The study of the colonization of silver fir (Abies alba) in the Pyrenees, where the species forms its southwestern distribution limit in Europe, has been widely debated based on palaeobotanical records. The debate has revolved around two main issues: 1) whether there were silver fir refugia in the Pyrenees or nearby areas during the Last Glacial Period, and 2) how the colonization (or expansion) of silver fir occurred during the Holocene in the Pyrenees._x000D_
In this study, palaeobotanical information gathered through a literature search and obtained from pollen diagrams was compared with novel genetic data from 43 silver fir populations on the southern Pyrenean slope. Additionally, these data have been compared wit

This study aims to provide a better understanding of the corelation between pollen and vegetation. There are differences in pollen productivity among different taxa that cause a non-linear relationship between pollen dispersal and vegetation data. Four elevational gradients in the Catalan Pyrenees, ranging from alpine (2750 m) to montane-basal environments (797 m), were studied. A detailed map of vegetation cover was used, and a reclassification into eight taxonomic categories that represent at least 80% of the pollen spectra was made. For each point, a moss sample (used as a pollen trap) was collected, and the percentage of vegetation cover was measured at different radii. Additionally, a detailed plant inventory was made a few meters around each point.

The pollen results showed a complete dominance of Pinus percentages, making it difficult to perceive the dynamics of other relevant taxa. In alpine environments, Poaceae is always clearly underrepresented due to the long transport of Pinus pollen. Moreover, grazing often leaves no time for plants to flower, and some species of Poaceae show changes between sexual and vegetative reproduction in response to herbivory. Additionally, there are groups within this family where cleistogamy is quite common, causing low pollen dispersion. The pollen percentages of Abies alba are highly underrepresented. It appears that a significant portion of its pollen grains settle within less than 100 meters from the sampling point. Due to the size, shape, and density of fir pollens, the decline in pollen deposition with distance from the source is remarkable. Subsequently, it can be stated that the records in the Catalan Pyrenees with high percentages of fir pollen found during the middle Holocene would indicate the presence of dense and mature fir forests nearby the coring point. Betula and Corylus populations present more unpredictable pollen percentages, probably because they act as secondary communities.

h genetic data available for the northern slope (Scotti et al., 2021). To study colonization dynamics, we analysed the beginning of the continuous silver fir pollen curves on 43 selected pollen diagrams to identify the species arrival._x000D_
No glacial refugia were either because they did not exist or because they were crypto-refugia and could not be detected. According to genetic data, there were two genetic groups in the Pyrenees that probably originate in two or more refuge zones. They have been identified eastern and western groups and a central mixed area. Paleobotanical and genetic data agree if different Holocene colonisation phases occurring during different periods are assumed. There would have been a primary colonization path from east to west during the early Holocene and additional but minor colonisations from crypto-refugia due to Holocene climatic changes.

Ramon Pérez-Obiol1, Anna Badia2, Marc Sánchez-Morales3, Jordi Nadal2

1 Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

2 Department of Geography, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

3 Department of Biosciences, Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, Vic, Barcelona, 08500, Spain

ID Abstract: A12

The study of the colonization of silver fir (Abies alba) in the Pyrenees, where the species forms its southwestern distribution limit in Europe, has been widely debated based on palaeobotanical records

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. The debate has revolved around two main issues: 1) whether there were silver fir refugia in the Pyrenees or nearby areas during the Last Glacial Period, and 2) how the colonization (or expansion) of silver fir occurred during the Holocene in the Pyrenees._x000D_
In this study, palaeobotanical information gathered through a literature search and obtained from pollen diagrams was compared with novel genetic data from 43 silver fir populations on the southern Pyrenean slope. Additionally, these data have been compared with genetic data available for the northern slope (Scotti et al., 2021). To study colonization dynamics, we analysed the beginning of the continuous silver fir pollen curves on 43 selected pollen diagrams to identify the species arrival._x000D_
No glacial refugia were either because they did not exist or because they were crypto-refugia and could not be detected. According to genetic data, there were two genetic groups in the Pyrenees that probably originate in two or more refuge zones. They have been identified eastern and western groups and a central mixed area. Paleobotanical and genetic data agree if different Holocene colonisation phases occurring during different periods are assumed. There would have been a primary colonization path from east to west during the early Holocene and additional but minor colonisations from crypto-refugia due to Holocene climatic changes.

Albert Pèlachs (1), Caroline Scotti (2), Jordi Nadal (1), Ramon Pérez-Obiol (1), Bruno Fady, Jesús Julio Camarero (3), Aaron Pérez-Haase (4), Virginia Carracedo (5), Raquel Cunill (1), Marc Sánchez-Morales (1) i Juan Carlos García Codron (5)
(1) GRAMP-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; (2) INRA UR 0629 -Avignon (France); (3) Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE-CSIC); (4) GEOVEG – Universitat de Barcelona; (5) GIMENA – Universidad de Cantabria

ID Abstract: 528

The concept of care has become popular in recent years, coinciding with the rise of feminism, though academic study in the area dates back to the eighties. Care is now a recurrent topic on political agendas and also on urban agendas

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. However, care is still feminised_x000D_
Beyond its feminisation, care in itself can generate inequality. This situation is consistent across the board, across all care-related positions, including workers in the care industry and carers of dependent people or people with functional diversity who look after themselves or others._x000D_
The precarious nature of care is closely linked to its spatial and temporal dimension. The lack of social appreciation for care translates as public policies that do not cover the needs deriving from sustainability of life when, for example, public spaces are designed, mobility networks and timetables are organised, and cultural, social, sport or leisure programmes are drawn up._x000D_
Care is heterogeneous and continuous. There is no one kind of childhood or old age, just like there is no standard type of dependency or disability. Therefore, the qualities of the space designed to accompany care must take this diversity into account. Putting care on the political and urban agenda means emphasising both the precise conditions required for it to be provided and the need for radical transformation, in which responsibility for care goes from being assigned mainly to women in the private sphere to becoming part of a social, collective and community commitment._x000D_
At Col·lectiu Punt 6, we have been calling for a change in urban model for years. We want a caring city: a city that cares for us, cares for our environment, lets us care for ourselves and enables us to care for others. _x000D_

Blanca Valdivia
Col·lectiu Punt 6

ID Abstract: 867

The academic literature and transportation planning agendas have increasingly focused on considering gender in urban and transportation policies. However, feminist scholars, activists, and politicians believe that there is still a long way to go to achieve gender equality. Many policies have the potential to promote gender equity, but they have not been recognized as such. Specifically, the idea of fare-free public transport has been discussed and designed as a policy that does not consider gender differences._x000D_
Around the world, women make up the majority of public transport users. Due to limited access to cars, they often rely on public transport for trips that require motorized means, either due to the distance or inadequate infrastructure for active mobility such as walking or cycling. Many of these trips are related to care responsibilities, where women invest their economic and time resources to meet dependents’ mobility needs and run household errands. Additionally, women tend to have lower wages or no income at all, making the cost of a ride a significant factor in their budget, potentially influencing their travel patterns. _x000D_
The purpose of this study is to explore the intersection of mobility, gender, and transport policy by examining the potential gendered impacts of fare-free public transport policies. Specifically, the study aims to discuss how such policy may affect the travel behavior and access to opportunities of women and men differently._x000D_

Monika Maciejewska
COSMOPOLIS, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

ID Abstract: 222

Fare-free programmes have been piloted all over the world, and Indian cities have seen an uptake in recent years as well, with the feature that this benefit is extended to only women citizens. The national capital, New Delhi was the first to offer fare-free rides for women in the city’s buses in 2019. The state of Tamil Nadu piloted its Zero-Ticket Bus Travel (ZTBT) scheme for women in the state capital Chennai in 2021 and has since extended it to other urban areas. Evaluations of these programmes show that low-income women overwhelmingly benefit from these schemes and report positive relationships with independent mobility, access to economic opportunities, and human dignity. Since the last year, Chennai has constituted a “Gender & Policy Lab”, with the goal to mainstream gender in the city’s functioning, through a safety audit of transport infrastructures in the city, and other ways to improve women’s active mobility and transit usage. However, it is essential to place such women’s empowerment moves in a larger landscape of policymaking that relies on “expert-citizens” (Lopez & Montero, 2018) and “trendy urbanists” (Whitney, 2022) to co-constitute progressive agendas involving infrastructured safety, increased walkability or bike-ability, rapid, emission-free, and noiseless mobility, in line with a globalised aesthetic of the neoliberal city. There are also other urban experimental efforts such as Urban Living Labs underway in Indian cities: they espouse mobility innovation through infrastructural upgrades like electric mobility, “comfortable” mass transit, complete streets, and bike lanes when a majority of urban dwellers are captive in low carbon mobilities due to issues of access and/or affordability. This paper proposes that as Indian cities roll out programmes for women’s mobility, they also need to contend with contradictions in their citizenry and be wary of infrastructural solutionism (Schwanen et al., 2011) that has pervaded epistemological approaches.

Sreelakshmi Ramachandran
PhD Student, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

ID Abstract: 279

El estudio del cuidado y más recientemente de la movilidad del cuidado evidencia como el género y las condiciones físicas de las personas inciden directamente en cómo se habita, se apropia y se recorre la ciudad. Así mismo, las políticas urbanas y las intervenciones físicas en la ciudad, como la construcción de equipamientos e infraestructuras de transporte público, inciden directamente en la accesibilidad al transporte y a los servicios urbanos, posibilitando o no la inclusión de los diferentes grupos de población. Esta ponencia muestra cómo ha respondido la administración pública de Bogotá a estos retos a través de la política del cuidado y específicamente la consolidación de la manzana del cuidado asociada al proyecto urbano y de transporte del cable de ciudad Bolívar y el superCADE Manitas. Inicialmente, con base en el análisis de la encuesta de movilidad para Bogotá del 2019, se evidencian las diferencias de género existentes en los desplazamientos diarios generados por motivo de cuidado entre los cuidadores, y el cómo inciden condiciones socioeconómicas y espaciales, como la pendiente y la oferta de equipamientos, en la movilidad de aquellos sujetos cuidados con condiciones de discapacidad. Para finalmente y como ejemplo exitoso, mostrar la propuesta desde las administraciones públicas para responder a esas diferencias en la accesibilidad al transporte y a los servicios urbanos asociados al cuidado. Y así, generar un aporte no solo en la identificación de desigualdades urbanas existentes en términos de género y estrato socieconómico, sino también en cuanto a aciertos y lineamientos para la planeación urbana y la proyección y ejecución de políticas públicas relacionadas con transporte y cuidado, que permitan la construcción de una ciudad más equitativa y accesible para todas las personas.

Jimena Murillo-Munar; Oriol Marquet
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 304

This study investigates the effects of living in a 15-minute city on driving behavior, focusing on Barcelona as a case study, and examines the potential gendered benefits of this urban model. The 15-minute city concept aims to create urban environments where everyday destinations are accessible within a 15-minute walk, thereby reducing car dependency and promoting sustainable mobility. The gender dimension is of particular interest, as urban mobility patterns are known to differ between men and women, with women often engaging in more complex, multi-purpose trips and relying on walking and public transport to a greater extent._x000D_
Using a highly-detailed 15-minute city map based on a grid of 100x100m and estimated walking travel times to a total of 27 everyday destinations, we examine whether living in high accessibility conditions leads to fewer car trips and shorter distances traveled by car

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Además, Cialis ha demostrado ser muy eficaz en el tratamiento de casos graves de disfunción eréctil, ofreciendo esperanza a aquellos que han luchado con la condición durante años.En conclusión, la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España es un problema de salud importante que exige atención e intervención proactiva. cialis opiniones.

Estos medicamentos actúan aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, ayudando a conseguir y mantener una erección. aldactone ficha tecnica **Desvelando la undécima hora: Aldactone y la disfunción eréctil en España**.

. We employ a hurdle model to identify whether the decision to drive is specifically affected by living in a 15-minute city, or whether users drive with the same frequency but for shorter distances._x000D_
Our findings indicate that residents in high accessibility areas exhibit significantly reduced car usage, in terms of trip frequency but not so much in distances traveled. Furthermore, we find that women, in particular, benefit from living in 15-minute city conditions, as their travel patterns are better aligned with this urban model. This leads to increased mobility options, reduced time spent on travel, and greater access to amenities and services, ultimately contributing to gender equity in urban mobility._x000D_
This study sheds light on the importance of considering gender dynamics in the planning and implementation of 15-minute city concepts, and highlights the potential of this urban model to create more equitable, sustainable, and livable urban environments for all residents.

Oriol Marquet; Monika Maciejewska
Department of Geography, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona; Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research, Vrije Universiteit Brussels

ID Abstract: 314

In recent years, a new wave of transformative urbanism aims to re-shape our cities to be more livable, sustainable, and inclusive. These initiatives aim to intervene in the built environment to force travel and transportation behavior change towards achieving sustainable development goals. Some examples of these movement are the creation of superblocks, which prioritize pedestrians and cyclists over cars, and 15-minute cities, which ensure that residents have access to essential services and amenities within a 15-minute walk or bike ride. Together, these approaches aim to promote healthier, more equitable, and more resilient urban environments for all. While these policies are becoming increasingly popular around the world, and pursue lofty goals, they are often heavily centralized and developed in a strong top-down manner, opening up the possibility for negative consequences. To date, not much is known on the exact impacts of these policies on people’s everyday behavior and wellbeing.
This session proposal aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss innovative and inclusive approaches to urban transportation. We welcome submissions that focus on the social impacts of fare-free public transport and 15-minute cities, and particularly encourage those that analyze these policies through a gender lens. By examining how these policies impact genders differently and identifying ways to make them more equitable for all, we aim to foster a thought-provoking and engaging discussion on the potential of these policies to create more inclusive and sustainable cities.
Potential topics for submissions for this session include but are not limited to:

Impact of fare-free public transport on women’s mobility and access to employment opportunities in a specific city.
Supeblocks and transport equity
Bike infrastructure connectivity and equal access opportunities
Gendered barriers to accessing and utilizing 15-minute cities and future policy recommendations for addressing them.
Examination of the implementation and outcomes of fare-free public transport in cities with different levels of gender equality.
Accumulative disadvantages and intersectionality. Low-income women and non-binary individuals.

We look forward to receiving a diverse range of submissions that bring together different perspectives and approaches to this important topic. We encourage innovative types of working methodologies, either qualitative or quantitative research.  Interdisciplinary approaches bringing together different perspectives will be highly appreciated.   presentations + Q&AAbstracts in catalan, spanish or english are all welcome

Oriol Marquet (1); Monika Maciejewska (2)
(1) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, (2) Vrije Universiteit Brussels

ID Abstract:

Suburban residential quarters have been criticised to foster unequal gender relations. Especially the spatial layout of the housing estates and the car-oriented transport infrastructure were seen as problematic. Gender-sensitive planning has emerged in the 1990s and promised that improved and more flexible spaces, tailored to the needs of women as well as men and especially caregivers of all genders, would bring about more opportunities for all and thereby, eventually, gender equality. It has been argued, however, that a recognition of reproductive tasks by planning better infrastructure does not bring about equality but merely eases the burden for the main caregivers._x000D_
Many cities across Europe are currently planning new expansion projects at the outskirts. These aspire to differ from earlier ones, especially in terms of infrastructure provision and the multifuncionality of spaces. One of these projects is Hamburg-Oberbillwerder. Its master plan has a strong focus on transportation: Guiding principles are, firstly, the “Connected City” which aims to connect OBW to the neighbouring districts as well as to Hamburg’s city centre, and, secondly, the “Active City” which is to contribute to exercise and a healthy lifestyle based on walking and cycling. Mobility Hubs will significantly reduce stationary traffic and add to a lively atmosphere. _x000D_
In my presentation, I will discuss the plans for the new district based on a qualitiative content analysis. I will show that many of the demands of feminist and gender-sensitive planning and transport critique have been incorporated, making suburban transport less car-dependent, more diverse and more accessible for all. A decidedly feminist/care-oriented perspective, however, has not been applied so that planning in this respect remains on a tactic level. A transformation of reproductive relations cannot be expected and is – unlike the transformation of travel behaviour – not seen as lying within the responsibility of planners.

Henriette Bertram
Kassel University, Germany

ID Abstract: 35

# “Winner” versus “loser” streets? Traffic calming and intra-neighbourhood equity_x000D_
Barcelona’s superblock plan is widely acknowledged as an innovative model of street and public space transformation

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. Since the creation of the first superblock in 2016 and particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic, superblock interventions — both tactical and permanent — have expanded significantly. However, the implementation of superblocks remains highly controversial. A main criticism of superblocks is they can lead to a growing differentiation of uses between streets, in which the newly traffic-calmed street becomes a lively public space, while the adjacent streets absorb the majority of motorised traffic. In other words, the implementation of superblocks may lead to the creation of “winner” and “loser” streets, which in turn can create tensions between residents and shopkeepers located on different streets, and raise the prospect of “green gentrification” on traffic-calmed streets. This presentation reports the preliminary findings of a research project examining the implications of superblock implementation from the perspective of *intra-neighbourhood* equity, i.e. between different streets in the same neighbourhood. This project seeks to provide a complementary perspective to existing research on the spatial equity of traffic reduction measures, which has primarily adopted an inter-neighbourhood perspective (i.e. exploring imbalances between neighbourhoods). The project explores inequities both from an objective and subjective perspective: on the one hand, it analyses how traffic externalities (i.e. noise, pollution, accidents) are distributed between streets, and how these have evolved through time; on the other hand, it explores these inequities from a qualitative perspective through in-depth interviews with key actors (e.g. residents/shopkeepers’ associations, local government).

Samuel Nello-Deakin
Autonomous University of Barcelona

ID Abstract: 50