Archive d’étiquettes pour : Reshoring

Since the first decade of the 21st century, there have been different events that force us to rethink the future of globalization. The different climatic, economic, pandemic, energy and war crises show that the current system is unsustainable in the medium term. Today we can see the episode of the obstruction of the Suez Canal by the Ever Given container ship in March 2021 as a metaphor for the end of the cycle, for the passage of globalization towards a new world regionalization.
In this period, the industrial sovereignty of each region and country is debated from different points of view, calling into question the resilience of a fundamental sector for the progress of nations. Meanwhile, the advances in new technologies and the pressure of consumer society allow reshoring, the return of industrial production plants to developed countries, to be a growing and vital trend for the future of Europe or the United States.
In this context, the session proposes to investigate the reality of this process of « Reindustrialization of Europe ». Reshoring, nearshoring, onshoring, backshoring, are terms that are opposed to offshoring, which characterized the expansion of globalization and the new international division of labour. The crises in global supply chains cause large corporations to rethink their development strategy and in these new plans factors arise that can determine a new life for European industrialized spaces, beyond their conversion into industrial heritage.
The session invites researchers to present communications that allow answering these or similar questions: Is it sustainable to continue with the deindustrialization of Europe? What should be the role of public institutions in this new dynamic? What examples exist in the different industrial branches that verify this trend?, What are the real dimensions of reshoring in Europe?, What reasons motivate the transfer of industries from third countries to the European continent?, What is the result on the local level of the implementation of new factories? Can the industrialization of a territory reverse the processes of demographic emptying? The session will be managed in English, although communications may be sent in any of the languages ​​of the congress. Presentations will preferably be in English

Xosé Somoza Medina (1)
(1) University of León (Spain)

ID Abstract:

The phenomenon of industrial relocation or « reshoring », as opposed to the widespread process of dislocation or « offshoring », typical of globalization, is a relatively scarcely extended business strategy, although the successive crises in global supply chains, geopolitical tensions or the effects of the pandemic have placed this possibility on the political agenda, with declarations and specific action programs that seek to promote industrial relocation in developed countries. The United States, Germany, Australia or the European Union itself have discussed the possibilities of increasing the weight of the industry to relaunch their economies._x000D_
The phenomenon of industrial relocation began to develop in the first decade of the 21st century, partly in response to increasing instability in global supply chains and rising energy costs

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. These two elements, far from showing a positive dynamic in recent years, have increased their worst effects on the world market, leading some authors to consider whether we are facing a new model of globalization._x000D_
This communication aims to analyze the main obstacles that can stop this type of initiative in industrial companies, analyzing the recent evolution of the factors of production on a global scale._x000D_

Somoza Medina, Xosé
University of León

ID Abstract: 200