CLLD is a territorial development tool that complements development resources at local level, in line with the EU Regulation and the conditions of the 7th priority of the spatial development operative program (TOP). Its main principles are bottom-up, local funding and management, networking and linking, and an integrated approach. It provides an opportunity for communities in a given city to participate in the shaping of local development strategy through self-organisation and to raise awareness and regenerate local society._x000D_
In Hungary, cities with county rights and towns with a population of at least 10,000 are eligible to participate in CLLD, but the CLLD programme was defined as a separate priority in the TOP, so municipalities in Central Hungary were not eligible for funding. In 2016, 98 local action groups started their operation in Hungary

Con Xenical, que abre el camino a una nueva era en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, el futuro se presenta más prometedor para los hombres que buscan soluciones eficaces a esta afección tan frecuente pero tan impactante.Tratamientos tradicionales de la disfunción eréctil frente a Xenical xenical 120.

Estrace, también conocido como estradiol, es un medicamento que actúa aumentando el flujo sanguíneo al pene, lo que permite una erección firme y duradera.Deja que reine la pasión y que Estrace sea tu compañero de confianza en la búsqueda del bienestar y la vitalidad sexual. estrace.

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Además, Kamagra se puede adquirir fácilmente en línea y en farmacias de toda España, lo que garantiza un acceso cómodo para quienes lo necesiten. comprar super kamagra barata La disfunción eréctil se define como la incapacidad de lograr o mantener una erección suficiente para un rendimiento sexual satisfactorio..

Este aumento puede atribuirse a una combinación de factores, como el sedentarismo, los malos hábitos alimentarios y la predisposición genética. glucophage xr Tanto si se utiliza solo como en combinación con otros medicamentos para la diabetes, Glucophage sigue allanando el camino hacia enfoques innovadores en el tratamiento de esta enfermedad tan extendida..

Estos medicamentos actúan sobre vías bioquímicas específicas implicadas en el proceso eréctil, favoreciendo la relajación de las arterias y el tejido muscular liso del pene, lo que conduce a un aumento del flujo sanguíneo y a erecciones sostenidas.En conclusión, Augmentin se erige como un faro de esperanza para las personas que se enfrentan a los retos de la disfunción eréctil en España. augmentin 875/125.

Aquí es donde entra en juego el Topamax. topamax para que sirve Como medicamento anticonvulsivo, Topamax actúa estabilizando la actividad eléctrica del cerebro y los nervios..

En los últimos años, la introducción de medicamentos como Cialis ha transformado el panorama del tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil. de farmacia net comprar cialis 20 mg El papel de Cialis en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil:.

Aprovechando las ventajas de este medicamento versátil, los profesionales sanitarios pueden abordar no sólo los síntomas sino también las causas subyacentes de la impotencia, lo que permite a las personas recuperar el control sobre su salud sexual y su vitalidad.En conclusión, aunque Aldactone es un medicamento valioso para el tratamiento de diversas afecciones médicas, es esencial estar atento a sus posibles efectos sobre la función sexual. aldactone.

. Action Groups are composed of representatives of the public, civil and private sectors in the municipality concerned, but no single sector can represent more than 49% of the local action group._x000D_
In our research, we want to investigate how specific the Hungarian CLLD policy is in Europe, what kind of local urban action groups have been established, what is the composition of the action groups, and what proportion of the members of the action groups represent all sectors of the municipality. On the other hand, we consider it an important question to examine the resource allocation characteristics of Hungarian action groups (how many and what size of local applications they manage, what is the composition of the membership and the working structure, which types of funding objectives are given priority). The expected results of the research may be useful for the preparation of decisions by regional development actors and for the operation of project management organisations in the possible new programming period.

Péter Zombori – Saidi Feyrouz-Ahlam
University of Debrecen, Hungary.

En el contexto del cambio global es crucial estudiar los ecosistemas vulnerables. El Panel Intergubernamental para el Cambio Climático (IPCC) ha evidenciado como los espacios frágiles se verán gravemente afectados por el calentamiento global. _x000D_
El objetivo de este estudio es utilizar herramientas geoestadísticas para profundizar en las características bioclimáticas de la isla de El Hierro. Esta isla se distingue por su gran diversidad en materiales geológicos volcánicos, así como por su riqueza florística, abundante en endemismos y con la mayor extensión de Juniperus canariensis de todo el archipiélago canario._x000D_
Para llevar a cabo este estudio, se ha utilizado el paquete BIOCLIM de Rstudio, el cual ha permitido obtener información detallada sobre el balance de agua, el balance bioclimático, las intensidades y clasificación bioclimática de las estaciones analizadas. Además, se han empleado herramientas como CLIMATOL, SNHT y BARTELS TEST para garantizar la calidad de los datos climáticos empleados._x000D_
Se han utilizado los registros termo-pluviométricos de seis estaciones de la Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET). La serie más larga corresponde a la última normal climática (1991-2020) de la estación de El Hierro-aeropuerto. Para el resto de las estaciones se ha empleado la serie disponible del periodo 2010 a 2018._x000D_
Los resultados obtenidos muestran una amplia variedad bioclimática en la isla de El Hierro, a pesar de su pequeña extensión. Desde espacios hiperxerófilos en la costa hasta territorios tropófilos en las zonas más elevadas, la isla ofrece una gran diversidad florística. Sin embargo, la escasez hídrica es una constante, presentando características áridas o semiáridas en la mayoría del territorio insular. _x000D_
En conclusión, los estudios de este tipo son fundamentales para comprender la vulnerabilidad de un ecosistema insular y necesarios para garantizar su conservación ante las actuales alteraciones climáticas.

Caballero-Fernández, Damián; Salvà-Catarineu, Montserrat; Salvador-Franch, Ferran
Universitat de Barcelona

The economic and social globalization has reshaped freight transport systems worldwide. Increasingly, companies and consumers demand a fast distribution of goods, that requires lower transport costs and higher speed, both essential aspects of our current global system. In this sense, air freight transport plays a fundamental role in the organisation of global cargo transport chain. Main airports handle most of the air cargo traffic worldwide, similarly to how passenger transport is organized, although we can find mixed airports (passenger and freight transport), as well as specialized cargo airports (with little relevance to passengers but essentials to ensure cargo flows). In any case, studying the main variables of air freight transport (flows, origins and destinations, type of goods, or location of the main cargo airports) allows us to approach a better understanding of the global economic system and its relationship with Geography._x000D_
This work presents the role of Spanish airports for the global air cargo transport systems. Spain is an interesting case study to deepen a better knowledge of global transport systems. Its geographical location in the extreme southeast of Europe and close to North Africa, in addition to the excellent air connections with Latin America, make it possible to set up a unique air transport system, which is also of special interest for the air cargo geographies. In this context, firstly, this work reviews the situation and trajectory of freight traffic of Spanish airports between 2004 and 2022. Afterward, the analysis focus on a selection of the main freight airports, that serves as case studies to explore the type of flows, origin and destination, types of merchandise transported and type of airlines (specialized in cargo transport or mixed traffic). _x000D_

Carlos López Escolano
Universidad de Zaragoza (University of Zaragoza)

The Laciana Valley is a mining region located in the north of the León province. Due to the progressive closure of mining activity, it has lost more than a half of its population and it is facing a process of tertiarisation of its economy towards tourism. Using a triple methodological perspective based on a bibliographical review, in-depth interviews, fieldwork, local actors and public and private initiatives, the aim of promoting its development has been identified. The perception and future perspective of the valley has been achieved by the analysis of the interviews in order to determine the problems and territorial potentialities of this area.

Beatriz Acero Argüelles
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Conservation of natural heritage is of great importance in the context of emerging environmental and climatic changes. This study aims to identify the species diversity and distribution of melliferous plants in the municipality of Krivodol (Northwestern Bulgaria). Pollination as an ecosystem service ensures the reproduction of a large number of plant species and is an integral part of the natural maintenance of healthy ecosystems. The study utilized field surveys following the Brown-Blanke methodological approach (Westhoff & van der Maarel, 1973) to obtain data on plant abundance and cover within different habitat types. Sample plots were placed in homogeneous and representative sites of plant communities, their size was in accordance with the recommendations by Chytrý & Otýpková (2003) depending on the vegetation type. Species’ abundance and cover percentage within the site boundaries was estimated. Results were obtained for the species diversity of melliferous plants and biogeographically attached to their respective habitat type based on the EUNIS classification and the melliferous plant cover in the descriptions. The spatial distribution of melliferous plant species has been identified, which determines the distribution of floral resources in the different types of natural habitats used by Apis mellifera

Xenical, también conocido por su nombre genérico Orlistat, actúa inhibiendo la absorción de grasa en el organismo.Consulta con un médico: xenical foro.

