Archive d’étiquettes pour : sustainable development; implementation; holistic approach

Global problems are in focus in today. According the UN definition of sustainable development (SD), all of our activity needed to be taken considering needs of future generations. The UN definition is disputed but this approach is widely admitted all over the world and main task is implementation. _x000D_
SD involves environment, nature conservation, climate change and includes economic and social questions. _x000D_
However efforts have been taken it seems to be less effective to avoid apocalyptic vision of Club of Rome. Can we find causes why these efforts do not work well? How to tackle them? _x000D_
The modern society based on growing profit. The global economy is transformed to a consumer society. Consumer, man is the main factor, who does not recognize him importance and power originated. _x000D_
State is based on monetary system, economic growth is “obligatory”. But the Earth (Gaia) is a limited system. Unlimited growth is impossible. Need to change today’s paradigm. _x000D_
What kind of paradoxes are the obstacles of implementation of SD? A possible list is:_x000D_
•Paradox of demography_x000D_
•Monetary paradox_x000D_
•Structural paradox_x000D_
•Economic growth paradox_x000D_
•Human behaviour paradox_x000D_
•Consumer paradox_x000D_
•Human diversity paradox_x000D_
•food consumption paradox_x000D_
Examples are to stop population growth, close, stop some economic activity, consume less products and so on. It causes chain effects to the total society that need to survey. Problem-link should examine from holistic, interdisciplinary point of view. _x000D_
Implementation or un-implementation a SD will change the regional situation of the World. The global economic focus point will change in the future. The question who will be winner in median period?_x000D_
Although unlock of paradoxes seems to be insoluble, it is necessary to find the path. Outcome of its work is hopefully useful to put at least forward in implementation of SD._x000D_

Peter Simonyi
retired. independent researher, Hungary

ID Abstract: 913