and in neighbouring counties, attract most of the trips. _x000D_
Nevertheless, when analysing mobility by public transport, this barely accounts for 5% of all journeys. The main reasons are very diverse, but always present are access to medical services (25%), studies (20%), and specialised shopping (10%). _x000D_
The gap between private and public transport-based mobility highlights a huge mismatch between the current configuration of public transport services and the needs of the population, and the need for a profound rethink of this configuration. However, there are two major obstacles. Firstly, the « mortgage » of long-term concessions to private companies, which, due to their subsidies, they have no interest in changing. Secondly, the fact that a very large part of the population indicates that, even with a greater and more adequate supply of public transport, they would continue to use the usual private means of transport, due to the greater flexibility of the latter. Therefore, public transport seems to be « condemned » to focus not on a general offer for the rural population, but on those segments of demand that do not have the alternative of private transport (students, housewives and elderly people).

Herráiz, C., Esparcia, J.
University of Valencia (Spain)

ID Abstract: 905

Given the lack of a clear definition of the rural population, very different assessments of what is happening in the Spanish rural space have emerged, even so much as since the public policies launched by the RETO DEMOGRÁFICO do not quite define the destination of Next Generation Funds, which tend to favor territories in which more initiatives are generated._x000D_
Thus, both the central administration and the regional and local administrations defend actions aimed at resolving the problems of the citizens, but without discriminating against municipalities according to their situation. For this reason, a good part of the Funds goes to peri-urban municipalities, which tend to be the most dynamic in demographic and economic terms and in terms of initiative and innovation. For this reason, the regressive and stagnant rural area is increasingly so, while it is interpreted that the set of rural areas has begun to grow, because the « rural peri-urban » municipalities have grown, that is, those with less than 2,000, or 10,000 , inhabitants of the surroundings of the cities._x000D_
The objective of this work is to make an exhaustive classification of Spanish municipalities into four categories, based on size, density and situation with respect to urban areas; and, based on this delimitation, analyze the demographic and socioeconomic dynamics of the four: 1-Urban areas; 2-Peri-urban municipalities; 3-Dynamic rural municipalities and 4-Stagnant and regressive rural municipalities._x000D_
For this purpose, we’ll use the study of the Ministry of Fomento on urban areas (ATLASAU, systematically updated) and the classifications already made by the authors based on several sources (Padron continuo, Censo de cotizantes a la Seguridad Social by municipality and 99 branches) (data from General Treasury of Social Security). An updated statistical base will be made and thematic maps will be prepared to delimit the categories of rural and urban population.

Fernando Molinero and Milagros Alario
Departamento de Geografía. Universidad de Valladolid

ID Abstract: 919

At the end of 2019, and in close connection with the restructuring of ministerial departments culminating in the creation of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, the state-owned Correos company launches an initiative that adds to the long list of initiatives aimed at addressing the so-called demographic challenges in Spain (identified by the administration as depopulation, territorial dispersion, progressive aging, low birth rate and the effects of the floating population). _x000D_
The launch of an online trade/distribution platform – the marketplaces – is accompanied by a media marketing campaign with the hashtag #yomequedo that emphasizes the role of this platform in offering small local producers the possibility to make their products visible, market and reach the whole of Spain. The dense network of post offices and the advantageous positioning from the point of view of economic conditions were among the strong points to consolidate the format in Spanish rural areas. On the other hand, the outbreak of the COVID pandemic and the restrictions of the last few years have given a notable boost to online commerce and to the rapid digitalization of many companies, even small and medium-sized ones._x000D_
In this scenario, this paper analyzes the territorial and sectorial implantation of the companies and producers that offer their products on the Correos Market platform in order to evaluate their diffusion in Spanish rural areas

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Dolores Sánchez Aguilera // Jaime Martínez Ruiz // Ángela Martínez Rivas
Dept. de Geografia, Universitat de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 955

The demographic and rural development policies that have been carried out so far have not been effective against depopulation, perhaps because they have been applied in a homogeneous manner and without taking into account the plurality of territories or the real needs of the citizens of each municipality. Depopulation and ageing do not affect all Aragonese municipalities uniformly and may have different causes. Hence, the need to adapt to the demographic, economic and social circumstances of each of them, which require adopting different action, measures depending on the locality. Within this context, the main objective of the work is, therefore, to develop a methodology that allows establishing the differences in the depopulation and ageing processes in which the Aragonese municipalities are immersed, providing a typology of spaces based on their degree of socioeconomic exclusion. For this, firstly, the factors that measure the different aspects that explain the territorial exclusion of the different municipalities are identified. These factors allow, on the one hand, diagnosing the degree of exclusion of each territory and, on the other, to determine the variety of population dynamics existing between the different Aragonese municipalities. Once these factors and their indicators have been identified, multivariate analysis techniques are used to establish the various profiles of territorial exclusion existing in Aragon and their relationship with the problem of depopulation and ageing. The determination of these profiles will be useful to generate response strategies and design policies to combat depopulation adapted to the situation of each municipality that guarantee adequate living conditions and that allow rerouting the spatial planning of the Aragonese region.

Mª Pilar Alonso Logroño1, Pilar Gargallo Valero2, Luis Lample Gracia3, Carlos López Escolano4, Jesús Miguel Álvarez5, Manuel Salvador Figueras6
1Facultat de Lletres/Departament de Geografia i Sociologia/Universidad de LLeida, Pl. Víctor Siurana, 1. 25003 Lleida.
2Facultad de Economía y Empresa/Departamento de Economía Aplicada/Universidad de Zaragoza, Gran Vía 2, 50005 Zaragoza. Member of the IEDIS (Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Empleo, Sociedad y Sostenibilidad).
3Facultad de Economía y Empresa/Departamento de Contabilidad y Finanzas/Universidad de Zaragoza, Gran Vía 2, 50005 Zaragoza.
4Facultad de Filosofía y Letras/Departamento de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio/Universidad de Zaragoza, San Juan Bosco, 7, 50009 Zaragoza.
5Facultad de Economía y Empresa/Departamento de Economía Aplicada/Universidad de Zaragoza, Gran Vía 2, 50005 Zaragoza.
6Facultad de Economía y Empresa/Departamento de Economía Aplicada/Universidad de Zaragoza, Gran Vía 2, 50005 Zaragoza. Member of the IEDIS (Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Empleo, Sociedad y Sostenibilidad).

ID Abstract: 992

It is often pointed out that one of the main problems in rural areas, which is at the root of the intense depopulation processes, is the lack of housing. The press echoes these kinds of statements, made by politicians, technicians and academics alike. _x000D_
The context on which this research focuses is based on the hypothesis that there is not a problem of lack of housing, but rather of a blockage in the housing market, which is a partial and significantly different issue. Therefore, solutions such as the generation of a small stock of public housing, or rental housing exchanges, would be ineffective, and would have, if any, very local and short-range effects. If our hypothesis is true, it would be necessary to go to measures of profound reform in housing and urban planning regulations in rural areas, with the central objective of mobilising the housing market. _x000D_
Our research focuses on a case study, the Alto Palancia region in the interior of the province of Castellón (Spain). Depopulation processes have been present for several decades, but some municipalities also benefit from important improvements in their accessibility to and from the Metropolitan Area of Valencia

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Aunque las causas de la disfunción eréctil pueden variar, un factor subyacente común es la presencia de diabetes.Aunque Glucophage es generalmente bien tolerado, algunos individuos pueden experimentar efectos secundarios como molestias gastrointestinales o deficiencia de vitamina B12. glucophage xr.

En este artículo, analizamos la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España y presentamos una innovadora opción terapéutica: Topamax. topamax migraña Este versátil medicamento actúa sobre neurotransmisores específicos del cerebro y los regula, restableciendo así el equilibrio y el funcionamiento de los intrincados sistemas del organismo..

Lo que diferencia a Cialis de otros medicamentos para la disfunción eréctil son sus efectos de larga duración, que pueden durar hasta 36 horas.En conclusión, la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España es un problema de salud importante que exige atención e intervención proactiva. cialis 10 mg.

En el vibrante paisaje de la sanidad española, una aflicción silenciosa camina entre las sombras, arrojando un velo de abatimiento sobre las vidas de muchos. aldactone acne Sin embargo, se ha descubierto que su mecanismo de acción único también es eficaz para tratar las causas subyacentes de la disfunción eréctil..

. Aspects such as the age of the housing stock; the evolution of the number of new and second-hand housing transactions; the presence of 1st or 2nd residence dwellings, as well as empty dwellings; the weight of the different tenure regimes, with special attention to rented or recently purchased dwellings; the proportion of dwellings for sale, etc., are analysed. In a specific case, the housing stock is also analysed according to the relationship between three variables: inhabited/uninhabited, age of the dwellings and their condition. _x000D_
The results of this case study confirm that the stock of « available » housing is very large, and that structural measures are needed to force a much more significant part of that stock of rural housing into the market. _x000D_

Pau, P., Esparcia, J.
University of Valencia (Spain)

ID Abstract: 890