Archive d’étiquettes pour : Case del popolo

Born between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century as associations for mutual aid among workers, the ‘case del popolo’ (neighbourhood clubs) have gradually established themselves as a distinctive trait of grassroots and popular associations in the Tuscan and Florentine context, with more than 250 realities present in the provincial territory and 45,000 members affiliated. Starting from this capillary spatial diffusion, the ‘case del popolo’ carry out several initiatives in the fields of social inclusion and integration of marginalised people, animation and cultural production, political participation and, not lastly, recreational and social activities. Because of this function, they constitute an important component of the local public sphere, in terms of a widespread social infrastructure, and significantly contribute to Florentine urban vitality. In recent years, however, the economic difficulties and profound social changes that have affected the area, not least the consequences of the pandemic crisis, have also affected the reality of the ‘case del popolo’, with repercussions linked to the continuation of their activities and of their organisational model and mutual aims. The paper presents the results of a recent research based on qualitative studies. The paper aims at: i) theoretically discussing the case of the ‘case del popolo’ in the light of the debate on social infrastructures; ii) empirically analysing their recent evolution, issues, and perspectives; iii) advancing proposal for supporting the ‘case del popolo’ as a crucial component of the Florentine urban vitality.

Matteo Puttilli, Mirella Loda, Alessandro Basta
Università degli Studi di Firenze

ID Abstract: 610