Tag Archive for: creative geographies

Beyond the academic narrative, the practices of territorial rootedness combine discourses and practices linked to the geohumanities, especially when they interact in artistic practice to convey the essence of place, where the academy is not enough to talk about the importance of geography in everyday life. Based on creative methodologies, artistic curation and the need to generate contemporary narratives of the rural world, it aims to reflect and create new discourses that link art with the exercise of thinking as a community in a rural village in Central Catalonia, Avià (Berguedà). For three consecutive years, community practices have been developed linked to the will to strengthen the local pride through the artistic challenge, always a spearhead that goes beyond reason and that underpins the village cohesion. As a geographer and curator, I had opened up the possibility of thinking from another place about the local essence by interacting with female artists who have turned local idiosyncrasies upside down to create an uncomplicated vision of rural life. The first example recovers family photo albums to pay tribute to the elderly in the summer of the global pandemic where the older population experienced the worst consequences. In the second year, the technique of child-centered drawing was used to tour the municipality and make it our own with a final exhibition in the form of a productive circle in a freshly mowed field. Finally, working with the village associations, the local imaginary was reversed based on the magic of surrealism to make community social activities visible in a new dialogue between the community and the essence of the place. This whole legacy speaks of a felt, rooted geography and a geo-humanistic need to position itself in the world._x000D_

Cerarols, Rosa
UPF, Barcelona

ID Abstract: 336

This panel invites papers that focus on the intersection of arts, culture and geographical research in addressing contemporary societal challenges, building on the tradition of geohumanities. We welcome papers that bring new knowledge of how artistic and cultural practices relate to, and intervene in the production of spaces, places, and landscapes. We are particularly interested in discussions relating to creative responses to the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change and other socio-ecological challenges, urban livelihoods, inequalities and mobilities, along with the methodological innovations and challenges brought forth through engagement with experimental methods and non-textual outputs. The session pushes forward exploration on how the emerging field of the geohumanities is manifested in Europe, how do we understand its value in relation to broader currents in geography, and how it relates to closely affiliated field of landscape research, urban studies and artistic research?
We welcome papers that include topics such as:

Creative practices for a sustainable future: how can the creative arts sector address climate change and convey actions for social and ecological sustainability.
New methodological approaches to doing geohumanities.
Theorizing the geohumanities and its relationship with broader currents in geography, the humanities, and creative practice.
(Post)-pandemic landscapes and culture: how have recent social changes influenced urban and rural landscape change and what is the role of geohumanities in addressing such changes.
Artistic and cultural practices emerging from (post)-pandemic urban to rural migration: challenges and impacts on the local communities.
The crossover between research-based arts practice, artistic research and creative methods within geography.
Formats and challenges to publishing and disseminating geohumanities research that engages with non-textual media.

We encourage presentations in different formats and media with a maximum length of 15 minutes. Please include the technological support you might need for your presentation together with a 250-word abstract and 3-5 keywords. The language of the session is English. The session will be done in the format of presentatons that may use different media and formats; the session language is English.

Maria Lindmäe (1); Brian Rosa (2); Tauri Tuvikene (3); Aleksandra Ianchenko (4)
(1) Pompeu Fabra Universty, (2) Pompeu Fabra University, (3) Tallinn University, (4) Tallinn University, Åbo Akademi University

ID Abstract: