Archive d’étiquettes pour : interoperability

Given the challenges faced by contemporary society on multiple levels, reliable GIS data and analysis is more crucial than ever. Advances in technology have put GIS functionality at the reach of anyone with a computer, however combining different resources onto a coherent platform for interoperability remains an elusive goal. Resources (e.g., data, models, simulations, HPC…) remain separate and compartmentalized, with sharing and interoperability made difficult by differing standards, approaches and availability. However, research is being undertaken to develop aggregation platforms which will foster interoperability to provide derived results from combinations of resources.
Presentations in this session should focus on the development of GIS modelling, simulation, Earth observation, aggregation, and sharing technologies, with a view to foster a productive and open debate about the successes and lessons learned from undertakings, and the future plans for the field. Specific topics would include – but not be limited to – platform/software development, data and model/simulation interoperability, adaptation of preexisting software, standards, formats, tools, servers/HPC, metadata, online marketplaces/content management solutions.
Participants will be able to gain an understanding of concurrent developments in the field, as well as to personally know other researchers and form collaborations and joint efforts. The session will be organized by presentations and then a discussion after each, followed by a final discussion. Presentations can be in any of the four languages of the conference (french, spanish, catalan or english).

Laurence Sigler (1,2); Pere-Andreu Ubach (1,2)
(1) CIMNE, (2) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, (3) Generalitat de Catalunya

ID Abstract:

The PIKSEL project was started in 2021 by the Generalitat of Catalunya and CIMNE, to provide the government with a tool to address the status, tendency of changes and vulnerabilities of the territory, such as facing natural disasters or the climate emergency. Seven pilot models were developed for the platform, centered on the Catalan littoral counties. It became apparent that there was a need for a content management system and a way to ingress, catalog and manage new content. The PIKSEL Marketplace will function as the public point of access, the hub for ingress of new models, data, and services, and their cataloguing, management, and acquisition by users. Once catalogued (indexed and packaged) via the CMS, resources will be available for use and for interoperability, the focus of this investigation. The objective is to create a content management system with ecommerce capabilities as a platform as a service (PaaS), allowing use and interoperability between resources for aggregated output

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. The system will allow providers to incorporate their content on the system without recoding This presentation will outline the system’s origin, goals, and status

Laurence Sigler, Pere-Andreu Ubach, Javier Mora, Claudio Zinggerling, Eugenio Oñate, Marc Darder, Xavier Baulies, Júlia Rubert, Eduard Falcó, Josep Milà

ID Abstract: Manual – juny 7