Archive d’étiquettes pour : 881

The recent policies for Italian mountain, directly or indirectly, are closely linked to the National Strategy for “Inner Areas” (SNAI 2013; Biasillo 2018). A large part of Italian mountain is included within the limits of inner areas. The SNAI considers the distance of services evaluated as ‘essential’ (local public transport, education, social and healthcare services) to define a settlement as central or peripheral. _x000D_
This approach does not take into account other categories of services. For example, it does not include the services linked to the private sphere, such as proximity or other economic activities and civic initiatives that can offer in activating relationships and/or attractiveness which are impacting the decision to stay or choose to live in the mountains (Perlik, Membretti 2018). Moreover, it does not consider the new forms of digital accessibility, which emerged evidently during the Pandemic, and also the ecosystem services dimension. In light of these evaluations, an interesting aspect to investigate, concerns the perception of mountain inhabitants regarding the services that they consider basic to ensure the economic, social, and cultural vitality of their communities._x000D_
This contribution proposes a conceptual framework to analyse the endogenous and exogenous dynamics involving mountain actors in terms of the recognition and satisfaction of their needs (Membretti 2021). This framework is tested through a direct survey conducted in two study areas in the Eastern Alps, using in-depth interviews, with different groups of actors. The aim is to highlight the point of view of mountain dwellers and the effectiveness of the policies and projects, while at the same time testing the suitability of the framework itself. _x000D_

Nadia Carestiato; Viviana Ferrario; Andrea Guaran
University of Udine Italy; IUAV Venezia Italy

ID Abstract: 881