Archive d’étiquettes pour : the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the daily lives of all people in the world to different degrees since the beginning of March 2020. This situation and the consequential restrictions, whose aim was to limit the pandemic spread, encourage reflection and research on many aspects of social life. One of the spheres strongly affected by the effects of the pandemic were educational services. By this term, we primarily understand the functioning of primary, secondary and higher education institutions and their direct stakeholders i.e. teachers, school management, university authorities, pupils, students and student’s parents.
The pandemic has remodelled the behaviour, functioning and organization of almost all education and higher education institutions, thereby affecting the lives of numerous families, whose members were associated with the system of educational services. Above all, the execution of the didactic process began taking different forms, forcing different behaviours from the various social groups involved. Before the pandemic, educational services made little use of e-learning methods, whereas they became the only possible teaching and learning tool during the pandemic.
We strongly encourage papers evaluating the behavior, functioning, and organization of different educational institutions and their stakeholders during the pandemic in local, regional, national, and international perspectives. Also, we welcome papers considering the future of education in post-pandemic reality. We welcome presentations in English.

Emilia Bogacka (1); Jan Hauke (1); Anna Tobolska (1); Justyna Weltrowska (1)
(1) Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

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