The study of the colonization of silver fir (Abies alba) in the Pyrenees, where the species forms its southwestern distribution limit in Europe, has been widely debated based on palaeobotanical records. The debate has revolved around two main issues: 1) whether there were silver fir refugia in the Pyrenees or nearby areas during the Last Glacial Period, and 2) how the colonization (or expansion) of silver fir occurred during the Holocene in the Pyrenees._x000D_
In this study, palaeobotanical information gathered through a literature search and obtained from pollen diagrams was compared with novel genetic data from 43 silver fir populations on the southern Pyrenean slope. Additionally, these data have been compared with genetic data available for the northern slope (Scotti et al., 2021). To study colonization dynamics, we analysed the beginning of the continuous silver fir pollen curves on 43 selected pollen diagrams to identify the species arrival._x000D_
No glacial refugia were either because they did not exist or because they were crypto-refugia and could not be detected. According to genetic data, there were two genetic groups in the Pyrenees that probably originate in two or more refuge zones. They have been identified eastern and western groups and a central mixed area. Paleobotanical and genetic data agree if different Holocene colonisation phases occurring during different periods are assumed. There would have been a primary colonization path from east to west during the early Holocene and additional but minor colonisations from crypto-refugia due to Holocene climatic changes.

Albert Pèlachs (1), Caroline Scotti (2), Jordi Nadal (1), Ramon Pérez-Obiol (1), Bruno Fady, Jesús Julio Camarero (3), Aaron Pérez-Haase (4), Virginia Carracedo (5), Raquel Cunill (1), Marc Sánchez-Morales (1) i Juan Carlos García Codron (5)
(1) GRAMP-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; (2) INRA UR 0629 -Avignon (France); (3) Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE-CSIC); (4) GEOVEG – Universitat de Barcelona; (5) GIMENA – Universidad de Cantabria

ID Abstract: 528

Historical maps are the unique source of information for land use / land cover (LULC) studies

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. Scientific value of historical maps increases remarkably when they are in digital form and georeferenced. Statistical data being preferred as the main source of information for a long term LULC change studies in Lithuania. The reason for this might be just a lack of georeferenced historical maps. To fill this gap we georeferenced 27 sheets of the period 1846 to 1872 topographical map of Russian Empire covering the territory of modern Republic of Lithuania. We present the results of processing the mentioned set of analogue historical map sheets into a digital map of land use in the 19 th century Lithuania. Georeferencing was based on using ground control points. We discuss the overall insignificant errors obtained from joining the georeferenced sheets of this historical map. The reconstruction of the LULC structure of Lithuania in the 19 th century was attained by manual digitizing (vectorising) preferred against the automated means because of the technical specifications of the map. All data was merged into five land use categories: 1) forests, 2) wetlands, 3) built-up areas, 4) water bodies and 5) other, mostly including arable land, grassland and pastures. The reconstructed land use structure of the 19 th century was checked for the compatibility with the spatial data of CORINE land cover of 2018, the main LULC change trends assessed. We think, that the first digital map of land use of Lithuania from period 1846-1872 is suitable to carry out quantitative analyses of LULC change and other studies in various academic fields.

Eglė Piškinaitė, Darijus Veteikis
Vilnius University

ID Abstract: 630

Research on global environmental change recommends considering the necessary measures to mitigate its catastrophic effects and conserve biodiversity. However, to what extent have long-term dynamics of the natural system been considered in these measures? What is the state of knowledge on perturbations and the biogeographic system’s resilience? In the past, we have some of the keys to current and future management of our environments.
Environmental historical geography (geohistory) studies have demonstrated that the relationship between society and the use of its environment has been growing throughout time but has also been highly variable since the Neolithic. Climatic changes throughout the Holocene have masked or accentuated human influence on the natural system. The result of this is a geosystem strongly shaped by environmental conditions mixed with human influence. Geohistory studies can help facilitate territorial decisions for the natural environment as they provide references to develop specific territorial planning objectives for biodiversity and quality of life management.
This session will highlight advancements of methods and techniques in the field of geohistory: namely documentary (written, graphic/cartographic and oral) and palaeobotanical (palynology, anthracology, pedoanthroecology, dendrology, etc.) tools. For example, we will examine surveys of peat bogs and old lakes in order to study vegetation dynamics (palynology, macroremains and organic matter) and past fires (sedimentary charcoal and microcharcoal). We will look at how tree line studies through mountain soils (pedoanthracology) allow us to locate extinct forest species and place them in time and scope through dendrology and other methods. Furthermore, we will discuss fieldwork completed with calibration work such as pollen signals (pollen in mosses), studies of current populations (DNA), and forest structure (GIS for Land use and Land Cover Change).
These tools provide a way to understand landscape dynamics over time and to analyze the continuities and disturbances that have occurred throughout history. It allows us to identify with precision the geographic scale affected and discuss human interactions with the natural system that have triggered them. The identification of past perturbations (fires, avalanches, large-scale use of natural resources, pollution, etc.) helps to assess the current and future state of the natural system.
With this combination of various techniques and time scales, we intend to discuss the methodological and conceptual limits of environmental geohistory, with concrete examples and cases that demonstrate its intrinsic and societal value. A rich discussion of strong advances in geohistory methods and techniques will be necessary to establish a standard that helps habitat conservation policies and inspires design for more resilient landscapes, to reduce their vulnerability to perturbations. Type: presentationsLanguages: french, spanish, catalan or english (his/her nativelanguage)

Albert Pèlachs (1); Ashley Braunthal (1); Marc Sánchez-Morales (2)
(1) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, (2) Universitat de Vic

ID Abstract:

Nowadays, fire is a major issue for forestry management in the Cantabrian mountains due to the high rate of wildfires concentrated in this region. In this context, studying past fire regimes is important to better understand the history of fire and its implications on vegetal landscape evolution._x000D_
To reconstruct the history of fire, palaeoecological techniques were used to analyze the sedimentary charcoals recovered from two peat bogs in the Pas valley (Cantabria): La Molina (484 m a.s.l.) and Cueto de la Espina (1120 m s.n.m.), encompassing the last c. 17,550 years. Charcoals were classified into different categories according to their size to detect differences between regional and local fire scales. The charcoal signal was also contrasted with other biomarkers (organic matter content, pollen, and non-pollen palynomorphs)._x000D_
Results revealed a lack of fire events during the analyzed period of the Last Glacial Period, in accordance with the lack of forest biomass deduced from the pollen spectra. The first significant fire episodes were detected during the dry intervals of the 9.3 and 8.2 ka events, exhibiting a strong relationship between fires and climate conditions. From that point to c. 6000 cal yr BP there was a lack of fire activity. Fire episodes began to occur more frequently from c. 6000 cal yr BP, seeming to be linked to the establishment of grazing and agricultural practices in the Cantabrian region. Climate and human activities are the triggers for fire episodes, coinciding with the dry pulses Bond 4 (c. 5600 cal yr BP) and Bond 3 (c. 4200 cal yr BP) events. The most significant regional and local fire episodes occurred between c. 2600 and 2000 cal yr BP. From 2000 cal yr BP onwards, a shift was detected in the fire regime, with more fire events being controlled by agropastoral communities, mainly affecting meadows and heathlands

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Rodríguez-Coterón, Sara; Sánchez-Morales, Marc; Carracedo-Martín, Virginia; García-Codron, Juan Carlos; Pérez-Obiol, Ramon
Universidad de Cantabria; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract: 445

The roadmap 2030 for strengthening geography in Germany_x000D_
The school subject of geography has experienced a steady decline in importance in recent years. This is evident in many areas: Reduction of school hours, integration into combined subjects, no learning level surveys etc. To counteract this downward trend, the roadmap 2030 was launched in 2019 ( The roadmap 2030 is a joint initiative of the geographical associations in Germany. The aim of the initiative is to permanently strengthen the school subject of geography through proactive and long-term activities. _x000D_
The roadmap 2030 focuses on seven fields of action: _x000D_
1. status quo analysis: _x000D_
Among other things, a nationwide survey of teachers, teacher trainers and university lecturers was conducted. The aim was to assess the position of the school subject, the curriculum, textbooks, in-service training, the researcher-practitioner dialogue and the work of associations. _x000D_
2. education policy lobbying: _x000D_
Among other things, lines of argumentation were developed (geography as an ESD lead subject, geography as a STEM subject,…) and numerous discussions were held with education policy stakeholders. _x000D_
3. Public relations work: _x000D_
Among other things, various brochures were produced (Geography – The Subject of the Future, Geography and Opportunities on the Labour Market,…) and a media campaign was initiated. _x000D_
4. educational plans: _x000D_
Among other things, educational standards for graduation from high school are currently being developed independently. _x000D_
5. on-site student council work: _x000D_
Among other things, guidebooks on various practice-relevant topics (excursions, setting up a subject room,…) have been produced. _x000D_
6. teacher training: _x000D_
Among other things, a video-based online training series is currently being designed. _x000D_
7. network building: _x000D_
Among other things, regular round tables have been established in various federal states. _x000D_
The lecture gives exemplary insights into the fields of work. _x000D_

