Archive d’étiquettes pour : 206

This work presents the process and results of analysing residential instability in a stakeholder participation format. The research has been carried out as part of the H2020 SMARTDEST project, tackling the forms of social exclusion related with the rising pressure of tourism and transnational mobilities more broadly on urban spaces. In the Barcelona case study, research has focused on the progressive transformation of the housing market under the pull of new forms of temporary dwelling, and its effects on residential instability, which the literature identifies as a key dimension of social exclusion. Stakeholders’ participation had different objectives: 1. reaching consensus on the mechanisms of neighbourhood change and residential displacement; 2. identifying the fittest data sources and indicators to set up a model of analysis of residential displacement risk at the fine scale of Barcelona’s census tracks; 3. confirming or nuancing the results, analysing the technical limitations and the need of new and better data sources to feed the model; 4. codesigning and transferring to the relevant policy departments future actions that allow to respond with more effectively to the housing crisis unfolding in Barcelona. The stakeholders involved have been co-opted among social, professional, policy-technical and academic entities on the basis of their knowledge and salience for the topic at hands. This paper presents in a structured format the research background, criteria of co-optation of participants, the techniques of engagement, the construction and results of the statistical analysis, the deliberative aspects ensuing from it. It concludes with an evaluation of the value of co-design in geomodelling, arguably an effective pathway to leveraging social impact from research, and the need for open, accessible high-quality data to facilitate knowledge transfer between stakeholders, contributing to the design of effective policy responses to social exclusion.

Valente, Riccardo; González Domingo, Alejandro; Pastor Alcaraz, Ana; Viana Lora, Alba; Russo, Antonio Paolo
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

ID Abstract: 206