Archive d’étiquettes pour : Geography

The central objective of the work is to identify how the pandemic accelerated changes in education, especially in the geographical field, pointing out the importance of updating the basic education curriculum and introducing technological tools such as the Geographic Information System (GIS). The research focused on Primary Education, an age group of children and adolescents between six and seventeen years. Based on a bibliographic review (content with publications from 2020, when the effects of the pandemic were already visible), the research highlighted four lines of research, which were the methodological bases for the development of the research: LADSON-BILLINGS (2021), ALVES, et al. (2021), RAPANTA, et al. (2021), and DE FREITAS VIEIRA et al. (2020)._x000D_
GIS can provide important tools to collect, analyze, and visualize geographic data, allowing teachers to provide more engaging learning experiences and improving students’ understanding of a more visible reality than that seen in traditional models (typified mainly by textbooks). The fundamental issue is not to exclude textbooks as a teaching tool, but to bring basic education closer to new technologies, reconciling the two methodologies as teaching tools. _x000D_
In conclusion, the first part of the research, focused on the search for theoretical references that served as a basis for the analysis of the changes in education, especially in geography teaching after the covid-19 pandemic, and to identify how GIS can assist teachers in teaching different geographic themes. In a second moment the research will apply questionnaires and interviews to teachers and students, to know the perception of the agents directly involved. The third and last phase of the research will be the implementation of the use of GIS in geography teaching in a low-income community school in the city of Goiânia, Brazil.

Willian Tavares Cerino
Universitat Rovira i Virgili

European educational system in the 21st century is faced with numerous challenges. Notwithstanding the potential Geography has as a standalone school subject on all educational levels there are more and more examples when it is merged with other subjects sometimes losing its main focus; the interconnection between Earth physical characteristics and human impact. If we define geographic approach to understanding the world within two question: where (something happens) and why (it happens there), then Geography interests in respect to numerous other scientific disciplines can be described as understanding interaction of social, physical, technological and political circumstances.Being interdisciplinary in its core, Geography provides teachers with vast array of contemporary teaching methods they can use. If observed on European level the position of Geography is not the same in all countries. There are numerous differences in the number of school hours, the order of themes within curriculum, the portion of extra curriculum activities related to Geography, etc. In some countries Geography is an obligatory subject during primary and secondary school education while in others this is not always the case. In the new Croatian Geography Curriculum, the purpose of studying and teaching Geography is to acquire geographical knowledge and skills, so that students can become competent members of the society, aware of their responsibilities towards the environment and society, respecting sustainable development, actively participating in reinventing a functional spatial organization at different levels, starting locally and going globally.The aim of this section is to compare not only the position of Geography as a school subject in different European countries, but also to introduce and to determine best practices of updating Geography curriculum facing challenges of contemporary world issues such as climate changes, sustainability, energy efficiency, new geopolitical order.   

Ana Pejdo (1); Jadranka Brkiħ-Vejmelka (2)
(1) Department of Geography University of Zadar, (2) Department of Teacher Education Studies in Gospić Universoty of Zadar

ID Abstract:

Geographical location impacts the present-day world in various ways, parallel with globalization, locality, authenticity of places are in the forefront of stakeholders. Economic sectors may be highly dependent on the place itself (e.g. tourism) or less influenced by distance (e.g. online services). Distance dependence can be a differentiating feature of scientific fields, as well (e.g. in case of mathematics or physics, geographical analysis has no importance). Every place is significantly formed by the people living there that puts a great interest on addressing the socio-cultural environment in scientific research. Geographical location may be understood on certain levels from global to micro, so regulation, legal environment also plays a role in networks’ evolution. From the methodological point of view, there are numerous data sources regarding geographical location. Technological advances support not only the collection of information, but also the scientific analysis of data. Besides applying new methodologies, existing methods applied in new fields can contribute significantly to the development of scientific knowledge. The main goal of the session is to share research results unveiling the role of geographical location. Both conceptual, theoretical or methodological contributions, and best practices, case studies are welcome that seek to address the question of how geographical boundaries form our world.  Session type: presentations + round table discussion at the end with the participants
Additional information:
Gadár, L., Kosztyán, Z. T., Telcs, A., & Abonyi, J. (2022). Cooperation patterns in the ERASMUS student exchange network: an empirical study. Applied Network Science, 7(1), 1-31.
Kosztyán, Z. T., Katona, A. I., Kuppens, K., Kisgyörgy-Pál, M., Nachbagauer, A., & Csizmadia, T. (2022). Exploring the structures and design effects of EU-funded R&D&I project portfolios. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, 121687.
Kosztyán, Z. T., Király, F., & Kurbucz, M. T. (2022). Analysis of ownership network of European companies using gravity models. Applied Network Science, 7(1), 1-31.
Judit, S., Fehérvölgyi, B., Csizmadia, T., Katona A. I., Kosztyán Zs. T. (2022): Does geography matter? Implications for future tourism research in light of COVID-19. Scientometrics (accepted, under publication)
Multiplex networks, time-series gravity-like models, structural examinations, patern recognitions (ongoing research, funded by the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office – OTKA – K 142395)

Judit Sulyok (1); Zsolt Tibor Kosztyán (2)
(1) senior research fellow, Balaton Tourism Research Centre, Faculty of Business and Economics, Institute of Management, University of Pannonia, (2) full professor, Department of Quantitative Methods, Faculty of Business and Economics, Institute of Management, University of Pannonia

ID Abstract:

La geomática, aparentemente una disciplina empleada únicamente a la ingenieria, reúne dentro de sí misma las cualidades necesarias para estudiar y explicar muchos de los fenómenos que nos rodean

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. Por ello, acoge en su seno la actuación y estudio en disciplinas como la geografía tanto humana como física, y sus subvariantes como la teledección, la geodesia y la la fotogrametría.  Los datos generados a partir de la combinación de geomática y geografía generan información muy relevante para el estudio de varios fenómenos del planeta. Dicha información puede ser procesada de manera alfa numérica de diferentes formas, pero especialmente en términos estadísticos, que dan lugar a interpretaciones sobre la distribución y reconocimiento de patrones espaciales para la ocurrencia de diferentes fenómenos naturales y antropógenos. En la actualidad, este tipo de análisis de información geográfica se emplea en diversos ámbitos como la prevención de desastres, la planificación del territorio y la conservación de recursos naturales, aunque no son los únicos.En esta sesión se propone exponer proyectos y estudios interesantes en geografía que empleen este tipo de disciplina.

Barbara Polo (1); Jordi Marti (2)
(1) University of Barcelona, (2) University of Lleida

ID Abstract: