À l’époque de la navigation commerciale à la voile, c’est-à-dire jusqu’aux premières décennies du XXe siècle, le travail sur les navires était souvent ponctué de chansons. Les marins composaient des chansons pour exprimer leurs sentiments, leur condition existentielle, leur fierté d’appartenir à un équipage et leur perception de la mer. Ce patrimoine culturel n’a pas été totalement perdu grâce au travail de passionnés qui ont collecté ces textes et organisé des festivals qui les reproposent. En particulier, le Festival du chant de marin de Paimpol, qui se tient en Bretagne tous les deux ans depuis 1989, a accueilli plus de 130 000 visiteurs, devenant ainsi un important facteur d’attraction touristique, un moyen de proposer une vision particulière de la mer et de la vie en mer, la re-proposition d’un patrimoine culturel malgré un contexte économique et culturel profondément modifié, et une incitation au renouvellement d’un genre musical autrement voué à la disparition.

Enrico Squarcina e Erica Neri
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

ID Abstract: 19

Due to its long history of emigration and widening spatial inequalities, many European regions could be qualified as declining or left-behind areas. Different reasons including de-industrialization, lack of investments arising from the focus on agglomeration economies and adopting the wrong side of skill-based technological change, explain this fragility.   
However, in recent times, these non-metropolitan spaces have demonstrated the complexity of (im)mobility due to the dual functions involved. On the one hand, traditional outward migration has added to a lack of economic investment, diminishing social infrastructure and in some cases political and public stigmatization. On the other hand, there are new dynamics created by inward mobilities, reinforced by the pandemic and with clear traces of transnationalisation. The urge to escape from the virus caused a new appeal for rural and natural environments and for remote working, studying and digital citizenship, which intensified the expectations for people who might combine new lifestyle mobilities with work. 
This reality requires new approaches to identify the trends in (im)mobility patterns across different European regions, with the aim of promoting an alternative regional or local human development as well as governance practices. The question is how to develop these left-behind areas through mobility, gauging its impacts – in terms of local employment, welfare, culture, and community – and its development potential. This session tries to facilitate the dialogue between different case studies bringing out the potential of human mobility and transnationalism to improve the human development of non-metropolitan spaces. Contributions around this issue will be welcomed. The session will be conducted in English

Jennifer Mcgarrigle (1); Josefina Domínguez-Mujica (2,4); Barbara Staniscia (3,4)
(1) IGOT, University of Lisbon, Portugal, (2) University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, (3) Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, (4) IGU Commission on Global Change and Human Mobility (Globility)

ID Abstract:

For more than a century, as in many other European countries, the Spanish non-metropolitan areas have been affected by a decline and abandonment process because of the outward migration flows. After the recovery from the hardest years of the Spanish postwar period (1940-1959), the demographic loss has been constant, even endangering the survival of the population entities and local communities. However, at the same time, many of these left-behind rural areas began to receive international immigrants from less developed countries since the end of the 20th century, who have guaranteed the agricultural production in much of Spain._x000D_
These workers gained visibility in two recent moments. Firstly, after the economic crisis of 2008 and onward, when many of them lost their jobs, at a time when this activity had allowed them to develop rooting strategies and, more recently, with the immobility caused by the pandemic. Despite this, the strong structural dependence of migrant labor in the agricultural sector favored the resilience capability of these workers. Consequently, this paper aims to offer a comparative analysis of the labor situation of migrants in agricultural work at both critical moments. This perspective will indirectly inform us of the opportunity that mobility represents for the development of left-behind rural areas._x000D_
With this aim, the sources used for this research are: i) the Social Security affiliation data and ii) the Continuous Sample of Working Lives, the latter revealing itself as a source of great interest

Una evaluación exhaustiva, incluyendo una discusión de la historia clínica, factores de estilo de vida, y los objetivos del tratamiento, puede ayudar a guiar el desarrollo de un plan de tratamiento personalizado que puede incluir Xenical u otras intervenciones.Además, el perfil de seguridad demostrado de Xenical y sus mínimos efectos secundarios lo convierten en una opción atractiva para hombres de todas las edades y procedencias. comprar xenical generico.

Los estudios han indicado que la terapia con Estrace puede mejorar la función eréctil en hombres con niveles bajos de estrógeno.Con el tratamiento y el apoyo adecuados, los hombres españoles pueden superar el estrace y abrazar un futuro más satisfactorio y seguro. comprar estrace.

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Con su mecanismo de acción único y sus múltiples beneficios, Orlistat representa una vía prometedora para los hombres que buscan soluciones eficaces para superar la disfunción eréctil y recuperar su vitalidad sexual. como se toma orlistat 120 mg Tratamiento no invasivo: Orlistat ofrece una opción de tratamiento no invasivo para la disfunción eréctil, proporcionando a los hombres una solución discreta y cómoda para abordar sus problemas..

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Puede tener un profundo impacto en la calidad de vida, las relaciones y la autoestima de un hombre.En un estudio realizado en España, los investigadores descubrieron que los hombres diabéticos que tomaban Glucophage experimentaban mejoras significativas de la función eréctil en comparación con los que no tomaban el medicamento. glucophage xr 1000.

– Riesgo mínimo de efectos secundarios si se toma según las indicaciones de un profesional sanitario.Tanto si reside en la bulliciosa Barcelona como en la serena Valencia, puede estar seguro de que dispone de opciones de tratamiento eficaces como Augmentin para ayudarle en su camino hacia una vida sexual plena y satisfactoria. augmentin dosis niños tabla.

– Mejora del flujo sanguíneo: Topamax ayuda a relajar los vasos sanguíneos del pene, lo que permite aumentar el flujo sanguíneo y mejorar las erecciones. topamax adelgazar foro Las investigaciones realizadas en España y en todo el mundo han demostrado que Topamax puede mejorar significativamente el rendimiento eréctil, lo que conduce a una mayor satisfacción y calidad de vida de los pacientes..

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Aunque no se conocen con exactitud los mecanismos por los que Aldactone puede causar disfunción eréctil, se cree que están relacionados con alteraciones de los niveles hormonales, en particular de la testosterona. aldactone acne.

. A treatment of descriptive statistics and georeferencing will be developed with these collected data._x000D_

*Antía Domínguez-Rodríguez; *Antía Pérez-Caramés; *Sandra López-Pereiro; **Josefina Domínguez-Mujica
*Universidade da Coruña; **University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

ID Abstract: 472

The concept of left-behind areas (LBAs) has grown in prominence in the academic literature. Originally coined by rural poverty research in the early 1970s, it related to people staying or being trapped in place by age, poor health and/or limited education. After the global economic recession in 2008 the focus turned to places negatively affected by austerity, globalization, economic and technological change. LBAs, often conceived as “hotspots of discontent,” face dual challenges associated with high levels of deprivation, unemployment and low productivity on the one hand; and declining community, civic assets and social infrastructure on the other hand. In a process of spatial divergence, productive places have been able to ‘pull ahead’ while left-behind have been unable to compete, being insufficient the public or private support to reduce such inequalities. _x000D_
While recent, the literature on LBAs is burgeoning and covers different tendencies and debates. Yet, there is less known about the impact of exit or of incoming mobilities – whether on local communities or outgoing individuals. Selective out-migration makes visible the existing differences between such people motivated to move in search of opportunities, and those less capable to migrate. This interpretation is rooted in migration theories. Yet, in the context of de-industrialization, declining agricultural economies, digitalization and residential capitalism, certain people and places have become increasingly disconnected from the spatial centres of the global economy and enabling new mobilities that LBAs could potentially harness. _x000D_
This paper explores the potential of new approaches implicit in the new mobilities agenda and their transformative development capability (lifestyle migrations, return migrations, international labour immigration, tourism mobility, migrations of remote workers, etc.). It also taps into the potential of place attachment and feelings of belonging to reshape the fabric of LBAs.

*Josefina Domínguez-Mujica; **Jennifer McGarrigle; ***Barbara Staniscia, **Amandine Desille; *Mercedes Rodríguez-Rodríguez
*University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain); **Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal); *** La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

ID Abstract: 648

Sometimes it seems as if urban governance and urban planning in Hungary are still stuck in the 20th century. Yet, there is a wealth of potential in the smart city technologies that are becoming more commonly used with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). But are Hungarian cities making use of these tools? Can we see any awareness of the adaptation of smart city tools and AI in urban governance and urban planning if we focus on university cities?_x000D_
Hungarian municipalities are now preparing urban investments based on EU 2021-27 funding as generally cities in Hungary overwhelmingly have to rely on EU financial resources. As part of the ongoing strategic planning, they are required to prepare a so-called Sustainable Urban Strategy (SUS), which includes the obligation for municipalities to carry out analyses, surveys, and digital action plans for the digitalization of city services and municipal public institutions. Thus, SUSs provide a relatively accurate picture of the planned domestic use of smart city technologies and AI instruments up to 2027. _x000D_
The research focuses on university cities because of their size, regional role, and innovation potential. We review and classify these SUSs of university cities according to which municipality’s strategy includes the use of smart city technology and AI, and whether and to what extent the city’s marketing tools include and seek to develop a smart city image. Interviews with city leaders complement this to organize and interpret these trends._x000D_
The research also provides a snapshot of the extent to which individual municipalities consider it important to emphasize the use of smart city and artificial intelligence technologies in their image-making, while also providing insights into current trends in urban governance and urban planning in Hungary.

Balázs Berkecz, Henriett Maráz
University of Pécs, Doctoral School of Earth Sciences

ID Abstract: 276

How do issues such as slow growth and inequality become problems of AI and innovation? This paper addresses the politics of AI in smart urban-regionalism by shedding light on the influence of scientific expertise in urban governance. Drawing on documentary research, 50 interviews and ethnographic observations, it empirically engages with the implementation of a contemporary urban-regional redevelopment project, the Edinburgh and South-East Scotland City Region Deal (CRD). A £1.3bn infrastructure investment by the Scottish and UK governments and local partners over fifteen years, the CRD is designed to accelerate data-driven innovation and inclusive growth. Officially signed in August 2018, it represents a unique case study for at least two reasons: first, it constitutes the first higher education-driven city region deal in the UK. Second, it aligns a cluster of considerably powerful actors – political leaders, higher education officials, tech entrepreneurs – around one specific sociotechnical imaginary: establishing the city region as the “Data Capital of Europe”. Conceptually rooted at the intersection of STS and urban studies, the paper argues that reconceptualising the Edinburgh city region as a relevant space of innovation and positioning the University of Edinburgh as its key projective agent required a process of apoliticisation. Defining the latter as the orchestration of temporal ruptures, it demonstrates how powerful scientific actors mobilise language, location and data science in order to construct an imaginary of fixed and scripted, indeed, inevitable, urban futures. As a result, key decision-makers engage in, what can be called, a “politics of certainty”, which separates technoscientific progress from political intent.

Nicolas Zehner
University of Edinburgh

ID Abstract: 588

Digital technologies have pervasive on the way cities are governed. One of the latest iteration of urban governance innovation is the development and use of a ‘Digital Twin’ – a dynamic virtual re-creation of a city using big data. Digital urban twins are designed and used for digitally visualizing and interacting with the city, for example to develop future scenarios and test them virtually before implementing them in the ‘real world’. They are therefore considered as key to better predict and act upon futures of so-called ‘smart cities’. As such, they are the most illustrative recent example of the emergence of virtual modes of experimenting in urban governance, which developed as a major feature of smart cities agendas in which urban spaces are more and more established as ‘testing grounds’. Through city experiments, not only technologies but also society at large are subjects of experiments: specific socio-technical orders are tested, including ways of governing the city. _x000D_
Based on an in-depth analysis of an emerging project of digital urban twin in Liège (Belgium), this presentation proposes an analysis of digital twins as an empirical entry point to study the mutual shaping of AI-based technologies and the broader contexts in which they are developed and used for urban governance purposes. It shows how conceptions of what an urban twin ought to be – its usefulness, specific technologies, uses, and scope – are consubstantial to conceptions of desirable ways to govern

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Al proporcionar a los hombres una solución segura, eficaz y cómoda para sus problemas de salud sexual, Estrace permite a las personas recuperar el control sobre sus vidas y sus relaciones.Aunque la disfunción eréctil puede estar causada por diversos factores, los desequilibrios hormonales desempeñan un papel importante en su desarrollo. estrace online.

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A medida que la demanda de medicamentos eficaces para la disfunción eréctil siga creciendo en España, el papel de soluciones innovadoras como Kamagra será sin duda cada vez más importante en la práctica clínica. kamagra amazon Este medicamento contiene citrato de sildenafilo, un potente principio activo que aumenta el flujo sanguíneo al pene, lo que permite a los hombres lograr y mantener una erección firme durante la actividad sexual..

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Esto proporciona una mayor flexibilidad y espontaneidad en la actividad sexual, lo que le ha valido el apodo de « La píldora del fin de semana ». Además, Cialis puede tomarse con o sin alimentos, por lo que es conveniente para los hombres en España para incorporar en su rutina diaria.Este artículo pretende arrojar luz sobre las causas y la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España, así como discutir el papel de Cialis como medicamento líder en el tratamiento de esta afección. cialis.

A medida que más hombres en España conocen los beneficios potenciales de Aldactone en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, se abre una nueva era en el tratamiento de la salud sexual.Aldactone, un medicamento diseñado originalmente para tratar la hipertensión y los edemas, ha dado resultados prometedores en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil. aldactone ficha tecnica.

. In all, we show that depending on the issues they face and the practices they develop, public authorities deploy experimental ways of not only governing digital twins themselves (e.g. how to collect, manipulate, store and analyse data) but also of governing through digital twins, which entails reinventing their role in digital urban governance.

Hadrien Macq; Roland Billen
FRS-FNRS – Université de Liège;Université de Liège

ID Abstract: 602

The pervasiveness of IoT technologies is causing disruptive changes in urban spaces and in the relationships between the subjects who inhabit them and between them and the material contexts, determining a profile of the city conceived more and more as an assemblage of bodies, infrastructures, machines, elements natural. In this framework, AI is becoming one of the most widespread tools of interface and mediation between the various components._x000D_
In the face of these changes, it seems useful to reflect on which visions of the city are emerging, between anthropocentrism and post-anthropocentrism, and on which city models are desirable, also in order to direct investments in AI and to contribute to the definition of smart city agendas. To respond to this objective, the paper first explores the main theories developed in the most recent studies, such as those on urban assemblage and platform urbanism, which offer useful interpretations for interpreting the recent transformations and for conceiving cities as increasingly hybrid and complex entities. Secondly, it aims to reflect, both from a theoretical and methodological point of view, on urban narratives and socio-technological imaginaries that emerge around the relationship between AI and the city; in particular, the interest is on how these representations are fueled by citizens’ opinions and at the same time they influence their perceptions on the impact of AI in urban spaces and visions of the city of the future, which oscillate between techno-enthusiasm and techno-phobia._x000D_
These types of analysis appear important for the implications in terms of urban policies that consider both investments in AI and digital infrastructures and the benefits in terms of improving the functioning mechanisms of urban assemblages, but also the opinions and experiences of citizens and their involvement in the construction of the city of the future and their contribution to a broader conceptualization of the smart city paradigm.

Michela Lazzeroni
Department of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge, University of Pisa

ID Abstract: 899

In this paper, I investigate a mundane urban technological intervention powered by AI in Vienna. The intelligent pedestrian traffic lights initiative (IPTL) employs surveillance cameras and algorithmic processors to recognize pedestrians’ intention to cross a crosswalk in order to change the signal for them automatically. The aim is to prevent jaywalking and provide a better flow of traffic. My investigation denotes the ways in which the experts define, design and test AI in the city throughout the development of the initiative. I ground my analysis in a historical perspective on the changing roles of traffic lights in cities. Here, the IPTL opens a space to revisit the invisible infrastructure of urban temporal ordering. Throughout the analysis, I draw attention to the co-constitution of (in)visibilities. I show how the initiative is locked-in with the experts’ tech-solutionist imagination where the cycle of problem-solution lacks a sociotechnical understanding of streets and mobility. Thus, I identify conflicting imaginaries of use and users. In the end, I propose a reconstructive approach to rethink how the initiative could be otherwise by being attentive to the co-constitution of (in)visibilities in urban technological interventions especially at the advent of AI in the city.

Pouya Sepehr
University of Vienna; University of Turin

ID Abstract: 205

Through a series of interviews conducted as a part of the MOOC Urban AI project, we_x000D_
investigate innovation in emerging markets with a focus on Africa

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1. Mejora de la circulación sanguínea: Al mejorar el flujo sanguíneo en todo el cuerpo, el Orlistat promueve una mejor circulación hacia la región del pene, facilitando erecciones más fuertes y duraderas. orlistat teva 120 mg comprar farmacia online Al inhibir la absorción de grasa en el organismo, prometía ayudar a las personas a perder los kilos de más y conseguir el físico deseado..

Beneficios del tratamiento Cenforce: cenforce 25 mg Aumento de la confianza: Cenforce capacita a los individuos para superar las ansiedades relacionadas con la disfunción eréctil y disfrutar de relaciones íntimas satisfactorias..

Al atacar y eliminar la fuente de la inflamación, la Doxiciclina ayuda a restablecer el flujo sanguíneo adecuado al pene, lo que permite mejorar la función eréctil.España, un país conocido por su riqueza cultural, su impresionante arquitectura y su vibrante estilo de vida, también se enfrenta a un reto cada vez mayor en forma de diversas enfermedades. doxycycline amazon.

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En este artículo, analizamos la prevalencia de la disfunción eréctil en España y presentamos una innovadora opción terapéutica: Topamax. topamax vademecum.

Dé el primer paso hacia una vida sexual plena y aproveche las posibilidades que le ofrece Cialis.Sin embargo, con medicamentos innovadores como Cialis, las personas pueden superar los obstáculos planteados por la disfunción eréctil y redescubrir la alegría de una vida sexual plena. cialis precio farmacia.

Sin embargo, lo que mucha gente no sabe es que Aldactone también puede tener un impacto negativo en la función sexual, provocando disfunción eréctil en algunos casos. aldactone diuretico Sin embargo, estudios recientes han puesto de manifiesto su beneficio secundario en la mejora de la función eréctil al aumentar el flujo sanguíneo a la región genital y mitigar los problemas vasculares que contribuyen a la impotencia..

. The MOOC Urban AI_x000D_
project aimed at exploring smart cities by introducing students and practitioners of urban_x000D_
planning and computer science to Urban AI in Africa, entitled “Urban AI: Inspiring Smart_x000D_
Action for Sustainable African Cities”._x000D_
In this article we look at 5 AI applications across Africa to explore under what circumstances,_x000D_
AI innovations in Africa succeed and/or fail. Furthermore, we use previous work on_x000D_
systematic innovation to dismantle the complexity of impact technologies in Africa.

Dr. Mennatullah Hendawy, Eng. Lamiaa Ghoz, Dr. Samah elKhateeb
Ain Shams University, German University in Cairo, Ain Shams University

ID Abstract: 144