Archive d’étiquettes pour : Ruzafa; touristification; social polarization

The neighborhood of Russafa is a space in the first expansion of the city of Valencia that has experienced significant social changes since the end of the 20th century. Between the 80s and 90s, it was a space dedicated to wholesale trade and affected by poverty and delinquency. The state of abandonment of the neighborhood due to the social problems it presented led to the creation of various associations and protests by the local community. Consequently, in the 2000s, urban and political interventions were carried out that may have influenced its subsequent gentrification. Currently, the problems of the neighborhood are mainly focused on tourism and leisure activities, motivating different critical social movements and discourses about its political management, due to the negative effects that impact on urban furniture and the quality of life of residents._x000D_
This work approximates an analysis of digital press and Twitter discourse related to Russafa in recent years, through a thematic analysis. Likewise, changes in demographics and tourism installation in the neighborhood are analyzed. The main objective is to identify and quantify the different themes associated with tourism, describe their evolution, and contextualize discourses according to social and urban aspects._x000D_
This approach to the case of Russafa emphasizes the question of residential coexistence, as the analyzed discourses, in light of the changes in the neighborhood’s appearance, show how noise or dirt caused by leisure activities, as well as the continuous risk of terrace restrictions and the declaration of the neighborhood as a Saturated Acoustic Zone, keep neighborhood associations, hospitality, and public administration in a conflict of interests that are difficult to solve. Meanwhile, demographics note its consequences, and tourism does not seem to stop._x000D_

David de la Osada Saurí y Antonio Cantó Gómez
Doctorando del IIDL. Doctorando Jaume I.

ID Abstract: 535