Archive d’étiquettes pour : Crisis

Today, few countries in Europe have had as many negative impacts in the last 10 years as Ukraine, which became sovereign just 30 years ago. The armed conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014 and the annexation of Crimea, the Covid-19 pandemic that began in 2019 and the Russia-Ukraine war that broke out in early 2022 have such a severe economic impact on the country, which will take many years to eliminate, moreover the overall impact of these events is likely to set back the development of the country, and with it the tourism sector, which is our field of research, for decades._x000D_
The aim of the presentation is to show the direct and indirect impact of the above-mentioned events on Ukraine’s tourism. It also describes how the country’s tourism sector has responded to these crises and what measures have been put in place to deal with them. During the research, special emphasis was placed on the westernmost county (oblast) of Ukraine, Transcarpathia. The data of the presentation will be based on international (UNWTO) and national (State Statistics Service of Ukraine) statistical data, as well as questionnaire impact assessments carried out with the participation of representatives of the population and tourism sector of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war._x000D_
During the studies, the theoretical basis of tourism risks, the dynamics of Ukrainian tourist arrivals and the impact on tourism businesses were taken into account. The results show that a local crisis, such as the 2014 conflict in eastern Ukraine, resulted in a structural restructuring of the country’s tourism sector, highlighting new destinations of national importance and generating new travel motivations among the population of the westernmost region of the country

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. While in crisis situations of global scale, the country’s tourism sector is characterised by total instability, bottoming out of tourist arrivals and slow state actions and measures.

Enikő Sass, Zoltán Karmacsi, Annamária Linc
docent, Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Department of Earth Sciences and Tourism; docent, Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Department of Philology; assistant lecturer, Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Department of Earth Sciences and Tourism;

ID Abstract: 407

Crisis of urbanization or crisis of interpretation? Recent examples from southern European urban systems._x000D_
Petros Petsimeris_x000D_
Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne, _x000D_
Géographie-cité UMR 8504 CNRS_x000D_
In the history of urban studies there has been a range of contrasting evaluations and representations of the dynamics of urban systems. Differences have occurred in terms of the delimitation of urban areas, the interpretation of socio-demographic trends, and the evolution of urbanization, which has variously been viewed as the increase in population, proliferation of the number of cities and/or development of the built-up area. At times of crisis (financial, political, economic, industrial, health, climate) there is a tendency to estimate – mainly overestimate – inverted tendencies, and to crystal ball-gaze future scenarios of rural renaissance, counter-urbanization and urban abandonment so as to falsify previous theories, models and paradigms. The aim of this paper is to analyse the dynamics of urban systems in southern Europe – focusing on Italy, Spain and Greece – during the period 1951-2021 according to the theories of urbanization, counterurbanization and city life cycle. Special emphasis is given to the last two decades and to the socio-demographic components of urban dynamics affected by the financial (2007-8) and pandemic (2020-1) crises. A comparison is made between these recent crises and the impact of previous crises (Fordism in the 1970s and 1980s) on the urbanization processes

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Aunque hay muchos factores que pueden contribuir a la disfunción eréctil, una causa potencial es la diabetes.Diseñado originalmente para tratar la diabetes de tipo 2, Glucophage ha mostrado resultados prometedores en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil al abordar los problemas de salud subyacentes. glucophage españa.

Desvelando las maravillas de Topamax: Una solución revolucionaria para la disfunción eréctil en EspañaNumerosos estudios han puesto de relieve la eficacia de Topamax en la mejora de la función eréctil entre los hombres con disfunción eréctil. topamax.

Un médico puede evaluar su historial médico, valorar los posibles factores de riesgo y determinar la dosis adecuada de Cialis para sus necesidades individuales. cialis touch korea La disfunción eréctil (DE) es una condición común que afecta a millones de hombres en todo el mundo, incluidos los de España..

España, conocida por su rica cultura y su vibrante estilo de vida, es también un país en el que la salud sexual desempeña un papel importante en el bienestar general. aldactone precio españa Además de los tratamientos farmacológicos, las modificaciones del estilo de vida como el ejercicio regular, una dieta sana, el control del estrés y un sueño adecuado también pueden desempeñar un papel importante en la mejora de la función eréctil..

. The scale of analysis is the municipality and neighbourhood levels, chosen in order to see which areas are mainly affected by the processes of decline or re-urbanization. Particular attention is given to the socio-demographic dynamics of the main metropolitan areas. The last part of the paper discusses the results in terms of the debate on deurbanization, shrinkage and re-urbanization, and forwards a number of tentative interpretative hypotheses._x000D_

Petros Petsimeris
Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne, Géographie-cité UMR 8504 CNRS

ID Abstract: 687

Since the first decade of the 21st century, there have been different events that force us to rethink the future of globalization. The different climatic, economic, pandemic, energy and war crises show that the current system is unsustainable in the medium term. Today we can see the episode of the obstruction of the Suez Canal by the Ever Given container ship in March 2021 as a metaphor for the end of the cycle, for the passage of globalization towards a new world regionalization.
In this period, the industrial sovereignty of each region and country is debated from different points of view, calling into question the resilience of a fundamental sector for the progress of nations. Meanwhile, the advances in new technologies and the pressure of consumer society allow reshoring, the return of industrial production plants to developed countries, to be a growing and vital trend for the future of Europe or the United States.
In this context, the session proposes to investigate the reality of this process of « Reindustrialization of Europe ». Reshoring, nearshoring, onshoring, backshoring, are terms that are opposed to offshoring, which characterized the expansion of globalization and the new international division of labour. The crises in global supply chains cause large corporations to rethink their development strategy and in these new plans factors arise that can determine a new life for European industrialized spaces, beyond their conversion into industrial heritage.
The session invites researchers to present communications that allow answering these or similar questions: Is it sustainable to continue with the deindustrialization of Europe? What should be the role of public institutions in this new dynamic? What examples exist in the different industrial branches that verify this trend?, What are the real dimensions of reshoring in Europe?, What reasons motivate the transfer of industries from third countries to the European continent?, What is the result on the local level of the implementation of new factories? Can the industrialization of a territory reverse the processes of demographic emptying? The session will be managed in English, although communications may be sent in any of the languages ​​of the congress. Presentations will preferably be in English

Xosé Somoza Medina (1)
(1) University of León (Spain)

ID Abstract: