Archive d’étiquettes pour : regional development

Geographical location impacts the present-day world in various ways, parallel with globalization, locality, authenticity of places are in the forefront of stakeholders. Economic sectors may be highly dependent on the place itself (e.g. tourism) or less influenced by distance (e.g. online services). Distance dependence can be a differentiating feature of scientific fields, as well (e.g. in case of mathematics or physics, geographical analysis has no importance). Every place is significantly formed by the people living there that puts a great interest on addressing the socio-cultural environment in scientific research. Geographical location may be understood on certain levels from global to micro, so regulation, legal environment also plays a role in networks’ evolution. From the methodological point of view, there are numerous data sources regarding geographical location. Technological advances support not only the collection of information, but also the scientific analysis of data. Besides applying new methodologies, existing methods applied in new fields can contribute significantly to the development of scientific knowledge. The main goal of the session is to share research results unveiling the role of geographical location. Both conceptual, theoretical or methodological contributions, and best practices, case studies are welcome that seek to address the question of how geographical boundaries form our world.  Session type: presentations + round table discussion at the end with the participants
Additional information:
Gadár, L., Kosztyán, Z. T., Telcs, A., & Abonyi, J. (2022). Cooperation patterns in the ERASMUS student exchange network: an empirical study. Applied Network Science, 7(1), 1-31.
Kosztyán, Z. T., Katona, A. I., Kuppens, K., Kisgyörgy-Pál, M., Nachbagauer, A., & Csizmadia, T. (2022). Exploring the structures and design effects of EU-funded R&D&I project portfolios. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, 121687.
Kosztyán, Z. T., Király, F., & Kurbucz, M. T. (2022). Analysis of ownership network of European companies using gravity models. Applied Network Science, 7(1), 1-31.
Judit, S., Fehérvölgyi, B., Csizmadia, T., Katona A. I., Kosztyán Zs. T. (2022): Does geography matter? Implications for future tourism research in light of COVID-19. Scientometrics (accepted, under publication)
Multiplex networks, time-series gravity-like models, structural examinations, patern recognitions (ongoing research, funded by the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office – OTKA – K 142395)

Judit Sulyok (1); Zsolt Tibor Kosztyán (2)
(1) senior research fellow, Balaton Tourism Research Centre, Faculty of Business and Economics, Institute of Management, University of Pannonia, (2) full professor, Department of Quantitative Methods, Faculty of Business and Economics, Institute of Management, University of Pannonia

ID Abstract: