This study aims at mapping and assessment of spatial and temporal changes in social vulnerability to floods related to municipalities of Slovakia. We have calculated a social flood vulnerability index (SFVI) using spatial multi-criteria analysis and geographic information systems (GIS). The SFVI index was determined for 2927 municipalities and the years 2001, 2011, and 2021, which correspond to the years of population census. The SFVI was computed based on the following eight indicators, which determine the susceptibility of population to harm (stress, injury, or drowning), and their capacity to resist, endure, and cope with the negative consequences of floods: i) population density of urban areas of municipalities, ii) share of residents aged 65 and over from the total number of residents, iii) share of the unemployed residents from the total number of economically active residents, iv) share of the Roma population from the total number of residents, v) share of residents without education and with primary education from the total number of residents, vi) share of households with six and more persons from the total number of households, vii) share of incomplete households from the total number of households, and (viii) share of disabled residents from the total population in a municipality. These indicators were subsequently normalized using the min-max method. After the data normalization, the importance of individual vulnerability indicators was determined and normalized weights of indicators were calculated. By aggregating the weighted indicators, we obtained the SFVI in each municipality in Slovakia for the studied years 2001, 2011, and 2021. This work was supported by the VEGA agency under the grant number 1/0103/22 through the project entitled « Spatio-temporal Changes and Prediction of Flood Risk in Municipalities of Slovakia ».
Matej Vojtek 1,2, Gabriela Repaská 1, Jana Vojteková 1
1. Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Regional Development, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, Slovakia; 2. Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia