This abstract is concerning a research project on the current socio-political and economic changes that the Gulf Region is dealing with._x000D_
The study is focusing on the recent challenges of Sultanate of Oman which is forming the organization called “Gulf Cooperation Council” (GCC). The multiple geographies and dynamic environments shaping geographically the Sultanate are orienting politically the new process of economic growth and development of the Country. It is crucial to emphasize at this stage that the author spent almost seven years working in the Region as an academician and consultant, so the data collected are the results both from an academic approach and practical point of view. This study aims to understand the changes of the Sultanate embedded in its Region through two main angles interconnected:_x000D_
1)By identifying the role of the Sultanate in the emerging geopolitical context of the Gulf, and examine how the political stability could contribute to re-design a new political vision toward the future._x000D_
2)By analyzing the current geographical and economic frameworks of the Sultanate and recognize which forces are capable to shape the new socio-economic trends of Oman toward a process of economic diversification that, at different levels, is occurring in all the Gulf Countries (GCC)._x000D_
The main research purpose of this study is to understand the intersections and the links between political leadership and economic changes in the Sultanate of Oman and their impacts on the economic growth and diversification of their economic sectors in the Persian Gulf and GCC context. This new phase of development is supported by new strategic industries like tourism, travel, and hospitality. Therefore, a particular emphasis will be given to the tourism sector as a driver-pivot for better understanding these multiple geographies of Oman, a country in transition from an oil-economy dependance to a more sustainable future._x000D_

Angelo Battaglia
Westminster International University of Tashkent (WIUT)

ID Abstract: 613

Las ciudades mineras existen desde tiempos inmemoriales. En el mundo las hay de todas las escalas territoriales. Dependiendo de muchas variables, sin embargo, el factor que determina su creación es el factor económico. Esto ha generado que sean ciudades con poca intervención y/o regulación del estado, el cual debería, en el mejor de los casos, proteger a la población de habitar en lugares no aptos para el buen vivir o al menos garantizar que estén libres de contaminación ambiental

A pesar de la cultura de apertura y cordialidad que existe en España, el tema de la disfunción eréctil sigue rodeado de estigma y secretismo para muchos hombres. xenical precio Mediante la inhibición de enzimas específicas responsables de impedir el flujo sanguíneo al pene, Xenical desencadena una cascada de respuestas fisiológicas que culminan en una erección robusta y duradera..

El Aumento de la Disfunción Eréctil en España: Explorando el Papel de la Medicación con Estrace estrace Aunque existen varias causas de disfunción eréctil, como factores psicológicos, elecciones de estilo de vida y enfermedades subyacentes, los desequilibrios hormonales también pueden desempeñar un papel importante..

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La disfunción eréctil puede deberse a varias causas, entre las que se incluyen factores relacionados con el estilo de vida, como el tabaquismo, el consumo excesivo de alcohol, la obesidad y la falta de actividad física.La disfunción eréctil puede deberse a varias causas, entre las que se incluyen factores relacionados con el estilo de vida, como el tabaquismo, el consumo excesivo de alcohol, la obesidad y la falta de actividad física. cialis españa envio 24h.

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. En algunas ciudades en los países desarrollados ya se han tomado algunas acciones en este sentido; sin embargo, en Latinoamérica aún queda un largo camino por recorrer. Esta investigación busca poner de manifiesto la necesidad de repensar estos lugares con una mirada más humana y que ponga en valor la calidad del hábitat y la garantice, así como destacar las buenas prácticas de otros países en este sentido. El caso de estudio es Chile, uno de los principales productores de cobre del mundo, donde la mitad del territorio nacional posee algún tipo de explotación minera, pero aún no posee una planificación territorial de estos lugares.

Maria Jose Ortega y Alma Ponce
Maria Jose Ortega, Universidad de Barcelona, Facultat de Geografia i Història , Barcelona. Alma Ponce, Universidad de la Serena, escuela de Arquitectura.

ID Abstract: 369

Since its foundation in 1939, the Revista Brasileira de Geografia (RBG) became the main journal of geography in Brazil. However, despite some studies from the 1990s to nowadays, its role for the comprehension of the history of Brazilian geography is still to be clarified. In this sense, the aim of my paper is to understand its links with the authoritarian government commanded by Getúlio Vargas from 1937 to 1945 called Estado Novo. Given the need of promoting the regime and controlling the adversaries at the same time (which include since the promotion of cultural and scientific events to the imprisonment of translators and writers), in 1939 was created the Press and Propaganda Department (DIP). Following the section of the RBG named Noticiário (News), I will show its close connections with the DIP. In this context, I also analyze how the RBG played an ideological function raised the territory to one of the central axis of the Estado Novo. Through the territory, the RBG disseminated themes such as national unity, centralization of power in the hands of the state, and patriotism. Based on Michel Foucault in terms of methodology and supported both to the historiographical literature concerning the Estado Novo and the sources consulted in the Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação Contemporânea and in the Arquivo Nacional, my conclusion is that the RBG must be recognized as an official vehicle of the Estado Novo, and that geography had a crucial play in the making of the modern Brazil.

Guilherme Ribeiro
Rio de Janeiro Federal Rural University (UFRRJ)

ID Abstract: 516

This work focuses on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a global infrastructure development strategy announced by the Chinese government in 2013. Thus far, the BRI has been analysed primarily through a geopolitical, political economic, cultural, and environmental lens, with strong attention paid to the role of nation-states and their institutions. Instead, I explore BRI as an inherently urban and local project. To unravel its contradictions, I focus on the particular locality on the BRI map: the village of Małaszewicze. Located in Eastern Poland, just a few kilometres from the Poland/Belarus border, Małaszewicze is the site of one Europe’s most important logistical hubs. An entry point to the European Union, and a connection between European-gauge and Soviet-gauge railway systems, Małaszewicze is an obligatory stop for many freight trains linking up Europe and China, dubbed the China-Europe Express. Relying on interviews with local actors, ethnographic observations, and photography as research method, I look at how the BRI materialises “on the ground”. I explore what local interests it represents and opposes, who advances and contests it, how it relates to local economy and urban development. Located in one of the EU’s poorest and “least developed” regions, supposedly suffering from an important “infrastructure gap”, Małaszewicze’s « bet » on the BRI is narrated as a glimpse of future modernity and prosperity — without considering the political geographies, stark power assymetries, unevenness and coloniality of the development this strategy heralds.

Wojciech Kębłowski
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Université libre de Bruxelles

ID Abstract: 226

In the past 12 years, geo-setting research has become one of the key points in China’s geopolitical research, gathering many China’s geopolitical research groups and promoting the revival of China’s geopolitical studies. Based on the latest developments and trends of geopolitics and geo-setting research, this paper focuses on the idea, agenda and approaches of geo-setting research in China. Centered on the interactive practices of multiple geo-actors, its idea regards the geo-setting as the « information » or decision-making dataset for their interactive practices, which also results from their interactions. Thus, geo-actors’ decisions or actions can be made under complete information, incomplete information, or even when true or false information cannot be distinguished. Under this new thought, its agenda generally includes three items: (1) the analysis of geo-setting elements (including fundamental, relational and structural elements); (2) the spatio-temporal process and mechanism of geo-setting; (3) the design of geo-setting technical system. In order to integrate different fields, various scales and multiple actors, this paper takes the conflict in northern Myanmar as an example to present three approaches of geo-setting research, namely, cross-field interaction, cross-scale coupling and multiple geo-actors’ game playing. Under current complex situation of once-in-a-century changes and COVID-19 pandemic, clarifying the idea, agenda and approaches of geo- setting studies is of great theoretical value and practical significance for accurately and scientifically analysing the current complex situation and proposing China’s response strategies.

Zhe Zhang; Hu Zhiding
East China Normal University; Royal Holloway University of London

ID Abstract: 34

Le Gabon est situé en Afrique centre-occidentale ; il appartient au vaste domaine forestier du bassin du Congo. Alors que sa superficie (267 677 km²) le classe dans la catégorie des « États moyens », sa faible population (2 172 519 habitants en 2019) en fait l’archétype de l’« île du sous-peuplement ». Le fait que plus de la moitié de ses habitants se concentre dans la capitale et sa région accentue l’impression de vacuité humaine dans le reste du territoire. Or l’étendue et le nombre conditionnent l’efficacité territoriale du contrôle étatique. L’intérêt de la présente contribution est de montrer en quoi la faible densité humaine caractéristique de l’espace géographique gabonais complique l’emprise territoriale de l’État. D’un point de vue méthodologique, trois points sont développés : la question du nombre en tant qu’objet de controverse au Gabon ; les ressorts et les caractéristiques de la géographie du sous-peuplement du territoire gabonais ; les aspects marquants du déficit de gouvernabilité territoriale découlant de cette faible charge humaine.

Centre d’études et de recherches en géosciences politiques et prospective / Université Omar BONGO de Libreville

ID Abstract: 53

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a post-conflict country with a complex political and ethnic structure. Since the end of the Bosnian war in 1995, it has been a recipient of foreign aid. The post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe (the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia) have long been actively involved as aid donors to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) due to their geographical proximity and historical-cultural ties. The provision of foreign aid can have a range of motivations, from humanitarian to geopolitical. Based on analyses of the spatial distribution of aid within Bosnia and Herzegovina, our research examines various factors influencing the allocation of aid at subnational – i.e. local and municipal level. Statistical analyses have revealed significant biases in the provision of foreign aid based on the (dis)preference of certain ethnic groups and political entities within Bosnia and Herzegovina by CEE donors. These preferences often vary considerably among CEE donors, reflecting the different (geo)political motivations for their aid. However, the regionally uneven or biased distribution of aid in favour of one of the entities is not only contrary to the principles of good donorship, but can also exacerbate regional disparities and become an obstacle to reconciliation. There are two barriers to addressing the uncoordinated and unequal allocations of foreign aid within Bosnia and Herzegovina. Donors’ cooperation in the distribution of development funds within BiH is limited by their individual self-interests while BiH’s overly complex and fragmented governmental and administrative structure is an obstacle to effective coordination of donor activities by BiH authorities. En términos de ecología del fuego y de gestión forestal, la resistencia a los grandes incendios forestales se refiere a la capacidad para modificar el comportamiento del fuego mediante el uso de técnicas de intervención forestal en áreas estratégicas. También implica la planificación de grandes superficies con coherencia forestal para reducir el número de grandes incendios y evitar pérdidas económicas y ecológicas. Además, la resistencia social está vinculada a procesos de aprendizaje colectivo para generar espacios donde sea posible el empoderamiento y la generación de un discurso compartido sobre los incendios. En definitiva, esto implica la creación de estructuras socioterritoriales organizadas para afrontar los grandes incendios forestales, más allá de las relacionadas con la gestión de la emergencia. Se pretende analizar a través de las asociaciones de propietarios forestales como se conectan estructuras ecológicas y estructuras sociales para conseguir formas de vida y asentamientos vinculados con el territorio, la mutua interacción y el beneficio entre especies humanas y no humanas. El objetivo final es prevenir y, en caso de que no sea posible, reducir el impacto de los grandes incendios, reconociendo que es imposible eliminar el fuego del ecosistema.

Zdeněk Opršal, Tereza Nováková
Department of Development and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic

ID Abstract: 80

The analysis of geopolitical discourse belongs to the main explanatory procedures in researching the specifics of political culture and the behaviour of states. Czechia and Slovakia formed one state for 70 long years, the two titular nations have always been very close to each other, which did not change even after the dissolution of the federation in 1993

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La Viagra, también conocida por su nombre genérico sildenafilo, es un medicamento innovador que ha transformado la vida de los hombres que luchan contra la impotencia. donde comprar viagra Viagra: El estándar de oro en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil:.

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En España, la disfunción eréctil es una afección común y a menudo incomprendida que afecta a un gran número de hombres.Para los hombres que buscan alivio de las cargas de la disfunción eréctil, la incorporación de Topamax en su rutina diaria puede ser un cambio de juego. topamax estabilizador animo.

En este artículo, profundizaremos en la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España, exploraremos las causas subyacentes y arrojaremos luz sobre cómo Cialis está transformando las vidas de los hombres que padecen esta difícil afección. comprar cialis online seguro En España, como en muchos otros países, la disfunción eréctil es un problema prevalente entre los hombres de todas las edades..

. However, since gaining independence, both societies have gone through different political development stories, which is evidenced by their different political preference and geopolitical orientation on some issues. One example is the approach to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, when both countries are officially in a coalition of supporters of Ukraine, but the approach of their societies and parts of the political establishment differs. The aim of this contribution, which is based on the article in preparation, is to reveal the sources of these differences through the analysis of practical and popular (media) discourse.

Libor Jelen
Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague

ID Abstract: 219

Wildfires are an important subject of study due to their multiplicity of effects on people, heritage, and the environment. In this paper, we analyse different aspects related to a Large Wildfire (LWF) that occurred in 2019. For this purpose, the recovery of the vegetation is analysed. To carry out the study we used Sentinel 2 satellite images and performed the application of spectral indices NBR and their multispectral variation dNBR for the evaluation of the vegetation regeneration after 6 months, 1, and 2 years after the fire. Image processing was performed on the GEE platform. The LWF burned an area corresponding to 853 ha in a single occurrence, which was the third-largest LWF in that year. Regarding the evaluation of vegetation regrowth, in the evaluation of vegetation regeneration after 6 months of the wildfire, we identified that 40.7% of the area showed high vegetation growth and 20.8% low vegetation growth, 22.4% had a response equivalent to a burnt area, and 17.8% of the area still has the characteristics of a burnt area. One year later, we identified that 60.83% of the area showed high vegetation growth, 20.61% low vegetation growth, 14.97% had a response equivalent to an unburnt area, and 3, 59% of the area still has the characteristics of a burnt area. However, within two years after the wildfire, 76.27% of the area registered high vegetation growth, 12.15% low vegetation regrowth, 8.97% continued with the spectral behaviour of an unburnt area, and 2.61% with burnt area characteristics. Even with good vegetation recovery rates, it is urgent to develop studies on the multiple and varied impacts of fires. Two years after the fire, the area occupied by the forest and brush classes, already showed significant levels of vegetation regrowth, corresponding to approximately 100% of the area occupied by this class.

dos Santos, Sarah,Bento-Gonçalves, António, Vieira, António
University of Minho

ID Abstract: 973

Portugal is one of the countries most affected by forest fires in southern Europe. The demographic and social changes that have occurred in rural areas have driven land neglect in recent years, which, in turn, influences forest management and wildland-urban interface (WUI) areas that are related to fires. For the WUI mapping, we considered the methodology developed by (Lampin-Maillet et al., 2009, 2010). Vegetation data were collected from the 2018 Land Use and Land Cover (COS) Charter, while housing data, related to buildings, were provided by the Baião Council. The method used to characterize and map the WUI was based on 3 steps. The first was the characterisation of the dwellings, in the second we characterised and mapped the vegetation structure the third was to combine the two previous parameters, and the cartographic information was manipulated and analysed using GIS software, ArcGis 10.7.1. The WUIs represent 26.7% of the territory. Around 4,945 houses are in the WUIs. The main different types of WUIs are, 21% to isolated housing & dense vegetation, 12.4% to scattered housing & sparse vegetation, and 52.4% to scattered housing & dense vegetation. About the distribution of land use types within the WUI areas. The predominant vegetation corresponds to the forest class, registering approximately 80%, chiefly in the scattered and isolated WUI. The main classes of use for the scattered and isolated WUI are maritime pine forest, representing 991.3 ha of the diffuse WUI, followed by 907.4 ha of other broadleaf forests, 551 ha of bushes, 228.6 ha of other oak forests and 202 ha of eucalyptus forests. We can understand the dynamics established in the municipality and its relationship with the distribution of housing and vegetation types. The WUIs contribute to the occurrences of fires, and in Baião 26.7% of its territory is occupied by WUIs.

dos Santos, Sarah,Bento-Gonçalves, António, Vieira, António
University of Minho

ID Abstract: 974