Rainer Mehren
University Muenster (Germany)

ID Abstract: 289

Geography in Croatia is one of the obligatory school subjects in elementary and secondary schools with up to 2 hours per week depending on the school curriculum. Geography provides a spatial perspective, teaches students how to explain patterns and understand processes around the world holistically and provides students with knowledge on how to orientate in time and space. In a series of surveys conducted before, during and after COVID-19 Geography teachers in elementary and secondary schools participated in numerous researches. During the pandemic, teachers acquired new knowledge and used numerous digital platforms. Although during distance teaching they encountered a number of difficulties, especially when they taught topics in the field of physical geography and cartography, Geography teachers managed to achieve the curriculum outcomes and retain communication with all engaged in the educational process. The aim of this paper is to analyze if and to what extent teachers improved and/or changed their teaching methods and (digital) tools and what changes occurred in the course of the implementation of the new Geography curriculum in force since 2019.

Ana Pejdo, Jadranka Brkić-Vejmelka
Department of Geography University of Zadar, Department of Teacher Education Studies in Gospić Universoty of Zadar

ID Abstract: 746

This study aimed to evaluate the use of an AR Sandbox in special education in geography for children with autism in order to enhance their learning through an innovative and engaging methodology

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El orlistat, conocido por su uso principal en el control del peso mediante la reducción de la absorción de las grasas alimentarias, ha surgido ahora como una solución prometedora para los hombres que luchan contra la disfunción eréctil. orlistat 120 mg prezzo El uso de Orlistat en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil es muy prometedor, ya que ofrece una serie de beneficios que pueden transformar la vida de los hombres que se enfrentan a este desafío:.

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En un país conocido por su rica cultura y su vibrante estilo de vida, el impacto de la disfunción eréctil puede ser particularmente profundo, afectando no sólo a la salud física del individuo, sino también a su bienestar emocional y a sus relaciones.En el vibrante y bullicioso país de España, donde la pasión y la excitación son máximas, experimentar disfunción eréctil puede ser un obstáculo desalentador para muchos hombres. aldactone para que sirve.

. Preliminary results showed a significant improvement in geography skills through the use of tactile and visual stimuli, which improved students’ interaction and attention during specific lessons, labs, and learning activities where this tool was used._x000D_
In particular, by using a Cooperative Learning approach, the Sandbox became a powerful instrument for including autistic children in the class group, while Learning by Doing provided the possibility of linking theoretical aspects to practical, real and dynamic realizations. These methodologies proved particularly effective in engaging students in cooperative activities, making them protagonists of their learning, and facilitating the acquisition of relevant skills._x000D_
The study involved creating specific lessons in geography, led by behavior educators and teachers, based on primary school curriculum programming. The acquisition of data focused on academic learning outcomes, students’ feedback, and the functionality of the geotechnology._x000D_
The AR Sandbox has thus been shown to be a particularly useful and promising tool for special education in geography for autistic students, as it provides them with a total and engaging learning experience that integrates tactile, visual, and motor stimuli._x000D_
– Ianes D., Bisogni educativi speciali e inclusione, Trento, Erickson, 2005 _x000D_
Lapierre A., Aucouturier B., I Contrasti e la scoperta delle nozioni fondamentali, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano 1984_x000D_
O’NEILL J. L., Through the Eyes of Aliens: A book about Autistic People, London, Jessica Kingsley, 1999.