En conclusión, Estrace puede ser una herramienta valiosa en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil, especialmente para los hombres en España que se enfrentan a este problema de salud común.Pero, ¿sabía que Estrace también puede desempeñar un papel crucial en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil masculina? estrace.

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Aunque tradicionalmente se conoce por su papel en el control del peso, la investigación ha desvelado su potencial sin explotar en la mejora de la disfunción eréctil, lo que supone un rayo de esperanza para las personas que luchan contra esta angustiosa afección. orlistat prezzo Reconocido principalmente por su eficacia en la lucha contra la obesidad mediante la inhibición de la absorción de grasas en el organismo, el mecanismo de acción del Orlistat va más allá de la pérdida de peso para abordar los factores fisiológicos subyacentes que contribuyen a la disfunción eréctil..

La incapacidad para lograr o mantener una erección puede tener un impacto significativo en la calidad de vida y la autoestima de un hombre.Cenforce se presenta en varias concentraciones, lo que permite una dosificación personalizada en función de las necesidades individuales. cenforce d.

España cuenta con un sólido sistema sanitario, pero no es inmune a la prevalencia de enfermedades que van desde infecciones bacterianas a afecciones crónicas. mycoplasma genitalium doxycycline La respuesta está en su mecanismo de acción único..

Con Kamagra, los hombres ya no tienen que sufrir en silencio ni arruinarse para recuperar su virilidad y vitalidad. kamagra oral jelly 100mg Desvelando una epidemia: La disfunción eréctil en España y el papel de Kamagra en la revolución del tratamiento.

Estos beneficios hacen de Glucophage una valiosa herramienta en el tratamiento integral de la diabetes en España. glucophage xr 750 La relación entre el glucophage y la disfunción eréctil se deriva de los efectos de la diabetes sobre los vasos sanguíneos y los nervios..

Hay varios beneficios de usar Topamax para el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en España. topamax ficha tecnica Esto sugiere que Topamax puede ser un tratamiento eficaz para la disfunción eréctil causada por la neuropatía periférica..

Si bien la dificultad ocasional para conseguir o mantener una erección es normal, los problemas persistentes pueden indicar un problema de salud subyacente. cialis precio Desvelando la Realidad de la Disfunción Eréctil en España: Cómo Cialis está revolucionando el panorama del tratamiento.

Mientras el sol se pone sobre los pintorescos paisajes de España, proyectando un resplandor ámbar sobre sus ciudades históricas y sus vibrantes comunidades, embarquémonos en un viaje de curación y transformación. aldactone acne En España, Aldactone está disponible con receta médica y debe utilizarse bajo la orientación de un profesional sanitario cualificado..

. Results highlight the melliferous plant species with more than 10% cover in the framework of the different habitat types. Conclusions formed the status of melliferous plants in the study area in close relation to the pollination environment they form. Beekeeping in the area will benefit from protecting as many areas as possible with natural vegetation, both grassland and woodland and where reclamation measures are taken, they should be with native melliferous plants._x000D_
1.Chytrý, М., Otýpková, Z., Plot sizes used for phytosociological sampling of European vegetation., 2003. _x000D_
2.Westhoff & van der Maarel. The Braun-Blanquet approach., 1973. _x000D_

Nikolay Nikolov, Milena Tocheva, Bilyana Borissova
Faculty of Geology and Geography Sofia University « St.Kliment Ohridski »

The maritime, continental, and transformed arctic air masses over Poland were identified by the modified classification scheme developed by Geb. The modified method uses backward trajectories generated using the HYSPLIT model and air temperature and pseudoadiabatic temperature at the geopotential height of 850 hPa in the centre of Poland. ERA5 reanalyses of air temperature from 2 meters from 49 meteorological stations were used to analyze the thermal conditions during arctic air masses advection. In the cold half-year, the most frequent advection of arctic air masses occurs in December and March. During the cold half-year, the maritime air inflow occurs the most frequently among the arctic air masses. In all months of the cold half-year, negative deviations in air temperature occur throughout Poland, the highest in mountainous areas during the advection of arctic continental air masses from the northern borders of Siberia. This type of air masses appear over the Polish territory only for four months, from December to March. The other two types of arctic air masses appear in all months of the cold half-year.

Piotr Piotrowski, Joanna Jędruszkiewicz, Joanna Wibig
Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Lodz

Water administrations must establish a minimum flow in rivers to ensure the survival of aquatic ecosystems and maintain the ecosystemic functions they provide. This minimum flow is known as « environmental flow. » _x000D_
Water resources management in Chile contemplates the establishment of an environmental flow for the Maipo river basin, which is one of the main sources of water supply for the city of Santiago, and for this purpose the methodologies and definitions of environmental flow used in Spain (Ebro River) and Colombia (Magdalena River) were used as a reference. However, there are doubts about the calculation methodology applied and the resulting flows obtained, which open the door to the study hypotheses: why the current definition of environmental flows is not based on the natural fluvial regime of the river, or what are the functionalities and uses of environmental flows for the conservation and preservation of the environment? _x000D_
These questions address the complexity in the definition of environmental flow and its management since, being a tool of vital importance for the conservation and preservation of the environment, it also sustains healthy estuarine ecosystems and freshwater, which are essential for both ecological and human well-being. The objective of this work is to analyze the definition of environmental flow for the Maipo river basin with the intention of identifying gaps in its calculation and definition and proposing improvements. For this purpose, we propose the use of geostatistical methods of conditional simulation to define a flow in different stretches of the basin, which will serve as input for the estimation and proposal of an environmental flow in the Maipo river basin, and as a reference for a national hydrological plan.

Miranda Fierro, Jaime; Farguell, Joaquim
Doctorado en Geografía Planificación territorial y Gestión Ambiental, Departamento de Geografía, Universidad de Barcelona / Facultad de Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Diseño, Universidad San Sebastian, Chile ; Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Departamento de Geografía, Universidad de Barcelona / Instituto de Investigación del Agua, Universidad de Barcelona

The Iber two-dimensional model is a useful tool to simulate the hydrodynamic behavior of rivers and their interaction with the topography of the terrain through the use of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), which allow for greater accuracy of the topography of the terrain. _x000D_
Through the use of this methodology, the comparison of two sections of approximately 2 kilometers for each one of the Congost River is made, which is located in the municipality of Granollers (61,000 inhabitants) and about 30 km north of Barcelona. The upstream study section is fully within the urban area of the town and is in the state of channeling the river that was carried out during the 70s and 80s of the 20th century. The second section, however, is located downstream of the urban nucleus and in a peri-urban area, and in which intervention has been made to partially eliminate the channeling and the transversal structures that fixed the channel have been removed._x000D_
In this modeling, detailed information is available for each section, flow, water speed, bottom profile, speed, surface roughness and topography and has been obtained through the use of LiDAR flights from the Geological and Cartographic Institute of Catalunya._x000D_
Through the use of the Iber model, the behavior of the river channel, speeds, elevation of the water surface, maximum heights will be determined to determine the flood zones for both sections, allowing a comparison of these results and an analysis of the flood flow for each of them the sections. The expected results are that the river reaches greater flood zones in the stretch without channeling, and this information can be very useful for managers and planners of the Congost river bed.

Luz Vega y Joaquim Farguell
Departamento de Geografía, Universidad de Barcelona

The Occitanie Region in France, like many other regions in Europe, is facing challenges related to demographic shrinkage and its urban consequences. Small towns and rural places are striving to survive and face complex social, economic, and environmental problems._x000D_
In the post-postmodern era, the conditions for local and regional development are dependent on soft infrastructures, with culture occupying a privileged position. The quality of life, natural environment, social solidarity, cultural activities, and services are now essential motors of competitiveness and sustainable development._x000D_
The new strategic way of thinking, urban planning, and implementation focuses not only on material developments but also on a complex socio-philosophic approach. It consciously plans the potential penetration points of the town, taking into account the special qualities, endogenous resources, local intellectual potential, and the capital involved in the existing cultural symbols and man-made heritage of the given settlement._x000D_
Resilience and local culture can provide good conditions to deal with the urban issues raised by demographic shrinkage. Local culture can be used as a resource for maintaining and developing small towns and rural places. Resilience, based on symbols, man-made heritage, or environmental resources, can provide a chance for rural-urban peripheries to survive and even thrive._x000D_
This presentation will focus on the Occitanie Region in France and how local culture and resilience can be used to deal with the challenges of demographic shrinkage and urban consequences. The goal is to showcase how a complex socio-philosophic approach to urban planning and implementation can help small towns and rural places maintain and develop themselves in the long run.

Docteur en urbanisme et aménagement de l’espace – Université Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès