In the middle of the 20th century occurred the alteration of the fishing areas in the Lower Danube River floodplain, in southwestern Romania, by increasing irrigation demand, as well as damming and drying. Nowadays, projects of Danube floodplain hydraulic restoration emerge in the scientific community, at national level._x000D_
Our approach, an anthropological one, is to analyse and problematize the consequences of the human-induced environmental changes, the most visible effects of this change being social and economic, as the locals are affected by the phenomenon of choosing new occupations and supplying a new daily meal. _x000D_
The results come from interviews in which riparian population of Rast (Dolj county, Romania) recall that fishing areas have changed and that professional fishermen have disappeared. In the old days, when the fish roe was laid, in May, the fishing was done with a fence, keeping only the large ones

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Aunque Cialis está disponible con receta en España, es esencial que los hombres consulten con un profesional sanitario antes de iniciar el tratamiento. cialis online La disfunción eréctil (DE) es un problema generalizado que afecta a millones de hombres en España, obstaculizando su capacidad para disfrutar de una vida sexual sana y satisfactoria..

Sin embargo, en el ámbito de los avances médicos y farmacológicos, surge un faro de esperanza en forma de Aldactone, un potente medicamento que se sitúa a la vanguardia del tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil. aldactone 100 mg Aldactone, también conocido como espironolactona, pertenece a la clase de los diuréticos ahorradores de potasio y ha llamado la atención por sus múltiples beneficios en el tratamiento de diversas dolencias..

. Fish was the basic food of the inhabitants of the Danube floodplain, the pike being often eaten instead of bread, while today it is considered a luxury food, difficult to find due to the cost and the rarity of the specimens. Then, for some people, the fish even represented a currency of exchange, a barter they made for other goods._x000D_
This is an example of degraded riparian ecosystem in the Anthropocene with consequences on the lifestyle and wellbeing of local communities. From anthropological point of view, this community depending on fishing was neglected and became economically vulnerable. Will new projects give special attention to reduce the uncertainty of the local community? Our study will place the policy makers in better position to consider the local community in future planning of the Lower Danube River floodplain.

Romanian Academy – ‘Francisc I. Rainer’ Institute of Anthropology

ID Abstract: 701

Nature is a fundamental part in the development of industrial cities and there is the need to go beyond the dichotomy between urban and natural. Using the approach of urban political ecology this proposal deals with this issue, analysing the metabolism and democracy in the processes of urbanization of natures, specifically investigates the urbanization as a result of socio-ecological interconnections characterized by the production of various socionatures._x000D_
The water is the element that allows us to follow the relationships produced by the industrial urban metabolism with nature in northern Italy, where the water is a fundamental component for the development of the socioecological metabolism of industrial cities. The water comes from the Alps, where it is used for producing energy, flows inside the plants and takes out its pollutants throughout the streams. The uses of this water in urban industrial areas produced some conflicts, between industrial and agricultural activities, but also with the citizens that use the water in their houses, in some cases with a health risk._x000D_
We use an interesting case study for reconstructing the different socionatures produced in the industrial cities. The Caffaro Industries (name derived from a local river) and its contaminated site located in the city of Brescia, interesting from different point of views: historical, ecological or medical, is studied with a geographical and political ecological approach. The analysis is based on documents produced by the authorities, the participant observation with the citizenship and the environmental associations, the literature produced by other fields of studies. The issues of the presentation, through UPE, are to retrace the urban industrial metabolism of water, go beyond the city limits with an interscalar approach, identify the different socionatures produced._x000D_

Marco Tononi
University of Bergamo

ID Abstract: 709

Adapting water management to current environmental and societal changes and meeting the challenges of the future requires considering local issues in order to imagine future developments. From this point of view, the geoprospective scenario approach based not on a top-down approach, but on the perceptions and visions of the various stakeholders of the territory, users of this resource, in an original bottom-up approach, is a way to create the conditions for a concerted and sustainable management. The RADHY-Buëch research project (2019-2022) conducted in collaboration with INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment) and the Joint Research Unit 7300 ESPACE in Nice has tested the feasibility of this. Located in the middle of the Mediterranean mountains in the south of France, the Buëch basin is under pressure from water resources that can be significant at certain times of the year, and require adaptation by all its users. One of the aspects of the research carried out aimed at proposing scenarios of local adaptations to the risk of drought, based on a co-constructed vision between researchers and actors of the territory. It thus extends the reflections carried out in the Water Resource Management Plan (PGRE) of the Buëch watershed published in December 2019, by adopting a prospective and territorialized vision._x000D_
The present communication traces the methodological approach adopted in this context, from the acquisition of visions of the future of water in this basin thanks to a survey offering the particularity of integrating a spatio-temporal dimension of the resource and water uses, to the construction of three geoprospective scenarios for this territory._x000D_

Jean-Christophe Loubier; Nathalie Dubus ; Christine Voiron-Canicio
HES-SO Valais Wallis (Switzerland); Université Grenoble Alpes – UMR 7300 ESPACE (France); Université Côte d’Azur – UMR 7300 ESPACE (France)

ID Abstract: 724

A characteristic feature of the contemporary landscape of the Silesian Metropolis (Poland) is the occurrence of thousands of small water bodies within its borders. Most of them are of anthropogenic origin. They were created in excavations after opencast mining of raw rock materials and in subsidence troughs made as a result of underground mining of hard coal. They were also created as breeding ponds, fire-fighting reservoirs, etc. Three main approaches can be distinguished in the management of post-mining water bodies, namely: 1) liquidation by backfilling (e.g., waste rock), 2) development for recreational or utility purposes, and 3) leaving without development. The latter approach was practiced mainly in the initial period of the socialist economy. After several dozen years, around many such undeveloped water bodies, a spontaneous renewal of nature took place. These areas became naturally valuable and, in many cases, are legally protected due to their landscape and natural values. Although many water bodies are characterized by polluted waters (and bottom sediments), their importance in the so-called low retention is appreciated, especially in climate change conditions.

Renata Dulias
University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Natural Sciences

ID Abstract: 773

L’avènement d’un monde marqué par une multiplicité de crises à partir du XXème siècle (Crutzen et Stoerner, 2000) se traduit par une complexification de notre environnement décisionnel (Giraud et al., 2014). Il est nécessaire d’explorer de nouveaux champs à partir d’un croisement de regards des sciences de la Nature et des sciences de la Société pour produire des analyses résolument interdisciplinaires sur des questions de recherche relatives à l’environnement

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Recuerde que no es vergonzoso buscar ayuda para la disfunción eréctil.Según estudios recientes, se estima que más de 2 millones de hombres en España están afectados por alguna forma de disfunción eréctil. estrace.

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Los estudios han mostrado una tendencia al alza en la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España, en la que diversos factores, como la edad, el estilo de vida y las enfermedades subyacentes, desempeñan un papel importante.Reflexiones finales: doxycycline acné efficace au bout de combien de temps.

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La disfunción eréctil es una enfermedad frecuente y difícil que puede tener un profundo impacto en la vida de los hombres en España.Esta condición puede ser causada por varios factores, incluyendo problemas de salud física, factores psicológicos y hábitos de vida. cialis precio farmacia.

En conclusión, aunque Aldactone es un medicamento valioso para el tratamiento de diversas afecciones médicas, es esencial estar atento a sus posibles efectos sobre la función sexual.- Mejora del flujo sanguíneo: Al reducir los desequilibrios hormonales, Aldactone puede mejorar el flujo sanguíneo a los genitales, facilitando erecciones más fuertes y duraderas. aldactone para que sirve.

. Pour comprendre, par exemple, les évolutions de l’eau : circulation, modalités de sa gestion et origines/remèdes à ses dégradations, il est profitable de s’appuyer sur des pratiques collectives de recherche ou de groupes expérimentés réunissant des compétences diversifiées. Avec l’ambition d’investir et de documenter les savoirs hydrologiques « locaux » sur le lac de Guiers (fleuve du Sénégal). _x000D_
L’accès à l’eau et les choix pour sa gestion ont toujours été au centre des organisations sociales, enjeu de pérennisation des groupes sociaux. Ces organisations sociales atteignent un haut degré de complexité, notamment dans les régions où l’accès à l’eau est limité dans le temps et l’espace, comme en Afrique sahélienne. Qu’il s’agisse d’organiser les mouvements du groupe ou les activités de culture en fonction d’accords sociopolitiques, les décisions sont fondées en partie sur la connaissance des rythmes hydro-climatiques saisonniers et de leurs aléas. De fait, l’eau a toujours fait l’objet d’une production intense et continue de savoirs, fondés sur l’expérience, la transmission et le dialogue. Savoirs dont le dynamisme reflète les évolutions sociales, techniques et politiques qui traversent les sociétés. _x000D_
Ce projet de communication orale part du postulat de la diversité des modes de perceptions du réel selon les groupes sociaux, les temporalités et les lieux. Il ambitionne de penser à la construction des humanités autour du fleuve Sénégal.

Cheikh Abdoul Ahad Mbacke BA et Roger Miranda DIONO
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Sénégal), Institut de Gouvernance territoriale et de Développement local et Université Gaston Berger de Saint Louis (Sénégal)

ID Abstract: 774

While growing urbanization is a global phenomenon, it is more rapid in Global South. Municipal authorities in this region are facing challenges to manage water for growing urban population. The problem is further exacerbated as the upstream rural villages are reluctant to continue providing water to the downstream urban centers which has created the contestations between them. This paper attempts to understand the growing contestations between rural and urban communities over water access in lower Himalayan region. By documenting the struggles of two towns in Nepal, I examine the nature and dynamics of contestations and explore what do they mean for urban water security in the emerging towns. The paper draws my own engagement on urban water management issues in Nepal

El principio activo de Xenical, el orlistat, actúa inhibiendo la absorción de las grasas alimentarias en el organismo, lo que conlleva una pérdida de peso y una mejora de la función metabólica. xenical comprar Al igual que con cualquier tratamiento médico, es imperativo que las personas que consideren Xenical para la disfunción eréctil consulten con un profesional sanitario cualificado..

En conclusión, Estrace puede ser una herramienta valiosa en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, especialmente para los hombres en España que se enfrentan a este problema de salud común. comprar estrace Se trata de un medicamento seguro y bien tolerado que ha ayudado a innumerables hombres en España a superar sus problemas de disfunción eréctil y a recuperar su confianza en el dormitorio..

Con el revolucionario medicamento Viagra, los hombres pueden superar la disfunción eréctil y disfrutar de relaciones sexuales plenas y satisfactorias.Muchos hombres en España han informado de mejoras significativas en su capacidad para lograr y mantener erecciones después de tomar Viagra, lo que lleva a una mayor satisfacción y confianza sexual. viagra españa.

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Con su historial probado de éxitos y resultados favorables, Kamagra representa un faro de esperanza para los hombres que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil, ofreciéndoles una vía para mejorar su rendimiento sexual, su seguridad en sí mismos y su bienestar general.Muchos hombres en España han encontrado alivio de la disfunción eréctil mediante el uso de Kamagra, lo que les permite disfrutar de una vida sexual plena una vez más. kamagra gold.

Las investigaciones han demostrado que Glucophage puede ayudar a mejorar la función eréctil de los hombres diabéticos al abordar los factores subyacentes que contribuyen a la disfunción eréctil, como la mejora del control de la glucemia y la salud vascular. glucophage xr.

Topamax se toma típicamente en forma de comprimidos, y la dosis puede variar dependiendo de la gravedad de la disfunción eréctil.Con el auge de medicamentos como Topamax en España, los hombres tienen ahora más opciones que nunca para superar la disfunción eréctil y recuperar su confianza y vitalidad en el dormitorio. topamax migraña.

Si usted o alguien que conoce experimenta síntomas de disfunción eréctil, es esencial que consulte a un profesional sanitario que pueda proporcionarle un diagnóstico adecuado y recomendarle la opción de tratamiento más apropiada.La disfunción eréctil (DE) es un problema frecuente que afecta a los hombres en todo el mundo, incluso en España. cialis generico contrareembolso 24h.

Al inhibir la aldosterona, Aldactone ayuda a mejorar el flujo sanguíneo al pene, favoreciendo erecciones más fuertes y duraderas. aldactone acne Sin embargo, se ha descubierto que su mecanismo de acción único también es eficaz para tratar las causas subyacentes de la disfunción eréctil..

. I draw materials from my works on understanding urban water management initiatives and struggles towards securing water sources. The earlier works included series of qualitative field works and stakeholder dialogues. I substantiate my analysis drawing on fresh fieldworks focusing on the upstream-downstream contestations. The preliminary findings show that, municipal authorities are struggling to secure sources of water for meeting the growing demand of water and encounter contestations with upstream communities. I identified three major forms of contestations-contestations due to increasing demand of water in both rural and urban areas, resistance of rural communities based on politico-administrative boundaries as many upstream areas fall in different administrative jurisdictions and denial for water access claiming the preferential rights to use water based on traditional rights. Based on this analysis, I propose a framework constituting these three aspects which are important to understand growing rural-urban contestations for urban water security. I argue that understanding these aspects will be prudent for municipal authorities towards fostering cooperation and achieving urban water security.

Kamal Devkota
University of Leuven (KU Leuven)

ID Abstract: 641

Human societies historically developed taking advantage of hydrosystems’ resources as well as enduring their unpredictability. The structuration of populations into cities relied for many of them upon the diversity of uses hydrosystems would then create. Although today’s interactions between societies and their local hydrosystems seem to weaken and to standardize, there is a need to reconsider the appreciation of river areas in light of contemporary socio-environmental stakes._x000D_
Joining the research movement on river-societies interactions, a PhD research project is conducted to better understand the status of small hydrosystems within small cities of the Western part of France. It considers the limited yet growing knowledge on ordinary landscapes such as small cities (2000-20000 inhabitants) and smaller rivers (below 7th order Strahler streams) that still compose a great portion of France. Our field study, the French department of the Maine-et-Loire, is largely representative of these characteristics and is well known for being a region with an important cultural heritage around the Loire valley. Through the study of four cities located in diverse environments (from floodplain areas to enclosed valleys) and facing specific challenges (in terms of demographic, economic, environmental changes) we aim to question the place of river areas in the city at different timesteps. _x000D_
This presentation will focus on a series of interviews that have been conducted with local stakeholders whose activities interact with river areas. These interviews take an interest in understanding the values attributed to the hydrosystems, the way they are manage locally as well as the ways stakeholders interact with each other, thus questioning the integration of hydrosystems within the territorial project. First results will emphasize on the importance of property regime, esthetics and new mobilities, as well as representatives’ perceptions in characterizing river-cities relationships.

Victor Bossard, Nathalie Carcaud, Véronique Beaujouan
Institut Agro Rennes-Angers

ID Abstract: 666

When assessing the extent of anthropogenic river transformations, many geohistorical studies focus solely on the main channel at the expense of the floodplain. In addition, the quantification of river planform changes often derives from the superposition of maps, regardless of the information provided by the written record. To address these issues, this contribution presents the geohistorical research conducted on the Bassée alluvial plain in the Seine River valley (France). Located upstream of Paris, this geomorphic entity results from the conjunction of biophysical and human factors over time. Although not “natural” nor “undisturbed”, the early-19th century river and its floodplain still had features of a functional system, with frequent flooding, wetlands, and space for geomorphic processes to occur. However, from the 1850s onwards, land reclamation policies, river engineering and gravel extraction have deeply modified the Seine and its floodplain. While the Bassée has been studied for more than 20 years by the PIREN-Seine program, no research had been conducted on the impacts of hydraulic works on the floodplain. Using both a quantitative and qualitative approach, we show how past developments have disrupted flow patterns and disconnected the Seine River from its floodplain. A classic diachronic analysis was conducted with a geographic information system and the building of transition matrices. We interpreted changes in agricultural land use as environmental proxies revealing more or less wet conditions in the plain. Historical documents reveal that these transformations are linked to various scales of decision, from the local landowner to the State, with conflicts arising between and within each level. Although the trajectory of the Bassée is similar to that of other floodplains in France and Europe, we support the idea that its particular legacies must be considered to define sustainable water resource management goals.

Mathilde Resch (1) and Laurence Lestel (2)
(1) ARCEAU Île-de-France (2) Sorbonne Université-CNRS-EPHE, UMR 7619 METIS

ID Abstract: 677

The river and wetlands system of the Bogotá region, central Colombia, forms the very ecological core of the geography, history and memories of Bogotá city and the Cundinamarca department. The Bogotá River, with 375 km, crosses the Bogotá Savanna from north to south, eventually reaching the Magdalena River, the country’s main fluvial artery. The headwater region is 3,400 meters above sea level in the Guacheneque Highlands in a páramo socioecosystem. Twelve kilometers downstream, the river begins to receive waste from tanneries and quarries, pesticides and fertilizers, as well as load releases from the sewers of industries and cities, turning it into one of the most contaminated rivers in the world. The riverbed transformation in the floodplain mirrors the rapid urbanization processes of the region, ushered during the 20th Century, in the Anthropocene period, and still ongoing._x000D_
The Bogotá River is also considered today one of the most contaminated rivers in the world. Even in the last decade, public and residents’ concern over the river’s restoration has triggered the development of new infrastructures to restore the wetland-based headwater region. _x000D_
The geohistorical planning and re-patterning process in Bogotá River’s headwaters is the focus of this research process. The co-existence of public, private and communitarian initiatives have executed their own river-enlivening practices but with different proposes, clashing with their future visions and blocking the process of recovering socio-ecological river life. Therefore, this research investigates how river imaginaries (particularly socioecological memories) differ per actor group and how these dynamically relate to materialization through technological intervention and governance proposals. Restoring the river and protecting its sources in a páramo ecosystem is crucial to trigger new social relations and spatial configuration to support new imaginaries and future-making._x000D_

Laura Giraldo-Martínez
PhD Candidate, River Commons Project. Water Resources Management group in Wageningen University & Research in alliance with Geography Department of Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

ID Abstract: 678

Bisogna dare la massima fecondità ad ogni zolla di terra (“Every clod of earth must be made given maximum fertility”). This sentence, pronounced by Mussolini in 1929, is still engraved in the façade of the local water board’s ex-headquarters of the town of Mogliano, about ten kilometres inland from Venice

Esta enfermedad, a menudo estigmatizada, afecta a millones de hombres en España, pero a menudo no se habla de ella ni se trata.El poder de Xenical en la restauración de la función eréctil: xenical amazon.

Un médico puede evaluar sus necesidades de salud individuales, recomendar la dosis adecuada y supervisar su progreso para garantizar un uso seguro y eficaz de la medicación.Aunque la disfunción eréctil puede manifestarse a cualquier edad, es más frecuente a medida que aumenta la edad, afectando aproximadamente al 25% de los hombres mayores de 40 años en España. estrace online.

Los estudios han demostrado que la disfunción eréctil es una preocupación generalizada en España, con un número significativo de hombres que experimentan dificultades para lograr o mantener una erección. viagra contrareembolso 48 horas Este medicamento innovador aumenta el flujo sanguíneo al pene, lo que permite a los hombres lograr y mantener una erección durante la actividad sexual..

Al aprovechar los múltiples beneficios de Orlistat para mejorar la función eréctil y revitalizar la salud sexual, las personas en España pueden recuperar su vitalidad, confianza e intimidad.Aunque tradicionalmente se conoce por su papel en el control del peso, la investigación ha desvelado su potencial sin explotar en la mejora de la disfunción eréctil, lo que supone un rayo de esperanza para las personas que luchan contra esta angustiosa afección. orlistat 120 mg.

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Diseñado originalmente para tratar la diabetes de tipo 2, Glucophage ha mostrado resultados prometedores en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil al abordar los problemas de salud subyacentes. glucophage xr.

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. In the region of Veneto, in North-eastern Italy, water boards like the aforementioned, locally known as consorzi di bonifica, are local institutions of farmers and other landowners interested in draining swamplands in favour of a maximisation of agricultural produce. Fascist propaganda tended to take the entire merits of this hydrological and agricultural endeavour. Nonetheless, the Veneto has experienced political utilisation of water management way before the Fascist Period and even the Unification. The Republic of Venice’s control of its mainland (Terraferma) in the 16th century also implied the gradual political subjugation of local farmers’ communitarian institutions, as well as the close monitorization of their activities by Venetian government officers, agrarian notaries and engineers. Local consorzi or farmers had to therefore ask for permission to the Venetian authorities for opening canals that brought water to arid lands or, in the contrary, drained swamps; they also had to inform the government in Venice about new elected presidents every six months as well as paying taxes for the building of hydraulic infrastructure. Therefore, this aggressive fiscalisation of water uses in service of a productive programme meant also the forging of a political narrative of Venetian state making: a Republic that not only governed the waters in the Adriatic, but also in its Italic inland territories. This presentation therefore attempts to problematise and give a longue durée historical perspective of how water control (drainage and irrigation), and landscape modification are not specific elements to contemporary Italy, but go back to pre-industrial political traditio

Samuel Barney Blanco
University of Padua – Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

ID Abstract: 686