Urbanization represents one of the most visible land cover changes of the past two centuries. In Latin America, it has resulted in a massive expansion of impervious soil surfaces, which has led to dramatic land degradation. In particular, the expansion of impervious soils interferes with the natural process of water infiltration and increases surface run off, which in return exacerbates the magnitude of pluvial floods. Simultaneously, under the effects of climate change, the frequency of extreme rainfall events is already increasing in most Latin American cities. Against this background, the ability to preserve and rehabilitate urban green spaces has been increasingly mentioned as an option to reduce urban flood risk and adapt to these new trends. To provide empirical evidence of these potential effects, this communication assesses whether a greener urban land cover can reduce the impact of extreme rainfall events on local economic activity

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. To this end, a dataset of 557 cities across seven Latin American countries is assembled using the “Degree of Urbanization” concept. Earth Observations are then used to compile information at the city level on (i) rainfall patterns, (ii) land cover features using NDVI composites and (iii) local economic activity proxied through night-time light intensity. Using fixed-effect econometrics, the relationship between extreme rainfall and night-time light at the city level is assessed over the period 2013-2021. The role of urban green areas as a mediating factor is further explored. Findings indicate that cities displaying a higher share of urban green areas are less severely impacted by extreme rainfall events. Altogether these results highlight the crucial role that a more balanced urban land cover can play to foster sustainability.

Rafael Van der Borght ; Montserrat Pallares Barbera
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona – Departamente de Geografia

ID Abstract: 387

Ecological infrastructure (EI) planning can promote regional nature conservation efficiency and enhance ecosystem functions. Watershed-scale EI research is a research hotspot in landscape ecology. This study proposed a method framework to develop EI planning in large river basins based on the connectivity of ecological processes and the integrity of ecosystems in the whole basin, and the typical ecological problems in each subbasin. The framework included three parts: determining the protective EI i.e. the spatial range of the watershed ecological networks; quantifying and mapping the functional EI i.e. the typical ecosystem functions (water conservation/sand-fixing/ soil retention) within each sub-basin; and integrating ecological networks and key ecosystem function area into an EI planning based on their spatial overlap and functional synergy. The method framework was applied in the Yellow River Basin. Results showed that spatial range of ecological networks of the basin accounted for 35.8% of the study area. Key ecosystem function area including ecosystem function important area and ecosystem function improvement area accounted for 35.6%. Spatial overlay analysis of ecological networks and key ecosystem function areas showed that they overlap spatially and have synergistic effects functionally, but core habitats existed less human activities compared to key ecosystem function area. By integrating ecological networks and key ecosystem function areas, EI planning including four spatial types: water system, core habitat area, important area for ecological function maintenance, priority area for ecological function improvement. The corresponding protection and development measures were formulated. In addition, along with the improvement of ecosystem function in the basin, sediment content, sand transport and other indicators in Yellow River has been obviously improved. It indicated that the EI construction in the basin had positive significance for river governance.

Huang Longyang
Chongqing university

ID Abstract: 432

Land degradation is the result of human-induced actions that exploit soil and lead to degradation of its benefits, biodiversity, soil fertility and overall health. Land is being rapidly degraded around the world. Healthy natural resources and thriving ecosystems are needed to ensure food security for a growing global population. However, our current agricultural practices are causing the world’s soils to be degraded up to 100 times faster than they are regenerating through natural processes. We have already altered 70% of all ice-free land, affecting over 3.2 billion people. If we continue as we are, 90% of the land will bear our mark by the mid-21st century. The impacts of land degradation will be felt by most of the world’s population. Land degradation also alters and disrupts rainfall patterns, exacerbates weather extremes such as droughts or floods and causes accelerated erosion, not to mention influencing climate change. It leads to social and political instability that fosters poverty, conflict, and migration, thus sustainable solutions are needed to tackle all these challenges.The Land Degradation Challenges and Sustainability session will be organised by the Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification (COMLAND) of the International Geographical Union, which has been promoting and coordinating interdisciplinary research on land degradation and desertification for three decades and seeks to find sustainable solutions. Session type: presentationsLanguage: English

Matija Zorn (1); Joaquim Farguell Pérez (2)
(1) Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Anton Melik Geographical Institute, (2) Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Departament de Geografia

ID Abstract:

In our analyses, we tried to identify those dimensions of culture that can affect the sustainability of the projects implemented at the border region. We involved one cross-border program in our analyses and studied the projects of the Serbia-Hungary Cross-border Co-operation Programmes, corresponding to the programming period IPA II CBC 2014-2020._x000D_
In order to analyze the national cultures we have taken Hofstede’s culture model

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. The questionnaires were sent electronically via e-mails to the selected partner organizations in the observed program. The empirical research was based on the sample, composed of 50 team leaders from Serbia as well as 50 team leaders from Hungary. the independent variable consists of the dimensions of administrative culture, while the dependent variable is the sustainability of projects._x000D_
The most important observations made about the applicants situated in Serbia and Hungary are that there are differences in administrative culture methods when it comes to not only project management but also their sustainability. The hypothesis of cross-vergence has been confirmed. There are similar cultural elements. Some dimensions of the culture of the observed region in a country located on the external borders of the EU converge towards the culture of a country that is a member of the EU, but some do not._x000D_
Observed organizations in Hungary are structured in the form of a well-oiled machine, while in Serbia in the form of a pyramid, which affects the sustainability of the projects in which they are involved. The former believe in planning and administrative procedures while in others it is managed on the basis of social control mechanisms and strong hierarchy. Culture in Hungary is individualistic, which favors high-tech economic projects and environmental protection, with higher sustainability potential in comparison to the culture in Serbia._x000D_

Nagy, Imre; Ivanic Valentina; Ricz Andras
PhD, professor, Institute for Regional Studies Pécs/Hungary and University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad/Serbia; PhD, Research Director at Cultural Due Diligence Institute Novi Sad/Serbia; PhD, Society for Regional Studies, Subotica/Serbia

ID Abstract: 712

Polish-Belarusian border relations have changed significantly over the past 5 years. Several factors can be identified to explain the changes, among them: Lukashenko’s deepening political regime in Belarus, migration pressure at the border, Belarus’ military cooperation with Russia during the war in Ukraine and the decisions of the Polish authorities in relation to these factors. An inverted model of sustainable development (SD) will be used for the analysis. Using the three pillars of SD – social, economic and environmental – the adverse changes that have taken place on the Polish-Belarusian border in a short period of time will be presented and analysed.

Anna Moraczewska
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University

ID Abstract: 834

Consumer behavior leads to flows of circular migration that affect the spatial changes of divided towns in various dimensions. One of them is the town’s bilingual information system (in the native language and, more importantly, in the language of the neighbor), which facilitates contacts and strengthens ties between the different communities living so close to each other. The bilingual nature of the information system in divided towns ensures greater effectiveness of information delivery, thus promoting and facilitating the achievement of desired goals (Matykowski et al. 2017)._x000D_
The paper aims to briefly characterize the forms of presentation as well as the distribution and intensity of foreign language information in divided towns in the Polish-German and Polish-Czech border areas (Słubice – Frankfurt an der Oder, Gubin – Guben, Zgorzelec – Goerlitz, and Cieszyn – Český Těšín), with a particular focus on commercial and service content as well as their evaluation by the towns’ users. The authors assumed that the foreign language information environment influences the behavior of cross-border consumers in that they choose those stores whose signs or advertisements are equipped with information in their native language. Moreover, it was found that the greatest intensity of this information coverage is related to the area of consumer penetration, i.e. the places best equipped with commercial stores – usually the town center or main streets near the border. The authors would also like to draw attention to the issue of protecting the townscape from being polluted by an excessive number of advertisements.

Katarzyna Kulczyńska, Emilia Bogacka
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

ID Abstract: 946

Hungarian – Ukrainian political relations came to the forefront of the Hungarian political and scientific elite in 1916, in a discussion about forming Ukraine as a new state. In 1916, a new journal called « Ukránia » was published to promote mutual understanding. Political geography came to the fore in the journal. After some decades, Hungary was one of the firts to recognise Ukraine’s independence in 1991. The relations between the two countries were settled in a basic agreement, the border clause of which led to domestic political crises in Hungary between the ruling parties at the time Between 1991 and 2004 reletions across the common state border were shaped mainly along the lines of changing of interstate relations. After Hungary became a member of the EU, the EU « entered » the process of shaping relations. The development of the situation of the Hubgarian minority living in Ukraine has always been a defining element of interstate and cross border relations. The internal crises in Ukraine, the Russian-Ukrainien war after resultated serious complications. The war in 2022 brought tragical situations cross the common border. The war brought a turning point in the interstae relations, in which an unacceptable style of diplomacy appeared on both sides.

Hajdú, Zoltán
Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Professor of Geography

ID Abstract: 699

Since the 1990s, the Polish-Ukrainian border has been undergoing constant development, when its meaning, character and function are changing against the background of the processes of European integration and also due to the EU’s response to significant geopolitical events associated with increasing pressure from Russia. On one hand, the enlargement of the EU promised the growth of institutional support for cross-border cooperation and the gradual opening of borders for the Polish-Ukrainian neighbourhood, but at the same time it erected completely new borders – symbolic ones._x000D_
The EU and its geopolitics therefore show that although the importance of borders as barriers is gradually weakening and borders as physical barriers are disappearing in many places, on the contrary they are strengthening and at the same time being supplemented by new borders, often distributed in space invisibly and independently of border lines. These include various social and cultural boundaries, but also individual boundaries, created either institutionally for the purpose of securitization (e.g., visa regime or biometric and CCTV technologies) or from below, through various social phenomena such as perception, stereotypes, behaviour, interaction, etc._x000D_
The author will present an article focused on the social perception of the border in the Polish-Ukrainian borderland, in the regions and localities directly adjacent to the border and across the population that lives there. The study answers the question of how the European integration processes and the EU policy, resulting in changes of the meaning and function of borders, affected the everyday life of the population and their perceptions of both – the EU and its neighbour. _x000D_

Alexandra Dresler
Faculty of Science, Charles University

ID Abstract: 452

“Killing in the name of”: Territorial disputes, EU Border Externalization and Evanescent Accountability in Ceuta and Melilla._x000D_
During the last two decades, the logic of border externalization has paved the way for a wide range of controversial migration control practices around the North African cities of Ceuta and Melilla. These practices have been vastly scrutinized from academic, journalistic and activist perspectives. These analyses have shed light, on the one hand, on the logic of exceptionality that governs the EU border regime when unfolded in these cities, and on the other, on how both migrants and activists have challenged, denounced and resisted this regime, thus contributing to its constant reconfiguration. The text adresses the aftermath of the Spanish-Moroccan diplomatic-border “crisis” of May 2021 (Ferrer-Gallardo and Gabrielli, 2022). It examines how this triggered a new reconfiguration of cross-border mobility management in the region and, as the deadly events at the Melilla fence in June 2022 illustrate, to the consolidation of Spanish-Moroccan brutalitarian operational cooperation. This has entailed the recrudescence of migratory obstruction practices at the gepolitically contested EU land borders in Africa._x000D_
Ferrer-Gallardo, X., & Gabrielli, L. (2022). The Ceuta Border Peripeteia: Tasting the Externalities of EU Border Externalization. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 1-11. _x000D_

Xavier Ferrer-Gallardo
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

ID Abstract: 496

The integration of Western Balkans in the EU had been deemed a priority already during the European Council held in Thessaloniki. Twenty years later, Bosnia and Herzegovina not only is not a member of the Union, but became a candidate in December 2022 only. BiH is an important piece of the “black Balkan hole” puzzle, an area ensconced in the heart of Europe with an overall population of less than 18 million, outside EU not by choice but because it fails to satisfy certain parameters imposed by Bruxelles, which however had not been required from other Countries that have already joined the Union. After the Ukraine war begun, there is a lot of skepticism among Bosnians regarding the possibility of joining EU in a reasonable amount of time. There is fear of a revival of the 1992-1995 war, considering how the Dayton Agreement – instead of bringing definitive peace – legitimized the ethnical-national division of the Country whose external borders paradoxically have been more enduring than any other in Europe. In BiH, the high political spheres of Republic of Srpska (RS) have never denied their aspirations for a full independence from Sarajevo. Today, a secession of RS from the Bosnian State, united with the war in Ukraine, could bring back the war in midst of the continent. Moscow considers Serbia, RS and pro-Russian Montenegrins useful sources of regional destabilization, allowing an unexpected opening for Russian action in the Balkans, sparking a justified fear in BiH and Kosovo. Therefore, the EU must incorporate Western Balkans through an expedited procedure just like what is being done with Ukraine and Moldavia, despite their lack of internal democracy, little fight against corruption and lack of respect for human rights. Admission will not automatically solve problems and contradiction of a State but will provide its citizens with an identity perceived as “prestigious”, thus diminishing the desire of heated nationalism.

Antonio Violante
University of Milan, Department of Historical Studies

ID Abstract: 529