Simone Betti – Diego Borghi – Lorenzo Virgini
Università degli Studi di Macerata (UNIMC) – Italy

ID Abstract: 898

The Spanish education system is characterized by a decentralized State model that distributes educational competences between the Government and the Autonomous Communities. Even so, the state education law establishes the minimum teaching for each school stage, which is specified in the basic curriculum. This curriculum stablishes the specific competences, evaluation criteria and basic knowledge for each subject and school year. In Castilla y Leon Autonomous Community, the contents related to Geography are divided, in primary education, between the subjects of Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. Meanwhile, in secondary school these contents are studied in Geography and Biology and Geology. The bulk contents of geography, especially physical Geography, are studied in other subjects such as Biology and Geology. Moreover, Geography appears linked to History, being the same school subject: History and Geography. _x000D_
In this work the Geography curriculum and contents are deeply analyzed, exposing the consequences that this education system has in students’ opinion about Geography. Human Geography is completely separate from physical geography, losing the multidisciplinary approach of our science. Pupils are usually confused about what Geography is, not knowing what contents our discipline really addresses, and not being able to find it as an interesting and useful subject. _x000D_

Rosa María Ruiz Pedrosa
Universidad de Valladolid

ID Abstract: 209

In recent years, Education for Sustainability (ES) or Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has become an essential educational approach in training and raising sustainability awareness among students at all levels of education._x000D_
One of the strands of interest that cover Education for Sustainability is consumption, and the urgent need to reduce the impact of our consumption actions on the use of natural resources in a current context of planetary emergency

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. Consumption of resources is one of the main challenges that we face globally, and education has a key role in the construction of a much better-informed society, capable to adhere to conscious consumption patterns._x000D_
Even though the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) address both quality education (SDG 4) on theoretical and practical knowledge about sustainable lifestyles, as well as the necessity to have available information about responsible consumption and production (SDG12), the two goals are not interconnected. However, there is no textual reference to education on sustainable consumption, although it determines our lifestyle and impregnates our daily routines to a larger extent. _x000D_
Despite the efforts to normalise the sustainable approach in education, the lack of a common theoretical corpus in the Education for Sustainability shows the difficulty to interpret the implementation of this._x000D_
We consider that Geography, as a holistic science of the territory, is perfectly qualified to lead the inclusion of ES in any level of education. Specifically, the Geography of Sustainable Consumption should be the geographical field of knowledge to manifest and educate on the occurring impacts of the global interconnections between production and consumption._x000D_
To assess the position of the geographers, we conducted interviews with representatives of the Romanian and Spanish Geographic Societies, and we applied a questionnaire survey among their members._x000D_

Ana Espinosa Seguí / Xenia Havadi
University of Alicante (Spain) / Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania)

ID Abstract: 220

European educational system in the 21st century is faced with numerous challenges. Notwithstanding the potential Geography has as a standalone school subject on all educational levels there are more and more examples when it is merged with other subjects sometimes losing its main focus; the interconnection between Earth physical characteristics and human impact. If we define geographic approach to understanding the world within two question: where (something happens) and why (it happens there), then Geography interests in respect to numerous other scientific disciplines can be described as understanding interaction of social, physical, technological and political circumstances.Being interdisciplinary in its core, Geography provides teachers with vast array of contemporary teaching methods they can use. If observed on European level the position of Geography is not the same in all countries. There are numerous differences in the number of school hours, the order of themes within curriculum, the portion of extra curriculum activities related to Geography, etc. In some countries Geography is an obligatory subject during primary and secondary school education while in others this is not always the case. In the new Croatian Geography Curriculum, the purpose of studying and teaching Geography is to acquire geographical knowledge and skills, so that students can become competent members of the society, aware of their responsibilities towards the environment and society, respecting sustainable development, actively participating in reinventing a functional spatial organization at different levels, starting locally and going globally.The aim of this section is to compare not only the position of Geography as a school subject in different European countries, but also to introduce and to determine best practices of updating Geography curriculum facing challenges of contemporary world issues such as climate changes, sustainability, energy efficiency, new geopolitical order.   

Ana Pejdo (1); Jadranka Brkiħ-Vejmelka (2)
(1) Department of Geography University of Zadar, (2) Department of Teacher Education Studies in Gospić Universoty of Zadar

ID Abstract: