Archive d’étiquettes pour : Israel-Palestine; urbicide; apartheid

The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories takes different articulations: the annexation of East Jerusalem; the colonisation of the West Bank; the siege of the Gaza Strip. These different articulations have often been analysed separately precisely because of the different policies through which they usually materialise. Against this background, this contribution argues that the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories can only be understood in its complexity and organicity through the simultaneous mobilisation of four concepts: apartheid, urbicide, colonisation and spatial disabling. Although these concepts take on different declinations in different portions of the Palestinian territories, it is only at their intersection that it is possible to fully understand Israeli geopolitics in Palestine. After critically analysing these concepts, this contribution shows their materialisation in different parts of the Palestinian territories.

Francesco Chiodelli
Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, University of Turin (Italy)

ID Abstract: 215