Recent studies and international political agendas increasingly focus on the objectives and instruments of energy policies, however, facing major operational problems on a local scale. In particular, in the energy sector, complex ecological, geopolitical and geo-economic relationships intervene at various regional scales making spatial choices even more complex, especially on an operational level. As known, the significant transformations of the landscape and land use are deriving from local strategies and interventions in the energy sector. In this regard, territorial conflicts and forms of competition in land use are increasingly emerging, originating precisely from the birth of « new » energy landscapes, often the result of incentive policies at different regional scales. In the context of national energy issues, the Apulian case is significant. In particular, the region has experienced an almost uncontrolled occupation of important areas with inevitable environmental, social and economic problems in terms of land consumption, inclusion in valuable landscapes, low local economic impacts, subtraction of agricultural land with high potential and production quality. Considering the specific local characteristics and potentialities, by using a qualitative-quantitative methodology, applied in the province of Foggia of particular interest in the region, this research aims to propose a sustainable model for energy production from agricultural waste, still underdeveloped but compatible with local resources, values and constraints.

Marilena Labianca, Isabella Varraso
Department of Economics, University of Foggia, (Italy)

ID Abstract: 952

In order to sell nuclear energy as a “clean”, non-fossil energy, the consequential radioactive waste must be treated as a manageable externality. Although radioactive waste has been generated in Canada since the 1930s, there is still no permanent safe solution for its management. The Nuclear Waste Management Organization has committed to find a “willing and informed host” community to site intermediate-level radioactive waste in a permanent deep geological repository (DGR), but is not applying that standard to the siting process for low-level radioactive waste in a permanent near surface disposal facility (NSDF). Contention over nuclear waste siting is thus growing in Canada, given that the current regulatory regime allows some communities to withhold consent while others cannot

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Al combinar los últimos avances de la ciencia médica con un enfoque holístico del bienestar, los profesionales sanitarios españoles están mejor equipados que nunca para ayudar a sus pacientes a superar los retos de la disfunción eréctil y recuperar su vitalidad sexual. aldactone Abracemos la promesa de Aldactone, no sólo como medicamento, sino como presagio de esperanza y restauración para quienes luchan contra las sombras de la disfunción eréctil..

. For example, the Saugeen Ojibway Nations successfully opposed and withheld consent for the siting of a DGR on their traditional territory, while the Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation oppose the NSDF siting on their lands, but are offered no procedural authority to withhold consent. Waste siting processes proceeding within a consultation framework, without allowing for consent, operate under a neocolonial framework that legitimizes state tools of oppression, while delegitimizing risk thresholds identified by the communities assuming the risk, and instead gaslight those in opposition. Moreover, Indigenous and settler communities facing these impositions are often marginalized socially, economically, or otherwise. The prevailing power dynamics favour state authority and western science over Indigenous jurisdiction and knowledge. Through analysis of public hearing documents and participant observation, this paper seeks to understand whether Indigenous-led impact assessments, embedded consent mechanisms, and redistributive justice approaches might, or might not, hold the potential to fundamentally re-balance the power dynamics so as to respect the interest of future generations.

Laura Tanguay, Ph.D. Candidate
York University

ID Abstract: 94

Mountain environments impose particular challenges for waste management activities due to geographical restrictions related to land availability, collection and transportation routes, or logistics. The built environment is often developed along the river networks and, in such a context, freshwater bodies appear to be more exposed to environmental pollution. This work examines the plastic waste management in Bicaz city, from Neamt County (Romania), and the susceptibility of the main rivers (Bistrita and Bicaz), in addition to Izvorul Muntelui dam lake, to plastic pollution. Bicaz city has several rural localities under administration and its complex local geographies are reflected in the waste management challenges (such as collection, sorting, treatment, and disposal) and plastic mismanagement practices (e.g., litter or river dumping). Nearby these concerns, amplified by plastic input from tourism, the role of floods in plastic mobilization generated in upstream areas should not be neglected. In this context, utilizing the waste management performance analysis, the prospects of circular economy framework applied at the urban scale are further examined.

Florin-Constantin MIHAI, Simona-Roxana ULMAN
CERNESIM Center, Department of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania

ID Abstract: 290

Waste management is deeply rooted with the current social, economic and political system in several diverse ways. A culture of consumption is promoted, leading to the production of substantial amounts of waste. This is driven by the pursuit of profit, as businesses seek to sell more products and create a constant demand for new goods. Moreover, the costs of waste production and management are often externalized, meaning that they are not fully accounted for in the price of goods and services. This can lead to environmental degradation and negative impacts on communities, as the costs of waste management are passed on to society and the environment. Often neo-colonial dynamics can contribute to waste disposal practices that are inequitable and unsustainable. Finally, waste management is often controlled by companies which may prioritize profit over environmental and social responsibility. This can lead to poor waste management practices and negative impacts on communities and the environment. 

Overall, the current capitalist system is intricately linked to waste management, and this connection can contribute to environmental degradation and social inequities. Looking at these interconnections is critical when seeking to develop more sustainable and equitable waste management practices. 
As the world faces increasing challenges related to waste management, with significant implications for the environment, public health, and social equity, understanding the interconnections between these issues and the power dynamics at play is crucial. Being aware that technology innovation is necessary to improve waste management, the role of political decisions and educational processes are crucial in order to minimise waste production. Geography, with its focus on the interaction between people and environments, is well positioned to address these challenges and propose solutions for sustainable futures. 

In this session, we are seeking original research papers that explore the power dynamics behind waste management with a focus on the role of geography in understanding and addressing these issues. 

We are particularly interested in papers that examine the intersections of waste, power dynamics, and geography in relation (but not limited) to: 

The social and economic impacts of waste production on marginalised communities 

The role of government bodies, civil society and grassroots groups in shaping decisions on waste management 

The power dynamics behind waste management, including the role of economic, political, social, and environmental factors 

The alternative economic and political models for waste management  

The role of the Zero Waste approach for innovations in waste management 

The role of educational processes and training actions to provide adequate responses to waste management The session will be held in English. Selected contributions will be invited to submit to the peer-reviewed journal Documenti Geografici (ANVUR Class A academic journal)

Andrea Guaran (1); Federico Venturini (1)
(1) University of Udine

ID Abstract:

From 2020-2023, systematic studies were conducted in a mixed-method approach in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany on the topic of food waste. In order to extend the discourse chain of waste generation and waste prevention beyond the waste producers (mainly private households), all municipal waste companies in the study area were contacted in 2020 and 2021 in order to elicit their control and influence possibilities on waste events via 15 in-depth interviews._x000D_
The focus of these discussions was not only the competition between different waste fractions (plastic waste, organic waste, residual waste) or the competition between economically relevant waste disposal and « uneconomic » waste avoidance, but also the success and failure of avoidance strategies. It is striking that not only the interest of private households is low to deal with the information offers of waste management companies, but also the interest of municipal politics is expandable. The interviews show that the waste management companies generally set their own priorities and that the topic of waste disposal or waste avoidance has so far received only marginal attention from local politicians in competition with other topics. The waste management concepts formulated for a five-year period will show whether more sustainable topics, such as the previously « unknown » topic of food waste, will find their way into municipal waste governance._x000D_
The discourses and solutions at the 15 municipal operations, which are characterized by both rural and urban settlement structures, are not uniform. While some waste management companies are in a position to discover innovative topics for themselves and to learn from each other in cooperative networking with « friendly » waste management companies, other companies are uncoupled from this._x000D_

Ulrich Jürgens
University of Kiel – Department of Geography

ID Abstract: 72

Badlands are defined as hotspots of sediment production in some cases representing between 20%-80% of the average catchment sediment yield. The erosion rates in these areas can exceed 100 t ha–1 y–1, leading to significant environmental and economic impacts. However, the study of soil erosion has rarely been extended to non-agricultural landscapes, such as badlands, because low slope arable lands are of greater economic importance. In the present study, it is intended to identify the erosion processes that affect badland areas and to calculate their erosion rate. For that, geomatic data capture techniques such as Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS) and Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAV) surveys have been applied and compared with in-situ measurements. The study site chosen in the present work is the Vallcebre area that is located in the mountainous Upper Llobregat River Basin (ULRB). Since approximately 0.3% of the entire ULRB are badlands, it represents a natural laboratory for researchers to study badland erosion. This study has been performed in two scales; slope and sub catchment. Accordingly, two specific north- and south-facing badland slopes of 8 and 12 m2 respectively, and a sub catchment of 0.9 ha have been analyzed. The volume of eroded sediment has been quantified for a period of 2 years emphasizing the effect of seasonality. Moreover, the correlation between soil erosion with climatic and terrain parameters has been analyzed. _x000D_

Ona Torra, Càrol Puig-Polo, Marcel Hürlimann, Felipe Buill
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

ID Abstract: 810

Of the various types of land degradation in India, ravine is one of the severe forms. These ravines, extensively spread over an area of ~ 4000 sq. kms are also called the Chambal badlands. Geologically, it is one of the four severely dissected landscapes within the Middle Alluvial Ganga Plains (MGAP). Over time, gully erosion in the ravines get aggravated, rendering the lands unproductive. Gradual spatial expansion of badlands, by not just loss of topsoil, but also anthropogenic disturbances has been noted as a major environmental challenge, particularly in arid and semi-arid India._x000D_
Through this abstract, we present the case of Morena district, in the Central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, wherein we used a combination of land reclamation measure such as tree species plantation and soil-moisture conservation to restore the degraded ravines especially through site-specific habitat improvement models. Plantation of about 7 tree species (Acacia catechu, Acacia tortilis, Azadirachta indica, Anogeissus pendula, Commiphora wightii, Aegle marmelos and Emblica officinalis) in 22.68 ha of land has been carried out during post-monsoon of year 2022. The plantation was carried out by way of a randomized block design (RBD), with three replicate blocks containing treatments for soil amendments. Three types of bio-fertilizers that contains Rhizobium, Azotobacter and Azospirillum in its 3 graded doses (5%, 10% and 15%) are being used for soil amendments. Three mulches such as wheat husk, stone pebbles and leaf litters are being used to conserve the soil moisture and enhance the nutrients status of soil. As a whole, there are a total of 27 treatment combinations. Our initial results suggest that land reclamation measures such as plantation with native tree species and construction of check-dams in response to the severe soil erosion and gully formation, has proven to be 85% success in terms of providing vegetation recovery, soil health improvement and carbon storage.

Muthu Rajkumar and Avinash Jain
ICFRE-Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh), India

ID Abstract: 902

Badlands can develop under different climatic conditions ranging from arid to humid on materials that have a specific combination of physico-chemical properties depending on their mineralogical composition. Mostly these materials are fine-grained terrigenous, lacustrine or marine sediments of different age. However, badlands can also form in volcano-clasitc materials, and Cappadocia badlands in Turkey is the most prominent example. Less known in the literature are two sites also developed in this type of sediments: Đavolja Varoš, on Radan Moutain in SE Serbia and the Kazár badlands in NW Hungary. The Đavolja Varoš badlands, 0.7 km2 in size is formed by the intensive development of rills and gullies on slopes built from thick volcano-clastic material. The initial relief is reduced only to sharp ridges between adjacent gullies. This badland is developed in dacito-andesitic poorly-consolidated poorly-sorted tuffs. The weathering processes are intense and governed by high intensity precipitation and prolonged drying periods. The reddish earth pyramids built of these erodible materials are protected by the cap rock

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La disfunción eréctil puede deberse a múltiples factores, tanto físicos como psicológicos. cialis contrareembolso 24h Recuerde que buscar ayuda es el primer paso para recuperar la confianza en sí mismo y volver a disfrutar de una vida sexual plena..

Aldactone bloquea la acción de hormonas como la testosterona, que puede contribuir a los problemas de erección cuando está presente en exceso. aldactone acne Al inhibir la aldosterona, Aldactone ayuda a mejorar el flujo sanguíneo al pene, favoreciendo erecciones más fuertes y duraderas..

. Loss of balance and fall of the protective cap rock accelerates the erosion. The smaller Kazár badlands covering the area of 1ha are developed in rhyolitic poorly-consolidated highly porous tuffs. Rills and gullies are the dominant geomorphic processes and the weathering is dominated by freeze-thaw processes. At the Kazár badlands earth pyramids are not protected with the cap rock and weathering, disintegration and sheet wash erosion intensively shape the landscape. Although the materials differ slightly in composition, both being poorly sorted, clay-size rich materials make them sensitive to erosion, proving once more the importance of material composition, in this case namely grain size including sorting and mineralogical composition, for badlands development and future evolution.

Nevena Antić 1*, László Bertalan 2, Milica Stefanović 3 and Milica Kašanin-Grubin 4
(1) University of Belgrade-Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, Department of Chemistry, Njegoševa 12, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia; (2) Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1, H-4032 Debrecen, Hungary; (3) Innovation Center of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Karnegijeva 4, Belgrade, Serbia;

ID Abstract: 927

The study was conducted with the aim to identify the primary factors controlling gullies formation and evolution, in Central Portugal. A total of 38 permanent gullies were found in an 11 km2 area with an average length, maximum width, and width of 105m, 6.8m and 3,8m, respectively based on orthophoto-map analysis. 11 geo-environmental factors were selected. The gullies are located in an area of highly weathered granites which allowed the presence of deeply weathered crusts. The recurrence of several fires, in particular, the 2017 fire will have allowed the destruction of much of the vegetation that will have favoured not only the installation of gullies but allowed a rapid evolution of gullies already installed in the immediate period of the fire. GA identified two groups of gullies differentiated not only by morphological aspects as well as geo-environmental elements. One group of gullies is characterized by being of larger size and are located preferentially on slopes with greater slope. The second group is smaller, more conditioned by the presence of roads and paths, and located on slopes with lower slopes. Optimal scaling via PCA produced a solution slightly higher than 70% being identified as the main variables the slope, topographic ruggedness index (TRI), and vegetation gain (VG). This study contributes to identifying a better current gully erosion situation which can provide an important reference for risk assessment and control of gully erosion. Due to the size of the gullies, as well as the recurrence of forest fires affecting the study area some indispensable gully erosion control practices should be urgently implemented

Bruno Martins; Catarina Pinheiro; Adélia Nunes; António Bento-Gonçalves e Luciano Lourenço
Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), Faculdade de Letras, Departamento de Geografia e Turismo, CEGOT, RISCOS; Universidade do Minho (Portugal), Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Geografia

ID Abstract: manual – juny 5

Gully erosion is known to affect soil productivity, and to limit land use in many parts of the world. To assess the susceptibility of soils_x000D_
to gully erosion, the triggering factors must be analyzed. We evaluated gully evolution dynamics in a test area sited in KwaZulu Natal, RSA. Therefore we developed a framework to simulate gully development using a numeric process based model and pre- and postprocessing modules implemented in Python –GIS. As input the topographic characteristics of the study area, soil properties, and measured runoff was used. The results show that the developed modules allow a successful data preparation, process simulation and spatial visualization of the obtained results in 2D and 3D as well as an analysis of gully evolution dynamics.

Michael Maerker; Adel Omran
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Working Group on Soil Erosion, Müncheberg, Germany/ Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Pavia University, Via Ferrata, 1- 27100 – Pavia, Italy

ID Abstract: 604