Archive d’étiquettes pour : university teaching

The incorporation of a gender perspective in geography has transformed the discipline: it has broadened our conception of space and place and contributed to rethinking the socio-spatial processes that shape our lives. The social construction of difference conditions the experiences of men and women in different geographical contexts. At the same time, our gendered experiences are also conditioned by other factors of social differentiation like class, race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexuality, citizenship, language, and functional diversity, among others.
In this session, we seek to bring together reflections and practical experiences about teaching geography in higher education from a gender and/or intersectional perspective. We are interested in knowing how teachers integrate these perspectives in the contents of the subjects they teach (i.e. diversity in the compulsory bibliography, gender perspective in study plans), in the methodologies, in the resources, in the practical exercises and coursework, in the teaching practice in the classroom, etc.
Our aim is to share first-hand experiences that allow collective learning and advance critical pedagogies in geography teaching. We plan to organize the work in two blocks, one of a more reflective nature and one on teaching practice:
 1. Reflections
-Role of feminist geography in teaching.-What is the agenda for feminist geography (topics, study plans, activism)?-Strategies in the face of difficulties and resistance.
 2. Teaching practices
– Contents, case studies and scales of feminist geography- Teaching practice in the classroom, fieldwork, and tutoring of TFGs and TFMs.- Feminist teaching methodologies in geography.

Maria Prats Ferret (1); Mireia Baylina Ferré (2)
(1) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, (2) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

ID Abstract: