Tag Archive for: economic and social innovation

The global events of recent years, and in particular the Covid-19 pandemic, have made us question some of the bases of our economic and social model, valuing more the importance of farming in the food supply, the importance of the balance of ecosystems, responsible consumption, or the limits of growth. In the rural areas that surround us, innovative practices and processes proliferate that are likely to generate new opportunities and that can be socially, environmentally, and economically transformative, many of which are in line with the values collected in the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development of United Nations. The eradication of poverty and ensuring that people can live with dignity and with equal opportunities, the sustainable management of natural resources, the progress of communities in harmony with the environment, and the construction of inclusive societies without fear or violence, are values capable of being embedded in various initiatives at any scale. The local and regional level is a good laboratory for peer learning, collaboration, or discussion about shared goals.
This session focuses on the tangible reality of today’s rural areas by bringing together emerging, critical and transformative economic and social initiatives from territories and communities that inform the changes that occur in these spaces, and that are aligned with the aforementioned global values. We think of a thematic plurality that can range from agro-ecological initiatives, social economy, cultural projects, new governance, co-education, energy transition, digitization, gentrification, residential projects, cooperation networks, care services, knowledge transfer, etc. Priority will be given to initiatives that incorporate a clear gender and intersectional perspective.
Contributions can come from both researchers and local actors who work directly in the territories. The purpose is to provide a forum for debate on the new dynamics of rural spaces and their transformative capacity in accordance with new global values.

Mireia Baylina (1); Anna Ortiz (2)
(1) UAB, (2) UAB

ID Abstract: