Archive d’étiquettes pour : Territory; heritage community; social space

The Covid-19 pandemic has re-proposed the centrality of territories as mainstream for the economic and social recovery phase. The territory is understood not only as a physical and administrative entity, but as a cultural construct that contributes to transforming a fragmented agglomeration of inhabitants into a whole with its own recognizability. Narration becomes a vehicle/technology for defining space as it retraces it between past and present, but also a cognitive and analytical method of the factors acting in the sedimentation of spatial characteristics in all their dimensions. Narration and representation become an analytical method for (re) inhabiting, (re) being there with new perspectives, a lived and relational space in new dimensions in harmony with the challenges of the present, paying attention not to disperse the focal factors of the past to re-establish relationships within the territory._x000D_
The paper intends to investigate the village of Satriano di Lucania of about two thousand inhabitants in the province of Potenza, where in 2014 a new ‘manifestation’ of Rumît made its first appearance which, together with another hundred « men-trees », a  » walking forest”, an event was created within a bottom-up process of revitalization, but also the result of an invention in the name of cultural creativity, reworked in order to convey tradition, but also symbolic support for cohesion (dynamic and dialectic) of the same community. Through the self-organization of the territorial actors who have joined together to enhance relational goods for the benefit of all, an element of the cultural heritage in decline (U Rumìt) has been converted into a powerful tool of social cohesion for a generation that reclaims the right to fully participate in building one’s own community, starting from the terms of its relations with the natural environment._x000D_

Antonina Plutino
Department of Human, Philosophic and Education Sciences (DISUFF), University of Salerno (Italy)

ID Abstract: 281