Tag Archive for: Krakow

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the tourism industry worldwide. Historic city centres, which are often major tourist destinations, have been particularly affected due to the pandemic restrictions on travel and mobility. In this context, this study aims to explore whether the pandemic has altered attitudes towards tourism in historic city centres using the case of Krakow – a major historic city and city tourism destination in Poland._x000D_
This study employs a mixed-methods approach, including interviews with key stakeholders in the historic city centre. Most important actions taken by particular stakeholders in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and their shifting attitudes towards tourism and its impact on Krakow’s historic city centre are discussed and analysed. The research also aimed at capturing the views of various stakeholders on the challenges and opportunities created by the pandemic._x000D_
The results of the study suggest that the pandemic was a period of time when numerous stakeholders in Krakow’s historic centre were reviewing their attitudes towards tourism and how urban policy should be conducted in this unique area. There was an increased public awareness of the role of conducting quality public consultations and urban discussions involving numerous stakeholders to jointly develop better solutions for post-pandemic tourism in the city. Attention was also drawn to the problem of the increasing tourist gentrification of this historic area and the need for regulations aimed at reducing the tourist-oriented functions in favour of improving the quality of life of local residents._x000D_
Overall, this study contributes to a better understanding of the impact of the pandemic on attitudes towards tourism in historic city centres, using the case of Krakow. The findings from this particular Polish city can be used as evidence and strategic inspiration by public authorities in further planning for tourism development in historic city centres in Europe._x000D_

Marek Grochowicz; Karolina Sitnik
Jagiellonian University; University of Warsaw

ID Abstract: 683

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the tourism industry worldwide. Historic city centres, which are often major tourist destinations, have been particularly affected due to the pandemic restrictions on travel and mobility. In this context, this study aims to explore whether the pandemic has altered attitudes towards tourism in historic city centres using the case of Krakow – a major historic city and city tourism destination in Poland._x000D_
This study employs a mixed-methods approach, including interviews with key stakeholders in the historic city centre. Most important actions taken by particular stakeholders in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and their shifting attitudes towards tourism and its impact on Krakow’s historic city centre are discussed and analysed. The research also aimed at capturing the views of various stakeholders on the challenges and opportunities created by the pandemic._x000D_
The results of the study suggest that the pandemic was a period of time when numerous stakeholders in Krakow’s historic centre were reviewing their attitudes towards tourism and how urban policy should be conducted in this unique area. There was an increased public awareness of the role of conducting quality public consultations and urban discussions involving numerous stakeholders to jointly develop better solutions for post-pandemic tourism in the city

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. Attention was also drawn to the problem of the increasing tourist gentrification of this historic area and the need for regulations aimed at reducing the tourist-oriented functions in favour of improving the quality of life of local residents._x000D_
Overall, this study contributes to a better understanding of the impact of the pandemic on attitudes towards tourism in historic city centres, using the case of Krakow. The findings from this particular Polish city can be used as evidence and strategic inspiration by public authorities in further planning for tourism development in historic city centres in Europe.

Marek Grochowicz
Jagiellonian University, Krakow

ID Abstract: 682