Archive d’étiquettes pour : sea-level rise; climate change; adaptation strategies

Future predictions show that sea-level rise will become an increasing concern for urban infrastructure, regional industries, and rural areas, where it will affect food security and sustainability. Beside local sea-level rise, climate-induced change in extreme wind and wave conditions can influence extreme sea levels significantly in some regions.
On coastal areas, the coupled effects of sea-level rise and more frequent severe droughts are likely to severely affect soil’s biocapacity and thus endanger food systems’ resilience (FAO, 2011; IPCC, 2017; WMO, 2018), with projected yield losses. Strategies of adaptation to the effects of sea-level rise are therefore crucial to the survival and resilience of our productive systems.
This section invites papers that study the effects of sea-level rise and potential adaptation strategies. Papers can concern simulation and projections, either global or regional, case studies of adaptation strategies and/or effects of sea-level rise, and policy analysis.  

Federico Martellozzo (1); Lucia Ferrone (1); Filippo Randelli (1); Katarzyna (Kate) Negacz (2)
(1) Department of Economics and Management, University of Florence, (2) Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)

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