Archive d’étiquettes pour : CAP; mountain landscapes; Italy

This research addresses the nature and society relationship in the mountain areas through the prism of landscape studies. Landscape dynamics in the mountains strongly rely on a myriad of territorial and sectoral policies, which in their turn are driven by the global and regional quests for sustainability (e.g., ecological transition, clean energy and production). In this view, the European Landscape Convention (ELC) highlights the importance to integrate landscape into “regional and town planning policies and in its cultural, environmental, agricultural, social and economic policies, as well as in any other policies with possible direct or indirect impact on landscape” (Art. 5). Indeed, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is often put forward as a major driver of landscape transformations in Europe (Lefebvre et al., 2012; Penko Seidl and Golobič, 2018). _x000D_
This study, as a part of an ongoing research project on the Italian mountains called MIND (Mountains INsiDe the Mountain. Narratives, dynamics and development paths: new readings), aims to shed light on how landscape, and more specifically, mountain agricultural landscapes are integrated within the EU agricultural policy in Italy. To fulfill this objective, it focuses on the Regional Integrations for Rural Development of the Northeastern Regions of Italy. It bases on the critical and comparative analysis of the rural development measures concerning mountain agriculture, and on how these measures have evolved since the last programming period. The study concludes by highlighting the points of weakness and strength of the agricultural policy in relation to mountain agriculture and outlines some policy recommendations. _x000D_
Council of Europe (2000) European Landscape Convention, ETS, 176, p. 3 _x000D_
Lefebvre & al. (2012) The influence of the Common Agricultural Policy on agricultural…, JRC 73276_x000D_
Penko S. & Golobič (2018) The effects of EU policies on preserving cultural…, Landscape Research, 43, 8, p. 1085-1096

Salpina, D.*; Ferrario, V. *; Bassi, I.**; Piani, L.**; Carestiato, N.**; Khorasani Zadeh, H.*; Spinelli, E.*; Fabbrizioli, M.*
* Università Iuav di Venezia; ** Università di Udine

ID Abstract: 870