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Urban regeneration is a process that started as early as the 1950s in Western Europe and has gradually evolved. In the post-socialist countries, including Poland, regeneration processes started on a larger scale after accession to the European Union, in most cases in 2004. The starting point for urban regeneration in the post-socialist countries was the knowledge and experience of the “old” EU countries up to the end of the 20th century.  On the example of the Polish experience an analysis of the use and adaptation of the concept of revitalisation to the conditions of cities in a post-socialist country will be presented. The research encompassed all cities in which regeneration processes were carried out after 2004 – a total of 698 cities out of the 930 existing in Poland. The analysis of 14,600 regeneration projects in these cities made it possible to identify the specific characteristics of urban regeneration in Poland, which are:- concentration of projects in city centres- public character of the vast majority of projects- the investment, infrastructural character of most projects.

Wojciech Jarczewski
Institute of Urban and Regional Development

ID Abstract: 89