Badlands are highly dissected areas, comprising hillslopes and divides carved in soft bedrock and unconsolidated sediments, with little or no vegetation, that are useless for agriculture. These stunning landscapes of extremely rugged terrain with intense present or past geomorphological activity can occur all over the World under a broad variety of climate conditions, including arid, semi-arid and both sub-humid and humid conditions. Badlands differ from gully systems in the sense that the former include both hillslopes and divides, whereas gullies represent essentially linear erosive forms. However, gully systems can be closely related to badlands, as gully development may start or reactivate badland dynamics.
Badland and gully systems typically represent minor sections of the terrain, but are commonly perceived as hotspots of sediment production at large regional scales, impacting downstream freshwater ecosystems and the security of water reservoirs, and also playing a key role for organizing the sedimentary structure of rivers and maintaining river deltas. Furthermore, these erosive landforms are natural laboratories that allow the study of many different pedological, biological and geomorphic processes, with both on-site and off-site implications of water and soil management. The study of badland and gully systems has, therefore, important implications for both land and basin management, particularly in the present context of Climate Change, where precipitation concentration in more extreme rainfall events may result in increased soil erosion and mobilisation of sediments to river channels and reservoirs.
This EUGEO 2023 badland and gully session is co-sponsored by the Badlands Working Group of the International Association of Geomorphologists. We welcome theoretical, modelling and empirical studies, including (i) the detection and mapping of badland and gully systems applying GIS data analysis and the use of remote sensing resources, (ii) the study of bedrock weathering and denudation activity and other associated geomorphological processes acting in these erosive landforms (e.g., mass wasting, gullying, rilling, piping) using sparse observations (e.g. pins, profiles and volumetric methods) and high-resolution surveying (e.g., TLS/LiDAR and Structure from Motion techniques), (iii) the relationships between physical (hydrological and erosive) processes and biological activity, (iv) the study of sediment dynamics of badland and gully systems at the plot, catchment and basin scales, as well as (v) process-based exploration of the origin of these erosive landforms and their evolution in the present context of Global Change. If the EUGEO organization finds it feasible, the people involved in the organization of this session may also organize a supplementary one-day post-conference field trip for the participants of the conference to visit a set of research badland/gully sites near Barcelona (i.e., the Upper Llobregat basin and the Vallcebre experimental catchments).

Mariano Moreno De Las Heras (1); Milica Kasanin-Grubin (2); Ona Torra Truncal (3); Estela Nadal Romero (4); Francesc Gallart (5)
(1) University of Barcelona, Department of Geography, Barcelona, Spain, (2) University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metalurgy, Centre of Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia, (3) BarcelonaTECH Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences, Barcelona, Spain, (4) Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (IPE), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Zaragoza, Spain, (5) Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain

ID Abstract:

Las inundaciones constituyen el desastre natural más común en Europa. El análisis del riesgo de inundación se ha afianzado en la última década con el fin de reducir la exposición y la vulnerabilidad social. La componente social del riesgo, ejemplificada en la percepción del mismo y que caracteriza el grado de incertidumbre social generado por un evento extremo y sus consecuencias, ejemplifica el interés por esta temática. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo profundizar en la percepción del riesgo de inundación desde una perspectiva de género, haciendo especial hincapié en cómo perciben el peligro de dicho fenómeno las mujeres. Para ello se analiza la comarca de La Vega Baja del Segura, en el sur-este español, un marco geográfico caracterizado por la afectación recurrente de episodios extremos relativos a lluvias torrenciales e inundaciones repentinas. Sin ir más lejos, el 12 de septiembre de 2019 la comarca fue testigo de los efectos de una depresión aislada a niveles altos (DANA) que comportó la inundación de buena parte de la comarca, con elevados costes económicos y pérdidas de vidas humanas. La metodología utilizada combina el uso y análisis de datos cuantitativos y cualitativos. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado un Índice de Vulnerabilidad Social Femenina para identificar los ámbitos con mayor riesgo de inundación potencial. Este análsis se realizó a escala de municipio y también por secciones censales, donde se realizaron entrevistas presenciales a una muestra de 53 mujeres. Los resultados constatan una percepción del riesgo de inundación fluvial elevada, en parte motivada por experiencias previas. Para aumentar su capacidad de adaptación, se aboga por mejorar la limpieza de los cauces, canalizarlos, y limitar la construcción en zonas inundables. Asimismo, se han identificado patrones de comportamiento relacionados con los roles de género que interfieren en la gestión del riesgo, como ocuparse de las tareas domésticas o tener a cargo personas dependientes.

Paula Gutiérrez-Domínguez (1), Sandra Ricart (1,2) y María Hernández-Hernández (3)
(1) Instituto Interuniversitario de Geografía, Universidad de Alicante, (2) Environmental Intelligence for Global Change Lab, DEIB, Politecnico di Milano, (3) Departamento de Análisis Geográfico Regional y Geografía Física, Universidad de Alicante

ID Abstract: 158

In 2022, Spain went through a record-breaking hot summer with average temperatures in July 2.7 degree Celsius higher than the long-term average. Despite the evidence of heatwaves during summer, coastal cities are less likely to acknowledge these events as a risk because of the benefit warm climate contributes to tourism industry. The paradox is that these cities often are home to locals who have largely become impoverished due to the labor precariousness of the sector itself. Our research explores the case of Lloret de Mar, Cataluña with aims to problematize heatwaves based on the lived experience of households in risk of residential exclusion, and to analyze the vulnerability and resilience of the households by identifying coping strategies and lock-ins. 28 interviews and participatory mapping exercises were conducted with users of the food distribution center run by Caritas. The experience of unbearable heat at home related to exhaustion, suffocation, and excessive perspiring is commonly expressed due to high humidity. Meanwhile local administration perceived heat as less of a problem. The participants reveal limited coping strategies as they rely mostly on natural cross ventilation and fans. Some were locked in the individual strategy of staying at home while they have to juggle with economic difficulties. Moreover, their economic circumstances, tourism industry and labor conditions do not allow them to strategically use vacation. Participatory mapping reveals that these households are exposed to heat in the daily activity. In the absence of adequate adaptation plans available for them at municipal or collective scale, current conditions find vulnerable households trapped in ‘hot’ environment. We highlight the importance of considering the adaptation plan that is for the local community in the context where the municipal policy demonstrates a path dependency, which primarily emphasizes building sustainability around tourism activity.

Hyerim Yoon
Universitat de Girona

ID Abstract: 162

El litoral mediterráneo, un área frágil que forma parte de nuestra cultura y territorio, está_x000D_
sufriendo el impacto de diversas fuerzas socioeconómicas, incluyendo la presión humana de_x000D_
una población que representa el 7% de la población mundial, el 13% del PIB mundial y el 32%_x000D_
del turismo mundial. Además, el calentamiento global está causando una explotación del 50%_x000D_
de los recursos hídricos de la cuenca mediterránea. Los efectos del aumento del nivel del mar y_x000D_
las intensas tempestades marítimas están cambiando significativamente el perfil del litoral_x000D_
mediterráneo y podrían amenazar en un corto plazo los territorios costeros que dependen del_x000D_
turismo o del transporte. Se presenta un caso de estudio en la zona del Maresme sur, donde se_x000D_
observa una pérdida significativa de sedimentos en las playas y un retroceso del litoral que_x000D_
compromete gravemente el turismo de sol y playa y el transporte ferroviario. Se han_x000D_
identificado diversas causas humanas y naturales que contribuyen a esta pérdida, incluyendo_x000D_
la disminución de las aportaciones de sedimentos de los ríos, la construcción de_x000D_
infraestructuras portuarias, la ocupación urbanística y el cambio climático. En conclusión, la_x000D_
pérdida de la línea litoral en el Maresme sur en los últimos 35 años compromete seriamente la_x000D_
viabilidad del turismo y el transporte en la zona.

Cristina Durà, Xavier Úbeda, Carles Barriocanal y Gemma Díaz
1. (633080851) 2. (934037892) 3. (934037889) 4. (679915484)

ID Abstract: 506

Las áreas urbanas del litoral mediterráneo, que son importantes destinos turísticos y residenciales, son vulnerables a las variaciones climáticas dada la incidencia que estas pueden tener en la disponibilidad de recursos hídricos, ya que las mayores concentraciones de población y consumo se producen coincidiendo con meses de menor pluviometría. La disminución de la disponibilidad del recurso debido a una mayor incidencia de los episodios de sequías y aumentos de temperatura por olas de calor pueden tener ciertas implicaciones en las prácticas de manejo y uso cotidiano del agua. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las respuestas de los hogares (en términos de prácticas de manejo y usos de agua) en periodos hídricos con temperaturas elevadas en Alicante, una ciudad donde la cifra de consumo de agua por habitante día ha disminuido en la última década (121,27 lpcd) por diversos factores, entre los que cabe mencionar, los hábitos personales de ahorro, los cuales varían según el contexto socioespacial urbano, lo que, además, se refleja en diferencias notables según tipologías urbanas y rasgos socio-demográficos. Asimismo, también se han registrado importantes casos de pobreza hídrica. Para ello, se han analizado datos cuantitativos (consumo de agua proporcionado por AMAEM e información sociodemográfica) y cualitativos (proveniente de encuestas y entrevistas). Los resultados preliminares muestran diferencias en las respuestas y prácticas de uso cotidiano del agua en periodos de sequía y olas de calor intenso. Las diferencias se relacionan, entre otras variables, con la tipología urbana y los ingresos. Se resalta importantes esfuerzos en términos de usos de agua, especialmente en hogares de zonas urbanas con características de pobreza hídrica o cifras de bajo consumo de agua.

Luís Zapana-Churata(1), Rubén A. Villar-Navascués(2), Antonio M. Rico-Amorós(1,3), María Hernández-Hernández(1,3)
(1)Instituto Interuniversitario de Geografía, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, España (2)Departamento de Geografía, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, España (3)Departamento de Análisis Geográfico Regional, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, España

ID Abstract: 148

La adaptación al cambio climático es un tema relativamente reciente en la agenda política y en el debate académico. A día de hoy conocemos mucho más los factores físicos que desencadenan los riesgos asociados al cambio climático y las maneras de mitigarlos que no los factores humanos clave que determinan el éxito o fracaso de las medidas de adaptación que puedan emprenderse. En consecuencia, en espacios como el litoral mediterráneo, las estrategias y acciones de adaptación no se encuentran, en general, lo suficientemente alineadas con los riesgos futuros que plantean los más recientes escenarios de cambio climático para estos espacios turísticos

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En los últimos años, un número creciente de hombres en España se han enfrentado al reto de la disfunción eréctil, una afección que puede tener un profundo impacto en su autoestima y calidad de vida.Aldactone, también conocido como espironolactona, pertenece a la clase de los diuréticos ahorradores de potasio y ha llamado la atención por sus múltiples beneficios en el tratamiento de diversas dolencias. aldactone diuretico.

. Esta sesión tiene por objetivo identificar y evaluar cuál es el nivel de conocimiento y capacidad de respuesta de los destinos turísticos del litoral mediterráneo sobre los principales riesgos asociados al cambio climático que los afectan, las medidas de adaptación que se impulsan para hacerles frente, y cuáles son los factores que incentivan y/o obstaculizan el reconocimiento de estos problemas y la implementación de medidas de adaptación. Se espera que la sesión pueda reunir experiencias de investigación entorno a distintos destinos turísticos mediterráneos que se encuentren afectados por riesgos acentuados por efecto del cambio climático, como las precipitaciones intensas, los temporales de mar y las inundaciones, el incremento de la temperatura y las olas de calor, el aumento del nivel del mar, las sequías o los incendios forestales. Las aportaciones que puedan darse en esta sesión contribuirán sin duda alguna a la mejora de la resiliencia y la disminución de la vulnerabilidad de personas y bienes a los riesgos en los espacios turísticos del litoral mediterráneo a través de la incorporación de medidas efectivas para la protección y prevención de riesgos naturales y de adaptación al cambio climático en los instrumentos de planificación ambiental, territorial y urbanística. La sesión de organizará a partir de presentaciones de experiencias de investigación sobre la temática objeto de estudio y un debate posterior entre los participantes. Las presentaciones podrán realizarse en cualquiera de las cuatro lenguas del congreso. 

Anna Ribas Palom (1); Albert Llausàs Pascual (1)
(1) Departament de Geografia. Universitat de Girona

ID Abstract:

Climate change is causing the weather to get more extreme, demanding policy actions to mitigate their impacts, particularly at the local scale. Cities are leading climate change adaptation and mitigation actors, reflecting a shift towards a more bottom-up approach to climate action and an opportunity to reinforce urban policymakers’ role in implementing climate policies. Understanding local-level responses to change is crucial to increase the tourism industry’s resilience and policymakers’ capacity to be responsive to change. However, there is limited attention to the coverage of climate change actions in urban planning adaptation plans and, more specifically, to the relevance of tourism’s role and actions. Therefore, to address this gap, it is sine-qua-non to assess and analyse the content of the adaptation strategies and plans from a tourism industry’s perspective. This contribution analyses to what extent tourism activity is considered in the Spanish National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change 2021-2030 (PNACC), how the tourism industry’s adaptive capacity is addressed by accounting for a political, social and environmental dimension, and the level of policy coherence in cities’ adaptation strategies. To this end, we evaluate the current adaptation plans of the most visited tourist cities on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. The findings reported that most plans apply a multi-focal adaptation strategy without explicitly focusing on the tourism industry. Technological (water and energy savings), hard (green spaces, renewable energy sources) and soft (awareness campaigns) adaptation measures are combined to increase cities’ resilience. Interestingly, the bottom-up approach provides background from citizens’ perspectives, sometimes including tourists as end-users. Likewise, the policy coherence analysis confirms that tourism-related measures are explicitly or implicitly mentioned, and their implementation is supported by funding and follow-up strategies.

Sandra Ricart (1,2), Carmen Mínguez (3)
(1) Water and Territory research group, Interuniversity Institute of Geography, University of Alicante, (2) Environmental Intelligence for Global Change Lab, Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, (3) Tourism, heritage and development research group, Department of Geography, Complutense University of Madrid

ID Abstract: 138

The purpose of this research is to analyze the emerging rural landscapes in the Sultanate of Oman through a holistic geographical approach which takes in consideration the future renaissance of ancient villages and marginalized territories in the Country. This study intends to explore the opportunities and challenges that local economies and territorial-based cultural innovations can implement in traditional contexts, focusing on new tools able to sustain future potential growth and development in the different regions and rural districts of the Sultanate._x000D_
The Country represents a unique example of regional development and sustainability in the Gulf Region, and it can be considered a sustainable green-model for many other neighboring countries in revitalizing ancient rural areas by a geographical perspective, not directly connected with the usual post-modern urban landscapes of the Gulf’s cities. The main research purpose is to identify some key-elements and key-players for designing a sustainable socio-economic strategy of these rural territories which are not embedded entirely in the process of national development. In exploring this phenomenon, we believe that a crucial role is played by the local communities which can revitalize and regenerate the local economic development through the cultural factors and traditions which support actively and in a participative manner the process of change._x000D_
In doing this research, the author has collecting data and interviews directly on the field from the local stakeholders and communities in different areas of the Sultanate in the last two years. Meeting local residents and rural communities in several villages has guided the research, re-addressing the purpose of the study. _x000D_
This research can identify a valid strategic framework for better understanding the key-dimensions of the rural geography in Oman and suggest to the policy-makers and regional authorities new alternative pathways for creating sustainable socio-economic o

Angelo Battaglia
Westminster International University of Tashkent (WIUT)

ID Abstract: 680

The new tourism trend of “living like a local” is being strengthened by promoting the value of “solidarity” (Alexova, 2015). That is when a tourist’s motivation and commitment is to engage in volunteer work to help address social, cultural, economic, or environmental challenges of the local destinations (Milne et al., 2018; Brown, 2005). More recently, the concept of Solidarity Tourism (ST) was explored for promoting sustainable models of local and regional development (Phuc & Nguyen, 2020; Benson, 2010)._x000D_
While the Ukrainian Government considers tourism for post-war recovery, already now, in the non-occupied territories, rural communities experience the benefits of safeguarding cultural and agricultural heritage, valorising ecological and social capital, and psychological rehabilitation from the trauma of war that tourism brings. Balancing economic objectives with social and environmental ones, ST has the potential to promote the global value of solidarity while bringing multidimensional benefits (Dolnicara&McCabeb, 2022). And Ukraine’s rural destinations can become a pilot case for exploring how tourism can help fragile communities strengthen their transformative capacity to recover from the crisis and build resilience, inclusively and in harmony with the environment._x000D_
The authors performed a preliminary analysis of the war-induced challenges for the tourism industry and rural communities, including smallholders and farmers, monitored local solidarity initiatives, and undertook interviews with key stakeholders. The pilot “Network Cooperation on the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Ukraine by Means of Solidarity and Volunteer Tourism in War and post-war times” within Kyiv Oblast was implemented with the expert support of the USAID “Economic Support to Ukraine” project. Based on the findings, a Ukrainian scenario for (re)building rural areas’ resilience through the ST, integrated with multistakeholder network cooperation, will be presented.

Olena Motuzenko, PhD, Associate Professor in constructive geography of the Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ukraine; Viviana Ferrario, PhD, Associate Professor in Landscape geography of the Department of Architecture and Arts, University IUAV of Venice, Italy; Anna Kanshieva, PhD, Biodiversity Specialist, UN FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ukraine; University IUAV of Venice, Italy; UN FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia.

ID Abstract: 865

Masculinities are constructed in relation to other entities including bodies, norms, institutions, and geographical contexts, and this relationality is an ongoing and ever-changing process. Rural areas are often associated with persistent gender inequalities with specifically rural masculinities and femininities, regarding identities, expectations, and practices. In this framework, this paper focuses on the identities and practices of highly qualified young adult men that move to the countryside to start a professional project. These urban-rural migrations are part of the new back-to-the-land movements in some areas of Spain and Europe, led by highly qualified young women and men, with new ideas about work, resource management and the value of territories. We analyze men’ self-perception and how they articulate work and family life. Feminist theory and methodologies are used to capture the gendered nature of men’s experiences, through in-depth interviews to men of rural areas of Spain. The results show different repertories of masculinity that go beyond the common positions of gender, age, and social class; and show progress and resistance in the construction of equal gender relations in rural areas. These data allow us to account for the current processes of construction of rural masculinities to better understand the lives of men and the relative position of women.

Mireia Baylina, Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon, Montserrat Villarino, María Josefa Mosteiro, Ana María Porto, Isabel Salamaña
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Universidad de Girona

ID Abstract: manual – juny 6