Archive d’étiquettes pour : 925

The present ethnic structure of the population in Slovakia is the result of the long-term development determined by the complex geographical and historical conditions as well as mutual relations within the Central Europe and whole European continent. The ethnic structure of population in Slovakia was subject of remarkable changes at the turn of the 19th and 20th century, during World War II and in the post-war period. There are currently 13 officially recognized national minorities in the Slovak Republic – Hungarian, Roma, Czech, Moravian, Ruthenian, Polish, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Serbian, German, Jewish, Croatian and Russian. Standardization of geographical names is defined as a set of measures that ensure a uniformity of geographical names and their binding use. Systematic standardization of geographical names in the Slovak Republic began with the establishment of a special commission in 1970. The creation of a separate database of geographical names from the Slovak territory was completed in 2003. Since then, the database is updated continuously. The contribution aims to highlight basic characteristics of regulations related to minority place names in public space and on maps based on the research conducted in Slovakia._x000D_
This study was supported by VEGA agency project No 2/0024/21.

Vladimír Ira
Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia

ID Abstract: 925